Tag: Person
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: Tempering Temper by: John Minard I'm almost always a calm and collected person. Or at least I think I am. Yet on rare occasions, when I least expect it, some set of circumstances, emotions, or harsh words will override
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: Lunacy at its Finest ... Crazymakers and Intimidators In Your Life! by: Edward B. Toupin Did you ever run into that person that just nags and picks and scares you into submission? How about that person that appears to
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: Your Mindset Determines Your Life by: Sopan Greene, M.A. To keep at the top of your game you have to keep a clear head. You can't afford to fill up on news and negativity. The world's overflowin' with it and the only
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: The Future: Help is Available by: Miami Phillips How important do you believe it is to think about and visualize your future life? How important would it be to you if your cab driver wandered all over town, never getting
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: Positive Mental Attitude by: Amadou Moustapha Sall Look at this glass on the table in front of you. Is it half-full or is it half-empty? Now, do you realize that it is entirely for you to decide what the answer to this
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: Body Language by: Bud Smith Body language is fascinating. People rarely recognize how much information they give off and how noticeable it is to the human eye. Even to the untrained human eye. It is said that no less
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: Owning Your Power by: Martin Brofman Owning your power, your power to be real, to be who you really are, is really about owning your freedom. Consider how your reasons for not being yourself may have been to get the love
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: An Extraordinary Person by: Hifzur Rehman I am not going to tell you the story of an extraordinary person, who did remarkable things in life. Why should I? Are you not an extraordinary person? What do you think about
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: What Should You Be Committed To? by: Jeff Earlywine There are many dynamics that go into making a great team. Dynamics such as chemistry, talent, unity, and the list could go on and on. However, there is one dynamic that
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: 7 Power Skills that Build Strong Relationships by: Steve Brunkhorst A strong, healthy relationship is one in which the partners show respect and kindness toward each other. The relationship forms a rewarding and enduring
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: Romantic Relationships: A Spiritual Perspective by: Justin Luyt Meeting someone so attractive, so beautiful. Your heart beats like the rhythm at the races and your knees become Jell-O. We all know this feeling of falling
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: Romantic Relationships: An Internal Process by: Justin Luyt If you grew up in the 80s like I did, you might remember the group Depeche Mode and their hit "Just Can't Get Enough." It is a song about being obsessed with
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: Self Hypnosis or Shelf Hypnosis? by: Richard A. Blumenthal, MS, NCC Self hypnosis is usually thought of as a person listening to an audio tape, mp3, or other mass-produced media, intended to induce a willingness to absorb
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: Breaking Your Relationship Pattern, Part 3 by: Rinatta Paries Do you want to put to rest the people and situations from your past so they do not interfere with your current and future relationships? I bet you said yes.
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: The Communal Sharing of Enchantment by: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Mentoring and learning from each other is much more that taking a course or explicitly giving someone advice or help. Almost every moment of every day
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: Do You Really Want To Be Successful In Life? by: Akanksha Sinha How many times have people asked you what you really want out of life – and how many times has your reply been: “I want to be successful in life!” The
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: The Anger Driven Life: Five Signs it Might Be Yours and Steps You Can Take To Change by: Dr. Tony Fiore There’s no doubt about it: we live in an angry society. Signs that anger abounds are all over the place. There
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: Unprofessional Conduct by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 14, 2004 I am sitting here so unsure of what to do anymore. I've never asked anyone for help of this type, as many people come to
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: Are You A Victim Of FABS? Part 2 by: Sibyl McLendon When you have a case of FABS, it may be hard to eradicate, but it is far from impossible. Fear, Anger, Blame and Shame may be different emotions, but they can all be
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: Relationship Saver by: ilimow This is a story about Kaveri. But before introducing her, I would like to introduce other characters so as to give them a fair scope of recognition. To start with, I would like to mention
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: The Freedom to Fall by: Skye Thomas So you want a soulmate do you? Okay not necessarily something that big and cosmic but 'happily ever after' would suffice just fine. Maybe you have somewhat of an idea the type of person
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: Improve Your Listening Immediately! by: Stephen D. Boyd We are good at talking, but we have trouble listening. One sage said, “The only reason we listen is because we know we get to talk next.†Here are some
