Tag: Home-Improvement
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: Authenticity Of Vastu (Science of Indian architecture) by: Dr. Nitin Parmar Vastu is one of the most ancient sciences of Indian architecture and is composed of specific rules, regulations and directions, set down by sages
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: Wooden Furniture Care by: Stephen Hattrick Protect your investment, from time to time you will need to wax your furniture. This should be done using a soft cloth and bees wax. You should then allow some time before buffing
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: Closing Up Your Container Garden by: Debbie Rodgers All good things eventually come to an end and so summer is waning, even as autumn gives most of us a fresh start. I'll bet your summer container plantings aren't really
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: Mosquitoes in Your Garden? Try Planting These. by: Scottie Johnson If you are a serious gardener, you spend lots of time outdoors. And, for sure, you would rather be tending your plants than swatting mosquitoes. While
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: Creating a Mood with Scents by: Jennifer Hall Have you ever noticed how the warm scent of a candle wafting through the air can be uplifting, energizing, or make you cozy? Or maybe there's a certain body spray, soap,
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: Reduce Your Heating Bills This Winter - Overlooked Sources of Heat Loss in the Home by: Mark D. Tyrol, P.E. Imagine leaving a window open all winter long – the heat loss, cold drafts, and wasted energy! Well if
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: Decorating With Art by: Celeste DeSapri A Little Savvy with Framed Art Prints and Photographs Can Help Successfully Pull a Room Together By Celeste Teresi DeSapri Maybe you’re restricted by an older living
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: Security in Todays World by: Paul Bliss There are many things in life that are worth protecting. Our children, our valuables, our resources and of course, ourselves. Only twenty years ago, if security was mentioned, you
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: Brighten Up Your Patio With Sun Catchers by: Johann Erickson Sun catchers add sparkle and beauty to any room in your home. Far beyond the paint-n-bake sun catchers of childhood, sun catchers come in a huge variety of
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: Liven Up Your Walls With Decorative Plates by: Johann Erickson Decorative plates are often overlooked when decorating a home. Yet, it's the details that really make the elements of a room come together—and decorative
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: The Open Electricity Market: How It Affects You by: News Canada (NC)-In the open electricity market, you have the power to decide which company sells you the electricity you use. There are a variety of licensed retailers
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: Decorate your home with Shabby Chic by: Johann Erickson Are you ready to redecorate but have a limited budget? Do you have some great furniture but nothing matches? Do you love antiques but not stiff formal decor? Then
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: Decorating with Table Fountains by: Johann Erickson With unlimited possibilities available, table top fountains can add understated beauty or grandeur to any room in your house. Fountains are a worthy investment even
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: An Infinity Mortgage ? by: Jenny Barclay Here in Spain the concept of a mortgage period of 20 or 25 years is something new. The general feeling by the banks is that want their money back more quickly than banks in countries
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: Some Villain Thoughts About a Container Village by: Iulia Pascanu Preview: "Shipping containers" have yet nothing to do with "housing" in Romania. Is there any chance that they will soon? Belonging to Eastern European
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: Spring Into Action: Home Maintenance by: Wallace J. Conway Spring has sprung! Even more important than buds, birds, and bees, spring brings buyers! When buyers are looking for a place to nest, they would really rather
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: Peace of Mind for Home Inspections by: Wally Conway As sure as the spring flows at The Fountain of Youth, home inspecting provides a stream of knowledge to wash away the fears of home buyers. But fear may be replaced
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: Home Inspection or Home Warranty? by: Wallace J. Conway Homebuyers are a curious lot. They routinely ask thought-provoking questions. A common question is, "If I get a home inspection, should I still get a home warranty?"
