Tag: Story
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: Be Brief! by: Stephen D. Boyd Centuries ago great speakers often spoke two hours and more. But today when sound bytes on television news are the norm and serious problems are solved in an hour on a television drama, audiences
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: Be a Storyteller, Not Just a Speaker by: Sandra Schrift Stories develop themes. The themes chosen to illustrate the possibility of stories are: Relationships, Choice, Creativity, Making a Difference, Celebration.
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: Smashing the Myth of the Press Release by: Bill Stoller A musician spends years honing his craft. He writes world-class songs and performs them in a manner that moves his listeners to tears. He records a demo tape and
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: 10 Ways You're Ruining Your Chances Of Getting Free Publicity Without Even Knowing It by: Paul Hartunian There's more than a few ways to get your name in the news. Extravagant claims, incredible altruism, unique twists
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: When Cover Letters Get Personal by: Linda Matias “It is with great interest and enthusiasm that I submit my resume for your review.†Most cover letters are written in this humdrum tone. Cover letters do not
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: Dramatically Increase Sales with The KISS Test by: Frank J. Rumbauskas, Jr. We've all heard the term KISS at one time or another - "Keep It Simple, Stupid." However, the majority of salespeople violate this basic principle
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: Why Public Relations Doesn't Just Happen by: Diane T. Creston Public relations is a very important part of the marketing mix. A successful PR campaign provides third-party endorsement of products or services which is
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: Preparing For Your Media Interview by: Judy Jernudd Media interviews are an important part of an overall public relations campaign. Any size company from entrepreneur to Fortune 500 can benefit from media interviews.
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: PR Power: How To Wrire A Killer Press Release by: Amber McNaught I’m what we in the business (the “business†being journalism) call a poacher turned gamekeeper – that is, a journalist turned
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: Storytelling - The Great Motivator of People by: Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE Storytelling - The Great Motivator of People In a data-driven world, facts and figures are the order of the day in sales calls, employee meetings,
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: Story Telling As A Tool For Trainers by: Ram Lingam Story telling as a tool for trainers - Imagery at its best ............................................ Once upon a time…………."Yeah right, don't
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: The Ten Habits of Highly Effective Speakers by: Sandra Schrift Successful speakers do not do all the right things all the time. They often take risks and risk bombing. But all top speakers take daily action, to move towards
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: Top 7 Steps to Better Public Speaking by: Sandra Schrift Whether you want to be a part time, full time or BIG time speaker you must speak, speak, speak. At first, deliver 25-30 minute free talks to service clubs and
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: Who Needs T.V. News, Newspapers and Radio News? “Not I!†Says The Happy Human Living In The New World by: M6.net T.V. and radio News got you down? On-line current events and News blogs make being informed
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: Working on the Internet: Role of Proofreading and Copy editing OnLine by: Rumki Sen When one is in a creative state, rarely can one also be in a detail state. Thus, mistakes in correct grammar, spelling and continuity
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: Who needs T.V. News, Newspapers and Radio News? by: Jesse S. Somer T.V. and radio News got you down? On-line current events and News blogs make being informed a much more enjoyable experience. For many the News on television
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: Photography 101 Part 3 by: Kelly Paal Content Even if you feel that you already know what kind of photography you like to do, it’s always a good idea to try your talent at different aspects of photography. Pictorial,
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: AUTOBIOGRAPHY: How to Write & Publish Your Life Story by: Jeff Rivera Have you ever thought about writing your life story as a book? Do you have fascinating events in your life to tell that you know would make a bestselling
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: How To Create a Toast by: Tim Virnig Chances are you will run into an occasion in life which requires you to give a toast. Perhaps the event is a wedding, or a birthday party, or an event recognizing some achievement.