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: Each Website Is A Human Being’s Attempt At Achieving A Goal Or Obtaining Happiness. Behind Every Site Is A Story From A Person Just Like You. Let’S Look Under The Surface And See The Real Picture. by: M6.net Have
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: How To get your JV Partner to Accept Recommendations From You by: Abe Cherian One of the brightest moments in my business career were when I was visiting with my joint venture partner and talking about our future relationship
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: 16 Tips to Prevent Passport Problems by: William Manor Carelessness is the number one reason for a passport application being rejected or delayed or for a passport being lost, stolen, or damaged. What steps are necessary
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: Party Games That Make You Laugh by: Steve Hatherley A couple of years ago as one of our family parties wound down, one of my mother's friends said, "What a wonderful party - it's so wonderful to laugh. We don't laugh
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: Mystery of the Mummy by: Steven N. Ng Ancient Egyptian mummies have long sparked our imaginations, starring in countless horror films and novels. But what are they? How were they made? Why were they made? That's the mystery
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: 16 Tips For Preventing Passport Problems by: William Manor Carelessness is the number one reason for a passport application being rejected or delayed or for a passport being lost, stolen, or damaged. What steps are necessary
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: The Art of Seduction by: Sharon Jacobsen Seduction is a question of subtle strategy with one ultimate goal - to have sex with someone. The desire for sex is powerful; for some it can be as powerful as the need to eat
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: Pen Pal Romance by: Skye Thomas We have all heard the wonderfully romantic stories of pen pals that wrote to each other for years without meeting because they lived hundreds or even thousands of miles apart. Some friend
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: Dating Tips for the Shy Woman by: Terry MacDonald Dating can be an absolute nightmare for shy people. You want to meet the right person, but you’re too scared to do anything about it. Introductions—sticking
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: Arguments - The losing side of a relationship by: George Ministeri In the 34 years that I have been doing psychic counseling, it is only in the past 10 years that I have been involved with couples counseling. One thing
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: She Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by: Sharon Schurman Who Is Some Who Loves You? 1. Someone who sees the best in you. If you were lucky enough to grow up with healthy parents, you have experienced the feeling of having
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: CyberDating Lie Detecting by: Kathryn Lord Did you know that Online Dating is the top moneymaker on the Web? Chances are good that if you are single, you have joined a site or two yourself. If so, you've probably asked
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: Will the Angels Abandon Us? by: Skye Thomas If we don't behave according to a specific church's doctrine, will our guardian angels turn their backs on us? If we are struggling with our overall belief in God or we're
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: You Are Beautiful by: Hifzur Rehman Yes, it is true, you are beautiful beyond any doubt. Do you know that you are a unique person with a special kind of God gifted beauty which no other person possess. That beauty is
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: What Makes Online Dating So Different? by: Jae Taylor The concept of finding a life partner with the help of the Internet is a fairly recent concept when compared with the history of man kind as such. Of course the internet
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: Filtering Values in the Dating Game by: Brian Maloney Ever noticed that when dating, no one really wants to take the first step and open up a dialogue on a subject with depth and substance? It would seem only natural
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: What Inspires You? by: Graham and Julie Have you ever thought? What inspires YOU? What is it that drives you day in and day out? What is it that inspires you? We think of creative people as being inspired and ask about
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: 8 Steps to Scoring Big in a Bar by: Melissa Darnay If you’re single, you’ve probably gone to a singles bar at some point in your life, hoping to make a love connection. But what determines whether tonight
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: Looks or Heart? by: Brian Maloney No matter how you want to spin it, beautiful people are just that, beautiful. However, to what degree does it play into you finding your perfect match? Seemingly, most of us are engulfed
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: Things That Grown Women Just Don't Wear... by: Marsha Maung Apart from diapers, you mean? Even then, that's questionable since we do use sanitary napkins...which...erm, some kids liken to a nappy. I know of one mother
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: Why Keeping Promises Are Very Important by: Elaine Sihera David made a promise to Sushma whom he had met a couple times and fancied. He would ring her as soon as he got in from work that day, he said. She waited eagerly
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: Freezer Spells by: Sam Stevens For the most part, I think that spells can be a valuable way to "act" out your anger, resentment, bitterness or jealousy. The very act of doing a spell can make a person who feels powerless