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: Keep Your Home Happier by: Kathy Gates It turns out your mother was right after all -- Happiness really does begin at home, with the things and the people you are surrounded by. Your vision is one of the first messengers
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: Buying Home Appliances The Smart Way by: Duane Lipham When you add up all the money that you can spend on home appliances and fixtures it becomes obvious that you need to spend wisely and carefully to keep costs under
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: Prepare for Winter Before It Arrives by: Darlene Dipo Even though we are still enjoying warm weather and winter seems far away, now is a great time to begin preparing. If you do a bit at a time before winter hits the
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: From The Science Desk by: News Canada Q: How should pesticides (for home use) be stored? What is the shelf life? A: Pesticides should be stored in a secure, well-ventilated area, preferably locked in a safe cupboard,
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: Nontoxic Pest Control for Your Home and Garden by: TC Thorn Pesticides are toxic and, while often effective against pests, can be dangerous for your family and pets. Outdoors, sprayed pesticides might drift on a breeze
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: Discount Patio Furniture – An Easy Way to Get the Best by: Nicholas Webb Buying discount patio furniture is an economical way to obtain quality furniture for your patio. Many department stores offer patio furniture
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: Patio Design – Expanding Your Home Outdoors by: Nicholas Webb A patio can be just like another room in your house. Effective patio design can mean that your increase the floor space of your home, by adding an outside
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: Which Glue To Use For The Job by: Shellie Wilson In any sticky situation, the key to success is to choose the right adhesive for the job in hand. CLEAR HOUSEHOLD Also known as general-purpose adhesive, it has a transparent
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: Warm & Toasty Outdoors with Patio Heaters by: Nicholas Webb The Heat is On with Patio Heaters. Any outdoor lover will tell you that the right patio heater will allow you to extend your love of the open-air life all year
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: Used But Not Used Up by: Gene Miller Some DIY Maintence will put Used tools back in Main Stream Operation: Professional grade tools are made to withstand long hours of use and abuse. Many home shops have a number of
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: Making Space for Sacred Space by: Stephanie Yeh When you read a great inspirational book, prayer, or article, don't you think to yourself, "What a great idea! I should do more daily rituals, prayer, meditation."? It always
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: Life’s a Beach – A Shore Theme in Your Outdoor Space by: Debbie Rodgers Twentieth century American architect Phillip Johnson once said, "I hate vacations. If you can build buildings, why sit on the beach?"
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: Is there a leprechaun in your garden by: Susanna Duffy There is no mention to be found of female leprechauns in traditional Irish legend, so as to how they came to be .. your guess is as good as mine. These apparently
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: Selling Your Home - A FSBO's Guide to Keeping It Safe by: Michelle Annese Home sellers not only need to think like a realtor in finding potential buyers for their homes, they also need to think like a personal security
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: Decorating Tips: How To Make Windows The Focal Point Of Your Décor by: News Canada (NC)-Windows are such an important part of any room, that it's amazing the number of times we ignore their many possibilities for creating
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: Tips For Breaking Away From White Wall Paint by: Lisa French Paint is one of the most affordable and easiest ways to change a room. But choosing the right paint colors for your home can seem like an overwhelming task. Paint,
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: How to use Home Decor Accessories to Create a New Look in a Room by: Claire Bowes Apart from complimenting your newly painted walls with soft furnishings and effective flooring, home decor accessories in a room are just
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: How to Change a Rooms Dimension using Wall Pictures by: Claire Bowes The Basic Role of Pictures Wall art plays an important role in interior design as it helps create the ambience of a room. By cleverly placing wall
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: How to Decorate your Space with Wall Art by: Claire Bowes If a room in your house lacks character, by simply placing some fine art prints on the walls can actually make quite an impact. Wall pictures are a necessary accessory
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: 10 Quick Ways to Change Your Fire-less Fireplace from a Black Hole to a Worthy Focal Point by: Susan Penney Everyone loves a fireplace aglow with a roaring fire or flickering embers. But your fireplace need not be a gaping
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: What does it take to be an Interior Designer? by: Marjan Zemljic When trying to decide if Interior Design is right for you, it helps to know what that really means. Interior Design is not simply the profession that “makes
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: The String Algae Blues... by: Brett Fogle Now that Spring is upon us and things are coming back to life in your pond with the warmer weather, many of us are battling with string algae. String algae is caused primarily