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: Healing Through Stories by: Vicki Rackner, MD Stories are powerful. How many times have you heard a child beg, *Tell me a story.* Scientists say we are wired to learn through stories. In fact, the first three polysyllabic
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: Go Ahead… Toss the Starfish! by: Paul Shearstone There is an old story that tells of a man walking along a beach when up ahead in the distance, he catches sight of another man acting strangely. As he gets closer,
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: Funniest Pond Stories - Part 1, May 2004 by: Brett Fogle Get ready for some gut-wrenching, laugh out loud hilarious pond stories from all over the world... (Continued from May Issue of PondStuff!) We had some hilarious,
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: What You Know Can Work Just As Well As Who You Know by: Carolyn Moncel We all know the saying in business, "It's not what you know but who you know", right? This saying is definitely true when it comes to small business
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: Are There Secrets to Gaining Media Coverage? by: Carolyn Moncel Are there secrets to gaining media coverage or is it pure luck? It's a question that I am asked often while meeting with small-business owners who are seeking
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: QVC Infomercial: Star in a Famous Person's Infomercial by: Susan Harrow Not many people are qualified to have their own infomercial. You have to be a great mediagenic salesperson, have a product with large profit margins
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: Life After Press Release Distribution? by: Carolyn Moncel A few weeks ago I was participating on an on-line message board. One of the members was a new business owner who was very excited about sending out her company's
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: Get No-Cost Publicity With Audience Hot Buttons by: Kevin Nunley Media is constantly giving away free publicity. Every time you see a business mentioned in your local newspaper, or on TV news, or in an ezine, you can
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: Media Training 101 -- The Secrets Of Writing A Good Press Release by: Sandra Stammberger Does the thought of trying to get publicity for your business seem like something that you can't do yourself, and would have to
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: How To Generate FREE Publicity For Your Product, Service, or Cause... by: Thom Reece One of the most misunderstood and most underutilized promotional tools available to small businesses is FREE PUBLICITY. Every business,
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: Make front page news by NOT inviting the media by: David Leonhardt Not a single reporter showed up at our news event. And we were THRILLED! Not a single photographer showed up to capture the moment. And we were pleased
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: Honesty is the Best Policy -- Especially When It Comes to Dealing with the Press by: Carolyn Moncel As a child growing up in Chicago, my friends and I would often yell at each other, "Cheaters never prosper!" if we thought
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: What to Say When the Media Calls by: Carolyn Moncel If the media were to call you today for an interview, would you know what to do or say? That question was posed during a recent conference on small-business ownership
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: Leverage the Power of Publicity for Your Small Business by: Isabel Isidro Your business is only as good as the number of people who knows about it. For your venture to grow, you need to start spreading the word about
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: Natalia Nazarova Stars In Movie Postmark Paradise by: Keith "MuzikMan" Hannaleck Title: Postmark Paradise Featuring: Natalia Nazarova and Tantoo Cardinal Format: DVD Genre: Human Interest Release Date: June 29,
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: PR Works! 15 Ways To Make Your Press Release Stand Out From the Crowd by: Julia Hyde Do editors of newspapers, magazines and online news sites really use press releases? Too right they do. In fact, the press release is
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: Smashing the Myth of the Press Release by: Bill Stoller A musician spends years honing his craft. He writes world-class songs and performs them in a manner that moves his listeners to tears. He records a demo tape and
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: Marketing by: Phil Basten * Want to get more signups for your newsletter, ezine, downline club, optin list? * Want to make more sales for that special product or service you are offering or, get more paying members
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: How to write a press release by: Martin Bailey A well structured press release in an excellent way of receiving free publicity for very little effort and cost. It is simply the process of writing a newsworthy story about
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: PR: The Wildcard Marketing Strategy by: Dali Singh What is the true purpose of public relations and how can it really help impact the growth of your small business? In order for the media to succeed, they need information
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: Press Release, An Alternative For Paid Advertisement. Step 1 by: Emma okafor What's a press release? This is generally a one page story about your business, your product/service or an event happening related to your business
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: How to Get PR by: Allison Bliss There is a process for successfully getting publicity about your business or organization. Publicity is no great mystery, just a thorough and strategic sales job. You are selling content
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: The Boy Who Cried Wolf Redux by: Ken Nadreau You've probably heard the story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf. The problem is that the child was looking for attention and thought it would be fun to scream at the top of his
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: Media Relations: How We Landed the Wall Street Journal's Front Page by: Brad Phillips Media relations is a great profession. On good days, I earn my living speaking to and learning from knowledgeable experts who ask
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: Desperately Seeking the Truth by: John Jantsch People today are bombarded by so much information that they have become numb to what feels like advertising or, during political cycles like we are in today, out and out
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: How To Write A Killer Press Release by: John Jantsch One of the primary tools still used by PR professionals to garner media coverage is the press release. Now understand the purpose of a press release is to grab the
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: A Wake Up Call To Always Remember by: Karin Manning I received two emails this weekend. Both were as a result of autoresponder follow ups these people were receiving from my business. The first was full of expletives