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: The Tablet of Venus by: Sam Stevens In the 17th century, divination devices called The Tablets of Fate were sold on the street by fortunetellers. These were square pieces of paper which had sixteen numbers written on
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: What is Evil Eye? by: Sam Stevens The Evil Eye has been around since the beginning of time. It simply means sending someone a thought that seems intrusive or invasive or has the power to hurt him or her. The bad fortune
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: Plants, Herbs, and Roots for Love by: Sam Stevens In the column Plants, Herbs and Roots For Prosperity, I explain in detail how to practically use a plant material to attract things to you, so refer to that if you have
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: Herbs for Profection by: Sam Stevens If you have never used plant matter in magic before, I explain in detail in the column Plants, Herbs and Roots for Prosperity the different ways these substances can be practically
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: Astral Attack by: Sam Stevens Believe it or not most astral Attacks are not caused by curses or witchcraft. Half the time astral attacks are not intentional. They take place on the subconscious level and are the result
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: What is Reiki? by: Sam Stevens Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing in which a properly attuned Reiki Practitioner serves as a conduit for Universal Life Force (or ReiKi). The Reiki practitioner opens them self
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: Basic Palmistry I by: Sam Stevens Palmistry is an ancient art and one that has many systems of interpretation. It is also an intuitive art that is easily learned just by learning a few basics about the symbolism that
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: Basic Tarot for Beginners by: Sam Stevens If you would like to learn to read tarot cards, but have no idea who to ask to teach you or how to go about it, the following tips should help you get started on your path to
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: Wear Animal Jewelry for an Alluring Natural Look by: Sam Serio Looking for a design that's chic and at the same time unconventional? Try your luck at animal jewelry. Far from being tacky or inelegant, animal designs are
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: Why Will Wigs Never Go Out Of Fashion? by: Raymond L'arou Quite simply because fashion exists, With every new fashion we are bombarded with a never ending parade of weird and wonderfull hairstyles that we would never
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: Her Cries For Help Are Real!! by: Dorothy Lafrinere Throughout my dealings with women from all over the world, I have met so many that are in a prison of pain and frustration. Through my website, they search desperately
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: Am I Weird If I Date Online? by: Devlyn Steele True story: A few years back I was working with a client who had recently moved to Los Angeles. She was single, did not know many people in the big city, and felt a little
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: How to Discover your Primary Market by: Judy Cullins Whether you market online or offline, you already know the shot-gun approach to marketing brings few results. You will sell more products and services when you step
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: Characters In A Romance Novel by: Patty Apostolides Before you even begin writing your novel, you need to know who your characters will be. Minimally, you would want two major characters, the hero and the heroine. They
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: Unusual Points of View by: Rita Marie Keller Most writers are familiar with first and third points of view and their variations. But have you ever experimented with alternative points of view? Below are some less used
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: Creative Writing Tips - Does The Name You Chose Suit Your Character? by: Nick Vernon How do you choose a name? Do you put down the first name that pops into your mind? Initially that’s what I used to do, until
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: Distinctiveness in Personal Statements: Byproduct or Goal? by: Linda Abraham "What makes you unique is not that you have had these life-altering experiences, but rather how and why your perspective has changed or been
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: Why Book Writers Need A Running Mate by: Marvin D. Cloud By far, I have found that the lack of discipline is the biggest hindrance for most people, when it comes to writing a book of any kind. Although I urge you as a
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: Sticks, Stones and Lawyers by: Jean Fritz “But how can you say, 'It was only talk, so no harm was done?' Were this true, then your prayers, and your words of kindness, would be a waste of breath.†- Nachman
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: Voices in Your Head by: Mike Foley Are you struggling with your story’s dialogue? If so, you’re not alone. Dialogue is tough for many writers. Fortunately, by learning to listen, you can make your fictional
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: What It Means To Be Rich by: Michael Press Many people have a false understanding of what it actually means to be rich. If you were to ask a stranger what makes a person rich, he or she would say "A person is rich if
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: Alcoholism as a Disease, Not a Weakness by: David Chandler Alcoholism is a disease in which drinkers have lost the ability to control their drinking, leading to physical and mental harm and loss of ability to behave in