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: Overwintering Pond Fish by: Brett Fogle The metabolism of koi and goldfish is controlled primarily by water temperature. As the water cools, pond fish require less protein in their diet. When koi and goldfish are fed
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: How to Choose between Goldfish and KOI by: Brett Fogle Many people have asked us over the years "Should I add goldfish or KOI (or both) to my pond? The answer is "it depends." Goldfish are better suited to smaller water
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: Fish Health in Hot Summer Heat by: Brett Fogle Summer is over, but for many of us - the heat remains. Here a couple of things to do to keep your fish healthy and your pond clear going into winter. First, remember to
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: The Debate Around Controlling Pests In Our Gardens by: News Canada (NC)-An important hobby for many Canadians, and one that is increasing in popularity is gardening. "I have a firm belief that the gardening industry is
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: Funniest Pond Stories - Part 1, May 2004 by: Brett Fogle Get ready for some gut-wrenching, laugh out loud hilarious pond stories from all over the world... (Continued from May Issue of PondStuff!) We had some hilarious,
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: Building Liner Ponds by: Brett Fogle Surprisingly enough, it is usually in mid-summer that many gardeners begin to think about installing a small pond or water garden. Ponds don't need to be weeded or watered, and they
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: How to Modify Your Landscaping to Protect Your House from Burglars by: TC Thorn Believe it or not, landscaping can be an important part of a good home security plan. A burglar who is "casing the joint" from the street
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: Bathroom Remodel - The Plan by: David Foy Planning a bathroom remodel? Each home project of this nature can be broken down into 5 distinct steps. Following through each step will help this often confusing process make
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: Rising Damp by: Alastair Taylor It doesn’t sound like a particularly interesting topic, however a quick search on the worlds favourite internet search engine will show that in some circles rising damp is a very
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: Tickle Your Senses With Yankee Candles! by: Wendy Yeager How many of us remember as kids creating our own candles from our broken crayons? We’d have mom or dad help us melt down the crayons on the stove, throwing
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: Gel Candles - An Alternative To Wax Candles by: Wendy Yeager Gel candles are basically made from a combination of polymer resin and mineral oil. Gel candles make a beautiful gift for friends, family, or for yourself.
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: Candle Holders Add Flair To Your Home Decor! by: Wendy Yeager Candle holders are an essential accessory for candles. The first candle holders, made of clay, date back as far as fourth century BC Egypt. Of course, today
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: Add Some Light To Your Life With Candles by: Wendy Yeager Candles first served as the main source of light for early civilization. They have made many changes through the years. The candles of today are not the same
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: How to Tell If You've Got a Rodent Problem by: TC Thorn Older houses are most vulnerable to rodents, but it's possible for them to crop up in just about any neighborhood. There are often large rodent populations in the
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: There's No Negative In My Program - Part 2 by: John Colanzi Well you know about the young hero who saved his brother, but that was just the beginning of the incredible feats of these young men. His younger brother arrived
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: Is There a Fungus Among Us? by: Wallace Conway Mold has taken hold! Not that the microbes have reached out and grabbed us, but rather they have captured our attention. A rash of recent high profile media stories have
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: Tuscan Style Decorating - Three Essentials by: Michael Holland If Under the Tuscan Sun left you breathlessly and hopelessly in love with tuscan style decorating you’re certainly not alone. The rolling hills and
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: Five Tips For Garden Sanctuaries by: Robin Mastro The design of your garden has an amazing affect on your family’s health and well-being. Here is how you can create harmony in your garden—which is considered
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: Stitching Memories by: Caryl B. Grecia Sometimes, usual photographs look so common and boring. Converting your pictures into charcoal or oil painting is a welcome change but then, a lot of people have been into these crafts
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: Home Improvement That Will Add Value To Your Poperty by: BUKABOO.COM TOP TIPS FOR SELLING YOUR HOUSE http://ww.bukaboo.com/index.shtml Want to sell your home quickly? Home makeovers are all the rage, but you don't
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: Sleeping Beauties: Porches For Dreaming by: Debbie Rodgers There's something magical about sleeping outside, drinking in the night sounds of crickets, frogs and wind chimes, watching fireflies and stars, and feeling the
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: Who You Calling A Hick? by: David Leonhardt For the last time, I live in the country, not in the sticks. And I am relaxed, not a hick. Ever since we moved to the country, I get the feeling you city-folk are confused.