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: Be a Resource to a Reporter by: Shannon Cherry You know you need the media, especially if you run an online business. If you, or what you offer, is a news story, you’ll be perceived as an expert and gain credibility
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: How To Crank Out Killer Web Copy That Sucks In Money Like Crazy! Part 1 by: Dan Lok Do you have writer’s block? Do you have trouble staring at a blank piece of paper and don’t know how to get started? You’re
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: The Rush: A Newbie's Internet Marketing Journey (Part 1) by: Stephen Robertson This article is part 1 of an ongoing series following the adventures of an unemployed slob with a dream. The trek into the world of internet
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: Is Good Neighborliness Good Business? by: Dr. Larry Winebrenner [Note: This story is not a criticism of Buddhism. It is a story of neighborly love.] Introduction He was the least likely of neighbors to do this thing,
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: .com Not Listed in Regional Yahoo? Don’t Despair! by: Glenn Murray If you’re a non-American business with a .com web address, and your regional Yahoo ranking is important to you, then my story might interest
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: If You'd Like to Know Why Reading Matters by: Barbara Freedman-De Vito Here Are Some of the Reasons Why Reading Is So Important for Children Why Do We Tell Children to Read ? We're always telling children that books
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: If You'd Like to Know Why Reading Matters by: Barbara Freedman-DeVito HERE ARE SOME OF THE REASONS WHY READING IS SO IMPORTANT FOR CHILDREN. WHY DO WE TELL CHILDREN TO READ ? ©2004 We're always telling children that
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: TOP T.E.N Sports Stories for 2004 by: Gary Whittaker In no particular order, these are T.E.N webzine's Top Sports stories in 2004 Red Sox win world series after 86 years.The world series itself was anti-climatic compared
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: When You Attract Negative People, Be Thankful by: Catherine Franz Laws of Attraction are clearly defined. What comes back is a reflection of the energy you are radiating. If negative people are being attracted to you,
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: Lesson Learned by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of December 9, 2002 I was involved with a man separated from his wife. We connected on an extremely emotional level and were in the process of
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: Hey Bozo, Forget Logic and Kiss This! by: Richard Vegas I want to relate to you a story, READ it carefully; for in it lay the hidden secrets of the great mystery of the super successful. There was once a bridge which
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: The Story of Big Jim by: Rick Beneteau The power went out. Again! I looked out my second story office window and knew exactly why. I could hear the sounds throughout the morning. This crew of 4 men and 3 bucket trucks
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: Memories Don't Fade Like Hair Does: Memoir Writing Help for You, Our Elders, to Tell Your Story by: Roxanne McDonald ~~~Old age, to the unlearned, is winter; to the learned, it's harvest time. ~ Yiddish saying~~~ You
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: Children Of A Star by: Jesse S. Somer A lot of people in our world tell stories. Stories can add insight into the meanings of our lives as well as being mediums for the transferal of wisdom and knowledge. A story that
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: Immigrants – The True And Untold Story Of America by: Geela During economic and social uncertainty people feel the urge to find a scapegoat. So they blame their misfortunes on somebody, anybody, just so they don’t
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: Different Types of Job Interview Questions by: Michelle Roebuck There are several different areas of job interview questions that the employer will go into during your interview. They are: Strengths/Weaknesses Accomplishments Communication
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: The Pearl Story by: John Giagkiozis Im going to tell you the story of one of the most precious items on earth, and how this story can benefit you! It all starts in a shell a tiny little shell that strives for survival,
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: How to Be the Hero of Your Own Life by: Anne Alexander How do you know if you are living your life well? Do you measure it by your accomplishments? This is a short story about an amazing young person who helps us define
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: Giving It Your Best - The William Hung "American Idol" Success Story by: Josh Hinds Never underestimate the power that comes from following your passion. It never ceases to amaze me what can happen when we put action
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: 10 Tips on How to Cultivate Relationships with Editors by: Elizabeth Kirwin If you are an aspiring writer, or you simply want to augment your professional qualifications by publishing material related to your field of
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: Three Breathing Techniques For Any Ezine Article by: Radhika Venkata I subscribed myself to many ezines.I'd love to read articles in them.First thing I will do is going to article section of the ezine. I am telling you
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: How to Use Solo Ads to Make a Small Fortune by: Anik Singal Newsletter advertising has been getting a bad rap lately. Around every corner you can find someone complaining about how it doesn’t work. But when you
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: What can make You a Fantastic Internet Marketeer? by: Max Clixel You've probably know many answers to this question: a good marketeer palces links, bad one - don't, good one makes surveys, bad one - don't, etc. All of
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: Five Great News Stories You’re Sitting On Right Now by: George Hopkin Smaller companies don’t always have the budget - or inclination - to retain a PR hotshot to tell the world about their business success,
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: Las Vegas & The Movies by: Iulia Pascanu Sunny Las Vegas hosted hundreds of movies or movie-scenes. Some of them got the Oscar. Others got lost on the way. But Vegas surely remains a classic attraction for film-makers
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: Valentines Day by: Bud Smith Ever wondered how February 14 became, the day on which we celebrate and explore love in all its many ideals, Valentines Day. There are many differing opinions on how Valentines Day started. One
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: Rape Defense Training: One Woman's Crusade by: Jeffrey M. Miller How can the life of one man be changed by one woman - a woman he doesn't know - one he had accidently encountered in a fast food restaurant nearly two
