Tag: Home
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: How To Choose A Home Business Opportunity by: Elizabeth Palmer Making the decision to work from home can be easy. Deciding to go with a home business opportunity can also be relatively simple. But picking which home business
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: Identifying your Niche by: Vishal P. Rao The Internet has become a valuable source of information and purchasing tool for today’s consumer. With the click of a mouse you can find almost anything from products to services
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: 5 Things In Selecting The Best Mortgage - You Should Know by: Paul Kellum Your goal is not only to find the best rates and programs, by searching through a huge number of lenders products, and save yourself thousands
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: A Singles Game of Real Estate by: Dan Auito This discussion leans toward answering questions asked most often by our youthful men and women in there early twenties. They often begin to ask themselves the question, “Should
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: Working at Home - The One Thing You MUST Know by: Trent Brownrigg You will spend more time, effort, money, and headaches in the beginning of starting a home business than with practically anything else in your life.
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: Work At Home Moms - Start Your Business With Found Money by: Debbie Reyes Think you can't afford to start your own Home Business? Think again! I have been able to budget the start up expenses of my own Home Business. I
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: Two Steps To Gain Free Website Traffic by: Tina Barraclough There are many ways to get free traffic to your website. I have tried most of them, and was diappointed with the results that I had. I have found only two guaranteed
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: How To Write Ads That Get Results! by: Tina Barraclough You've got approximately 0.5 seconds to grab someone's attention with a classified ad. That is not much time for you to convince someone with your ad (s). You can
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: How To Protect Yourself From Work At Home Scams by: Tina Barraclough You have decided to start a home based business, but you want to find a honest, legit home based business.With all the scams out there , you are unsure
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: 7 Work At Home Mistakes To Avoid by: Tina Barraclough When I first started my own "WORK AT HOME" business, I had no experience whatsoever , and I did not know how to get started on the right foot. After a lot of trial
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: How to Use Humor to Increase Sales by: Roger C. Parker Using cartoons can help brand your marketing and drive home important messages. Although surprisingly inexpensive to acquire, humor can be one of your most powerful
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: How I started my own Work at Home Internet Busines with Very Little Investment by: Debra Hamer Have you always wanted to work at home? Have your own business? Didn’t think it was possible? No more commuting in traffic
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: How To Market Your Home For A Quick Sale and High Price by: Neeraj Varma Marketing can be one of the most frustrating things to do when you are selling your home without a realtor. Here is a quick checklist to help you:
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: Home-Based Business Safety and Security Issues by: Vishal P. Rao Anyone that operates a business from home knows that home-based business security issues often come up. This is just part and parcel of running any home-based
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: PROVEN Online Business Success In 3 Easy Steps by: Mal Keenan Some marketing experts would have you believe that the key to a successful home business is limited to a select few and that this chosen bunch have tapped into
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: Finding Your Niche by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore Have you found your niche? If you really want to find out, you need to answer the following questions: 1. Is your business the only one of its kind in town? 2. Do people consider
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: Networking - Outside The Box by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore We receive numerous emails regarding how to network. For those of us in lease purchasing it's easy, for others not so easy. For example, those in the travel business
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: Why Do You Want To Start a Home Business? by: Ender Baynazoglu Now, the very first thing you would want to ask yourself BEFORE starting a home based business is: "what is my purpose for looking at something like this?"
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: Home Based Business Tax Tips by: Tara Grant Running a home based business reaps many wonderful tax deductions that other businesses some times may not claim. Unfortunately to many small business owners end up paying the
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: 5 Ways To Make Your Adwords Ads Outshine Your Competitors' by: Mohd Fairuz Google Adwords is a very good place to promote your business on the Internet. It allows you to target for specific keywords, allowing you to to
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: Cell Phone - Helping You Choose by: Declan Tobin When the first cell phone arrived onto the market it was very basic but in those days it was classed as the best invention since electricity. Would we dispute that now?
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: Working From Home - Could You Cope? by: John Sheridan It is a well-known fact that more and more people are choosing to work from home rather than face the daily agony that is otherwise known as commuting. There are many
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: How To Start An Internet Business by: Brian Pratt When you first start out to build an internet home business it's really hard to know what to do. There are so many programs, so many guaranteed money making opportunities
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: Why Buy a Used Laptop Instead of New? by: Computers Priced Right If you're planning to purchase a laptop or notebook (note that laptops and notebooks are the same thing), consider buying used or refurbished laptop. A refurbished
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: Printing and Marketing Lead to New Career by: Shannan Hearne Press Release January 20, 2004 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Printed Promotion Products For Direct Sales Reps and Online Teamwork Work at home mom of three, Michele
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: Getting Started In Information Technology Computer Consulting by: John Gall One of the best things about being in the Information Technology industry is consulting. For purposes of this article I'm using the term consulting
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: Who’s Watching What You Type? by: Robert Palmer If someone entered your home, uninvited and installed numerous cameras and listening devices in order to monitor your activities, you would quite rightly be outraged.
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: Classification of Computers by: John Gibb Computers are available in different shapes, sizes and weights, due to these different shapes and sizes they perform different sorts of jobs from one another. They can also be
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: Internet Home Business Secrets That Payoff! by: Jeff Smith I can picture you exactly where I was just a few short years ago -- Sitting in another useless meeting organized by a group of senior managers that have a
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: The Truth About Stuffing Envelopes And Home Assembly Programs by: Dean Phillips Two of the oldest scams around appear to be as popular as ever. I'm referring to stuffing envelopes and home assembly programs. Let's talk
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: Finding Your Way Through Online Articles by: Robert Nunn For me, to decide to start a home business was easy. Learning how to do it wasn’t. With a plethora of resources and information, starting one seemed like
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: Cisco Certification: Surviving The Cisco Cable Jungle by: Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933 One of the most confusing parts of beginning your Cisco studies is keeping all the cable types separate in your mind, and then remembering
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: Tips for Buying a New Home by: Matt McWilliams Learn from others' mistakes and save money on your new home Buying a new home can be a daunting task, even for someone who has owned several homes. If you recently purchased
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: Home For The Holidays: Visiting Aging Parents by: Linda LaPointe Joanne returned home after not seeing her parents for about 6 months. She found her dad is not doing nearly as well as he has been leading her to believe.