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: Simple steps to build a Tabletop Water Fountain by: Rachel Paul Water is the essence of life. Creating your own table top fountains is a wonderful way to bring out your creativity and self-expression while simultaneously
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: Tiles are the foundation stone for your stylish bathroom! by: Mike Yeager Tiles can increase the value of any home. Ceramic tiles, mosaic tile, floor tile all add an extra quality to your home. Tile can be found throughout
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: Why Not Add a Shower To Your Bathroom? by: Mike Yeager If you are thinking of remodeling your bathroom and redoing or adding showers to them, consider all of your choices. The age we live in has allowed us many choices
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: 25 Tips and Tricks for an Organized Move by: Maria Gracia Worried because you're moving soon? This really doesn't have to be a stressful, chaotic time. Here are some tips to help you achieve a successful, organized move.
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: Linens and Things for your Bathroom by: Mike Yeager Linens and Things is a store that specializes in everything linen! Really, it is like a home store with so many options for everyday uses and even the extravagant uses
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: What Are Light Fixtures Used For? by: Mike Yeager Light fixtures are something not many of us think about. But, the way we light a room can cause us to feel a certain way or enhance what we want to accomplish in that room.
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: Why Are There So Many Different Light Bulbs? by: Mike Yeager There are many different types of light bulbs. Each has its own uses and requirements. Some can save you some extra money because they are energy efficient.
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: Brighten Your Path By Installing Decorative Landscape Lighting by: Mike Yeager Landscape lighting can add a beautiful quality to any home. There are many choices available to someone who is considering it. Landscape lighting,
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: Which Lamp should I choose? by: Mike Yeager With all the lighting choices out there, you may want to reconsider just purchasing a lamp for your lighting needs. Whether you are looking for interior lighting or outdoor lighting,
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: Here's What a Jacuzzi Will Do For You by: Mike Yeager Jacuzzi's are a great recreational and health benefit for a home. Having some idea what type and what uses you will have for it, are keys to purchasing the right one
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: Sparkling, Clean Lighting Will Add The Perfect Touch To Your Home by: Mike Yeager When one thinks of the many factors that affect the look of a room, most people think only of the paint and furniture. In doing so, they
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: Have you considered Fluorescent lighting for your home? by: Mike Yeager Many of us know that fluorescent lighting is common in work areas and schools. It is the long tubes that run in ceilings, right? Fluorescent lighting
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: Beautiful, Sparkling Chandeliers! by: Mike Yeager If you want to add extra spark to rooms, consider adding chandeliers to the rooms. Chandeliers offer added elegance and charm as well as light. There are many to choose
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: Light up your Kitchen with the right lighting! by: Mike Yeager The proper lighting in a room can make or break it. With lighting, you can create a soft, cozy room for reading and relaxing. With bright, brilliant light
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: Washing Window Tricks by: Valerie Garner Have you ever wondered how those professional window washers move so fast with the squeegee, and the windows turn out perfect? Well, there really are some tricks to it that are
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: Which KitchenAid products are right for your Kitchen? by: Mike Yeager KitchenAid is a popular brand of appliances. They are known for their kitchenaid mixers, but also for their quality. Any appliance you are interested
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: Everything...Plus The Kitchen Sink by: Mike Yeager Looking to do some remodeling in your kitchen sink area or maybe the whole kitchen? There are many options out there for any idea you may have. Kitchen appliances on down
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: Here's How To Know Which Kitchen Design Is Right For You by: Mike Yeager Kitchen design is a sea of opportunity filled with potential. Color schemes, wallpaper and other aesthetic additions will make up the design portion
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: Thinking of Remodeling Your Kitchen? by: Mike Yeager If you like to cook, or even if you just do it from necessity, having a homely, organized, and modern kitchen is probably important to you. Although, the traditionally