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: Learning to Question your Elephant Child: Who, What, Where, When and Why by: Stephen Earley Jordan, II Having problems writing? I don't know why. San Francisco Chronicle columnist Jon Carroll writes up to five columns
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: Beginnings by: Rita Marie Keller Just about everyone is familiar with this beginning: “In the beginning God created the heavens and earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of
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: Characters In A Romance Novel by: Patty Apostolides Before you even begin writing your novel, you need to know who your characters will be. Minimally, you would want two major characters, the hero and the heroine. They
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: Sense of Place by: K Follis Chetham What is Sense of Place? It's the image of a scene's environment evoked by the writing. The author becomes an artist; the book page is the canvas, sentences and phrasing are the brushes;
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: Hooks, Lines & Sinkers by: Sue Kendrick Hands up if the title to this article made you think that you'd strayed into a fishing feature? Perhaps you didn't quite go that far, but hopefully you were puzzled or curious
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: To Outline Or Not To Outline by: Mallory York Ah, the age-old writer's debate--to outline or not to outline? Outlines have proven quite effective for a lot of writers, and many of the famous stories we know and love--such
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: Write Possibilities by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ We writers are a powerful lot. We control time. We dictate actions. We control destinies. We can make two completely opposite people fall in love with each other, and
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: 7 Writing Muse Kickers to Fill Up That Blank Page by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ Nothing is more daunting for any writer than having to stare at a blank sheet of paper. When we stare at a blank sheet of paper, we often
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: The Makings of a Personal Essay, Really by: Jenna Glatzer Sometimes I can be dense when it comes to realizing the potential of my own life experiences as essays for magazines. I, of course, fully believe that everything
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: How to Pitch a Story by: Elizabeth Kirwin How to Pitch a Story Ever wonder why we refer to convincing an editor a story is worthy by “pitching a story?†I have. I’m a baseball enthusiast, and it makes
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: Is Your Title Compelling? by: Nick Vernon Short Story Writing Tips: Your title is your selling tool. It’s the first thing readers will scan and contemplate whether to read your story. What your title’s
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: Is The Theme Reinforced In The Ending? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – By now you should have an idea that your theme has to reach its conclusion just as your story does. But our theme has to do more
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: Do You Know What A Plot Is? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – What a plot is and what a story is can be sometimes confusing. If you think they are the same… They are not. A plot is the outline of your
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: Have You Plotted Your Story Before Writing It? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – The writer, who doesn’t have the time to plot, always finds the time to rewrite. Sound familiar? I’ve been guilty
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: Creative Writing Tips - Does The Name You Chose Suit Your Character? by: Nick Vernon How do you choose a name? Do you put down the first name that pops into your mind? Initially that’s what I used to do, until
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: Do You Plot With Your Character In Mind? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – You are plotting the story. You write down what will happen, what problems will arise, what obstacles you will place so the character
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: What Can Go Into A Plot? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – We all tackle plotting differently. How you plot will be individual to you, as it is with every writer. Below is an outline of what can go into
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: Have You Completed A Character Questionnaire? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – Complete a character questionnaire for each of your main characters or even secondary characters that play a vital role in your
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: How Are You Plotting? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – Writing is a creative process and how every writer chooses to create, is individual to them. Likewise, with plotting, every writer plots at a level
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: Does Your Plot Suit Your Characters And Vice-Versa? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – When an idea comes to us for a short story, we either think of a story line first or a character first. Whichever we
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: Have You Settled On First Choice When Choosing A Title? by: Nick Vernon Short Story Writing Tips - We’ve established what a title should be and we’ve also established your title is your selling tool.
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: Creative Writing Tips - Have You Established Your Main Character At The Start? by: Nick Vernon In the beginning of your story you have to grab your readers’ interest and sustain it till the end. Our hook is our
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: If The Viewpoint Character Is A Secondary Character, Have You Established Who He is? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – I have said above that if a secondary character tells the story of the main character,
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: Does The Title Reflect The Story? by: Nick Vernon Short Story Writing Tips – We all have different tastes in what we like to read. Some have a particular taste for horror, while others prefer romance or fantasy
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: Does Your Story Have A Theme? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – It should. A theme is a one-line explanation of your story.. Every story should have one because our stories are about something. When
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: Does Your Theme Contain Character, Conflict, Resolution? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – For a theme to work and the story, which will revolve around the theme, it has to contain three things… Character Conflict Resolution
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: Is The Theme Running Throughout The Story? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – It’s no use coming up with a theme and not using it. Short stories are about a character or characters and about one situation
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