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: Keep the Referrals Coming by: Jay Conners A key method of our survival in the business and retail world is referrals. Referrals are always nice, because they come from someone on the outside of your company who has enough
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: Body Language, Five Key Ingredients by: Jay Conners When making your living in the sales industry, and working with people, it is important to not only get your point across verbally, but you want to allow for your body
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: Using Business and Greeting Cards Effectively by: Jay Conners Business cards and greeting cards almost go hand in hand when being used for marketing and business purposes. With a few exceptions. One is bigger than the
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: "COMING SOON...Online Attractions - Featuring all of the beautiful men and women searching for LOVE" by: Victoria Leal In my attempts to find the love of my life, I knew that they were not going to be found in the town
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: Attraction: Is It Worth It? by: Audrey King The Common Scenario: Your partner is hardly ever home to give you attention and when he is home, he's preoccupied with his own routine. The two of you then start picking on
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: Spiritual Gifts by: Deborah Sexton Gifts Of Spirit There are certain gifts man has innate inside him They are spiritual gifts and come from Creator They are discovered, known and developed by some Unknown, denied
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: Plants Have Souls - And Gifts for Humans by: Keith Varnum Plants are intelligent forms of life who are capable of intention, preference, and a will to survive, thrive and interact. Scientific research indicates that plants
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: Smile Your Way To Success by: Hifzur Rehman Smile brings beauty to your face, charm to your personality and money to your pocket; apart from being your recognition as a cheerful, friendly, loveable person. When you
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: C-R-I-T-I-C-I-S-M by: Lynne Dean C-R-I-T-I-C-I-S-M Yuk! One thing, I really have a problem with is criticism. Oh I can do the criticism. That I can do. It’s too easy (but that’s not today’s point!)
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: The Right People On The Bus Stays The Company’s Course by: Lori Dernavich What makes a company great? Jim Collins, author of the book “Good to Great,†says that great companies “first get the
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: Do You Want To Sell More? Then Stop Trying To Be Everything To Everybody! by: Eric Graham I know you've heard this a thousand times, but from the looks of things few businesses are following the advice… Far too
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: The Never Ending Spyware Story by: Doug Woodall It’s been with us since 1993, it’s gotten more intrusive, more complicated. It’s created a whole ecosystem, so to speak. A person sits somewhere,
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: Senior Care for Alzheimer’s by: Alex Jensen As a person ages, a certain amount of memory loss and confusion is quite normal. Personally, I’ve been known to invoke the cliché, “The older I get, the
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: How To Know And Help A Drug Addict. by: Steven Westphal What is drug addiction? Drug addiction is a brain disease affecting the emotions and behavior. It is distinguished by drug craving, seeking, and use. A person addicted
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: 7 Keys to Turning Cold Calls Into Warm Calls by: Ari Galper Let’s face it when it comes to cold calling many of us fear being rejected. What if I was to tell you I have come up with 7 keys to turning your cold
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: Filmmaking - What Is A Pro? by: Sam Longoria The word “Professional†is often bandied about by indy filmmakers, and I’ve heard and read many things I just wouldn’t expect a “Proâ€
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: Power Struggles – Being Right or Being Loving by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Mandy and Evan consulted with me for couple’s counseling because they were always bickering. Every little thing seemed to become an
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: Online Dating by: Kelly Wolf A common question among friends these days is whether or not singles should try to meet their ideal partner through online dating. The first answer usually comes from the cautious individuals
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: Online Dating Consideration Ideas by: Kelly Wolf So, you’ve decided to take a chance and try online dating. You’ve checked out the sites, posted a little bit of information about yourself and what you’re
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: Do Blind Dates Really Work by: Kelly Wolf Aside from the amusing stories we hear or see from the entertainment industry, many people often wonder if blind dates really work. Although I don’t have an answer that
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: Relationship Crisis: 6 Reasons to Get Physically Fit by: Dr. Robert Huizenga, The Infidelity Coach Relationship crises (break-up, affair, huge conflict, children problems) demand tremendous energy and often throw our
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: Time Management: Eliminate Time Killers to Gain More Hours Every Day by: Burt Carlson There are two types of time killers in everyone’s life. Unless you deal with both, you’ll lose productive time every
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