Tag: Heat
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: Hydraulic? by: Seamus Dolly This may sound a little strange, but one day a man called in looking for some water for his car. That was not unusual, until he started to put it into his hydraulic reservoir for the braking
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: The Cooling System by: Kevin Schappell The purpose of the engine's cooling system is to remove excess heat from the engine, to keep the engine operating at its most efficient temperature, and to get the engine up to the
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: Auto HVAC by: Kevin Schappell Not only do we depend on our cars to get us where we want to go, we also depend on them to get us there without discomfort. We expect the heater to keep us warm when it's cold outside, and
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: Taking Care of your Volvo's Cooling System by: Terry Brown All automobiles are equipped with an internal combustion engine. Put simply, the internal combustion engine converts fuel into motion so that the automobile can
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: Taking Care of your Volvo's Cooling System by: Terry Brown All automobiles are equipped with an internal combustion engine. Put simply, the internal combustion engine converts fuel into motion so that the automobile can
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: Getting That Toyota Radiator Fix by: Terry Brown Toyota is one of today's top quality car manufacturers in the world. What first started out as a spin-off of Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, one of the world’s leading
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: 5 Ways to Prevent Heat Exhaustion in the Workplace by: Jim Staller Individuals who work in industrial workplaces suffer from heat exhaustion on a daily basis. Some work environments can get as high as 45 degrees which
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: Basic Computer Thermodynamics by: Stephen Bucaro That desk in front of you and everything else around you is made up of atoms. An atom consists of electrons orbiting around a nucleus. An atom is increadibly tiny. You
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: Screen Printing Gets a Rival by: Nash Ville Before anything else, let’s have a brief description of the screen printing and heat transfer processes. Screen printing refers to the forcing of inks through a stencil
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: Satellite Launches and Operations by: Gary Davis A satellite is built in such a way that it is as light as possible. This way it can carry more fuel with it, which increases its life in orbit. The total weight is determined
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: Office Lunches… Sans Sandwich by: News Canada (NC)—If carrying lunch is too reminiscent of school days, maybe it's because you're packing the same old sandwiches. If your office lunchroom has a fridge with
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: What Are Scoville Units? by: Nick Lindauer To understand what a Scoville Unit is, one must understand what they measure. All hot peppers contain capsaicinoids, natural substances that produce a burning sensation in the
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: Season Your Pans for Non Stick Cooking by: Richard Massey Nothing is more frustrating than trying to cook a delicious meal and having it stick to the bottom of the pan. A well season or cured pan will make cooking more
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: Seafood Fettuccine Alfredo by: Richard Massey Seafood Fettuccine is always a top seller in our restaurants. Any pasta alfredo recipe is easy to prepare making it a great choice for family and friends. The alfredo sauce
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: Meal Planning Help: Meal Two by: Monica Resinger One meal planning challenge for me has been to `lighten up' for my family's and my health. My husband and I were both raised on `meat and potatoes' so it has been a difficult
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: Selection of Seafood Recipes – compliments of Café Hobson by: Cafe Hobson Salmon Pate 1 cup salmon, flaked 1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese, room temperature 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon prepared
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: Creating Metabolic Efficiency: The Three Internal Metabolic Thermostats by: Phil Goglia Metabolic efficiency is governed by three internal thermostats: (1) the metabolic thermostat, which uses calories as heat energy
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: Is The Heat On? Maybe You’re Having A Hot Flash! by: Dr. Rita Louise Hot flashes are characterized by a sudden feeling of heat often accompanied with a reddening of the face and profuse sweating. For some, it
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: Simple Treatments For Backache by: M.Leonard Alexander Cold Treatment Cold packs helps with bruises and swelling. For the first 48 hours after back symptoms start, apply a cold pack (or bag of ice) to the painful area.
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: The Power of Ice by: Louise Roach Using ice to treat injuries is one of the oldest methods of pain control. Proven to be safe and effective at reducing swelling, relieving pain and decreasing muscle spasms, ice therapy
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: Cool Down with Hot Summer First-Aid by: Louise Roach When the temperature tops 90 and the soles of your shoes sizzle on the sidewalk, cold therapy is a necessity for summer first-aid. Whether it is ice from your freezer,
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: Exercising In Heat by: Lynn Bode Summer is officially here. Finally you can pack away your jackets and get outside. Summer offers extras hours of daylight and with it the opportunity to spend even more time enjoying outdoor
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: Which to Use When: Ice or Heat? by: Louise Roach Knee pain after running? Wake up with a backache? Twist an ankle? When aches, pain, strains or swelling take place due to an injury or chronic condition, what is the
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: How To Keep Cool In Summer by: Brian Fogarty You may be surprised to find out that you can be cool and comfortable in the summer heat Fortunately there are ways to alleviate the effects of the Summer heat. What follows
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: Is Heat or Ice Better for Arthritis Pain? by: Stephanie E. Siegrist, MD You probably know that applying heat or ice to a painful joint can help relieve pain, but have questions about these simple techniques. Which one?