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: The Bathroom…The Forgotten Area Of Your Home? by: Mike Yeager The bathroom in your home is the one room that has undergone a complete transformation in the past several years. A transformation that is as far as how
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: Kitchen Cabinets are The Soul Of Your Kitchen by: Mike Yeager Kitchen cabinets reflect the heart and soul of the homeowner. The cabinets you have in your kitchen have the greatest impact on a kitchen's look. They come
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: Wallpaper Doesn't Just Cover...It Defines The Room by: Mike Yeager Wallpaper is often overlooked as a key part of an attractive home. The right wallpaper will add character to any room in the house, and will also allow
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: Here's Why Interior Decorating Makes A Statement About You by: Mike Yeager Interior decorating is that medium which can make your closed spaces convey to the observer a lot about you and your lifestyle through strategic
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: Tasteful Home Decorating Changes Your House Into a Home by: Mike Yeager There is this undocumented story about Andrew Carnegie who kept postponing the decision to redecorate his home just because black, his default color
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: Interior Design Simply Means Personalizing Your Interior Environment by: Mike Yeager Interior Design today is all about customizing your built environment with conceptual planning, aesthetic sense and technical solutions
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: Funky, Fun Garden Plants by: Valerie Garner I have a love for funky, fun and unique garden plants. Here's one to try. It's called Sea Holly, and it's actually in the thistle family. Sea Holly is a perennial garden plant,
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: Become a Master of Illusion with Wallpaper (Decorating with wallpaper) by: Jaima Brown (ARA) - Trompe l'oeil, or "deceive the eye," is a time-honored decorative effect for adding architectural details, textures and even
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: Decorating? Then Make a Smart Flooring Choice! by: Mike Yeager Set the stage for your beautiful room decor with a smart flooring choice. And no matter what flooring material you choose, it should be serviceable for your
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: Decorating, Where There's a Will There's a Way by: Mike Yeager Decorating anything is one of the easiest things in the world! And when it comes to decorating your home, if one has a will and there is always a way. It helps,
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: A Beautiful Carpet Sets The Mood Of Any Room by: Mike Yeager The first discovered carpet dates back to 1480 BC in the form of an Egyptian Fresco of handloom. Ever since, carpets have made their mark in most tastefully
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: Beautiful, Elegant Bathtubs that Spruce Up any Bathroom by: Mike Yeager Bathtubs have become an important necessity of our daily life for many reasons. Who hasn’t enjoyed the comfort of soaking in a nice, hot tub
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: Wall Clocks tell time and decorate! by: Mike Yeager Clocks can be of any type - they could be wall clocks that not only decorates the walls, but also tells time or a mantel piece resting on one's table etc.. Wall Clocks
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: Where Did We Get Clocks From Anyway? by: Mike Yeager A clock is simply a device that measures time. Typical clocks have faces and hands. The long hand measures time in minutes while the short hand in hours. Clocks vary
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: Grandfather Clocks Bring a Sense of Awe…They're So Tall by: Mike Yeager Standing tall and big are the stately grandfather clocks. They are huge, immense beings with personalities of their own, and do they tell time.
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: If You Have Any Antique Clocks...Keep Them. They May Be Valuable Keepsakes by: Mike Yeager Been shopping for antique clocks lately? It’s strange that when something is new they are fascinating and cutting edge.
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: The Right Bathroom Accessories Will Make Your Bathroom Unforgetable by: Mike Yeager Bathrooms aren't just about the basics but are about the bathroom accessories! Bathrooms have become places to relax and unwind. They
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: An Alarm Clock Will Help You Start The Day Right by: Mike Yeager If you have been wondering about the problem of time alerts, an alarm clock is the answer. It's a common story – "I was so tired yesterday that I
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: Tips For A Pleasant Smelling Home by: Liz Palmer If you're anything like me and the scent of something pleasant can instantly lift your mood, then a house that is pleasant smelling will be a constant lift-booster. Here
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