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: Hydronic vs Forced Air Heating and Cooling by: Daniel Gipe Hydronic, or hot water, heating has been standard for years in many parts of the U.S. It is seeing a surge in popularity at present, mainly because of the increasing
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: 20 Gas & Electric Money Savings Tips by: Tyrannus Rolle Did you get sticker shock when you opened your last utility bill? If you did, you're not alone. People have reported huge increases in their energy bills. My gas
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: Warm & Toasty Outdoors with Patio Heaters by: Nicholas Webb The Heat is On with Patio Heaters. Any outdoor lover will tell you that the right patio heater will allow you to extend your love of the open-air life all year
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: Reduce Your Heating Bills This Winter - Overlooked Sources of Heat Loss in the Home by: Mark D. Tyrol, P.E. Imagine leaving a window open all winter long – the heat loss, cold drafts, and wasted energy! Well if
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: Electric Radiant Floor Heating by: Ingrid Weir Electric radiant floor heating systems are heating systems designed for use under carpeting, area rugs, tile, stone, and laminate wood floors and have been used in Europe,
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: Free Radiant Heat by: Susan Penney For some people, a fireplace might as well be a video of flaming logs. Their primary interest is the welcoming ambiance a fireplace’s blaze presents. If, however, you expect
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: Speedheat Introduces New Products For Radiant Heating by: Ingrid Weir Electric radiant floor heating systems are heating systems designed for use under carpeting, area rugs, tile, stone, and laminate wood floors and have
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: Cold Weather and Frozen Pipes by: Darin "Sid" Cameron Cold weather is a big problem for home and property owners- especially if you’ve moved and your home is setting empty. Why? PLUMBING! If your home gets too
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: Fuming Over The High Cost Of Electricity? Switch To Oilheat by: News Canada (NC)-With the cost of electricity skyrocketing and unstable, now is the best time to switch to oilheat, says the Canadian Oil Heat Association. "Not
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: Still Heating Your Water With Electricity? Now Is The Time To Switch To Oil by: News Canada (NC)-Homeowners who heat their home with oil but use an electric water heater are missing an opportunity to save money and increase
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: Save Yourself from Allergens and Enjoy the Comfort by: Faith Williams Discover the newest – but oldest- way to make you and your home environment healthier – radiant floor warming systems. The ancient Roman
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: How to Build a Home Sauna by: C.J. Gustafson Three Important Questions to Answer Before Building Considering that home saunas are believed to produce numerous health benefits and provide a relaxing spa experience, it’s
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: Conventional Steam Saunas vs. Infrared Saunas by: C.J. Gustafson Which Is Right For You? The health benefits of steam saunas have been recognized for centuries, beginning with sweat lodges, traditional Finnish saunas,
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: Warm Up the Night! Patio Heaters and Fire Pits by: Debbie Rodgers In some areas right now, the weather is ideal for sitting outside in the evening -- the bugs have gone and the sky is clear -- but the nights are chilly.
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: Caron Butler; Fighting Through Adversity by: David Ferraro A friend just recently asked me why no one on the site staff has done an article about the Keyshawn Johnson issue. For those of you who don't know, Keyshawn made
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: Dutch Oven Cooking Basics by: Robin Shortt Pioneer Cooking When you think of a cast iron Dutch oven, what comes to your mind? Pioneer cooking? Stews over the open fire? Of coarse both are true, but they are still very
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: Stress Lessons From A Tea-Pot by: Conrad L. Jones Have you ever put water into a teapot to make tea before? Do you stop and think about what happens when you do? Like most of us, I'm sure you don't even give it a second
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: Accepting Change by: Rondell Demmings Well I've finally done it...I turned my heat on. After shouting at the kids that it's not cold and making them dress like they are outside, I turned on the heat in the house. I finally
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: Shearling Coat Care by: Dan Sickafus Shearling coats and jackets are easy to take care of, although you do have to keep in mind a few things to avoid accidental damage to them. Here's our care guide. If your shearling
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: The New "Power Suit" by: Sandra Mahoney There’s something to be said for the ‘power suit’. The name alone speaks volumes. Think confidence, strength, attention getting. Now apply the same principle
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: Preserved Flower Candles by: Michelle Gauthier Preserved Flower Candles Putting flowers in your candle will add a unique look, while preserving your favorite flower. Written by Expressive Candles We have been asked
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: You Can Have Night Vision Too by: Joe Andrea Gooden When you think of night vision the first thing that comes to mind is most likely a cool thing that you see in spy movies or something that the army uses on their top
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: Thicken That Sauce! by: Michael Sheridan With most sauces and nearly all types of gravy you will need to use a thickening agent at some stage. This may be one of any number of things. The most commonly used are starches
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: Habaneros Peppers -- Spice it up! by: Jerry Powell A friend of mine once told me there is more to the culinary life than chile peppers. He might be right, but he keeps telling me this over my diner table, so go figure.
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: The Right Grill for your Barbecue by: Jerry Powell Barbecue is a mix of talents. There is the choice of meat (or in some cases vegetables), the creation and choice of sauce, and of course the flame. Once the components
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: Boiling - The Test of a Good Cook by: Michael Sheridan Let's take a look at one of the most basic forms of cooking - immersing food in hot water. Yes, I know. That includes simmering as well. But I want to look at boiling,
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