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: Plasma TV for the Home Theater by: Tom Ace One of the hottest topics in home entertainment is home theater. And one of the hottest topics in home theater is plasma TV. Plasma TV for your home theater is actually only
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: 4 Things You Shouldn't Do When You're Buying A Home by: Suvadip Das 1. Don't Make a Major Purchase You've just found out your credit is A . That's great news, because a new car would look fantastic in the driveway of
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: Handling Weather Emergencies. Part 2; Home Security, Evacuation and Emergency Kits by: Graham McClung Introduction Part 1 of this article on preparing for weather emergencies discussed forming an emergency plan to reduce
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: Home For The Holidays: Is it Time for That Talk? by: Linda LaPointe Just a couple of years ago Annie helped her parents get the washer & dryer moved from the basement to a bedroom on the first floor after her mom missed
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: Essentials For Hurricane Season by: Sari El-Dajjani According to the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, the East Pacific expects 15 to 16 tropical storms. Nine of these end up becoming hurricanes with five
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: Attention Live-at-home Moms by: Jeremy Young How many Women out there are feeling like their family doesn’t have enough money because they aren’t working while they raise their children? Should they go get
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: Doing Dinner: Confessions Of A Radical Mother by: Maya Talisman Frost I love slow living. It's peaceful, meaningful and downright radical in a go-go world. According to a recent article in (appropriately enough)Time
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: Preparing For Safe Cottage Life by: News Canada (NC)-Cottage living is home away from home to Canadians and life at the cottage boasts campfires, fireworks and hearty eating. In fact, Canadians love their cottages and
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: Lost and Found (A Valentine's Day Story) by: LeAnn R. Ralph I casually glanced down at my hand, but instead of a wedding ring and an engagement ring, there was only the narrow gold band. "Randy!" I yelped. "My engagement
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: Is YOUR Home A Safe Home? by: Maryanne Fitzgerald Do you or one of your family members suffer from allergies, asthma, add/adhd Heart disease, cancer, or respitory problems? It could be from the toxins in your home! Did
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: Senior Health Care Insurance by: William Pritchett Health Insurance For Seniors On The Net When a good friend of mine inquired where he could obtain information about medical insurance for his out-of-state, elderly mother,
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: Rates May Be Rising. Mortgage And Refinancing Preparation Made Simple For You by: Jeffrey Broobin Buying a home is probably the single largest investment most people make in a lifetime. By preparing yourself and your
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: Want to Feel Better? Go Stroke Your Cat! by: Larry Chamberlain Stroking your cat can be good for your health! It has long been known that pet ownership is good for you, we all need someone or something to love. It is also
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: Declutter Your Home in 11 Easy Steps by: Maria Gracia Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of organizing your home? Start on a smaller scale instead and it will be a whole lot easier. For example, instead of starting
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: A Chance for a Home by: Tanya Sturman "He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home." - Johann von Goethe Home. Family. Backyard cookouts. A table laden with more than we can eat on Thanksgiving
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: "Does Your Sexless Marriage Have You Thinking About Divorce?" by: Karl Augustine If you are in a sexless marriage and are unhappy because of it, don't worry, it isn't unrecoverable but it is serious cause for concern.
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: Buster the Beloved Pussycat by: Janette Blackwell “Dogs have owners; cats have staff,†and I have worked for some wonderful cats in my time. The one I loved best was named Buster. Buster had an unusual mind.
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: Secrets to Working and Pumping by: Patty Hone When I had my first son I hadn't planned to go back to work. I suddenly had to return to the workforce when he was three months old. I was completely unprepared and my son
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: Do's and Don'ts of Military Care Packages for Soldiers by: Sarah Smiley Sending a care package to your loved one deployed overseas seems so easy, doesn't it? You just box up some cookies, attach a sweet card, and it's
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: What Burglars Know that You Should Know by: Nigel Smithers Professional burglars concentrate on easy targets because they know their chances of success depend on their coming and going without being noticed. So what can
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: The Fabric of Life...or...What Material Should I Use To Make That Dress With? by: Mike Yeager There are many different types of fabrics, and many different ideas and crafts to do with them. For example, say you were redoing
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: 5 Easy Ways to Save and Build Wealth by: Cindy Morus 1. Pay off high-cost debt. The best investment most borrowers can make is to pay off consumer debt with double-digit interest rates. For example, if you have a ,000
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: Control Your Children's Clutter!! by: Betsy Fein Ever feel overwhelmed by all the papers, notices, artwork, and other items your kids bring home from school? Don’t be a pack rat!! We’ll show you how to
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: Monitoring Your Teens for Drug Use Without Appearing to be Spying by: V. Michael Santoro, M. Ed. Even if your teenagers do not use drugs, you still need to keep an eye on them. It is much better to realize that things
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: WAHM Resources for You by: Paula Wilson If you are a Work at Home Mom WAHM you have made a very important decision to stay at home with your family. I applaud you for that decision, but I know it can be a financial
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: Life As A Juggling Woman by: Judith Isaacson When we moved 6000 miles away from our families 22 years ago, I certainly never imagined I would be working in the business my grandfather established way back when. Way back
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: Let’s Get Serious About the Nursing Home Tour by: Tammy Gonzales Before you tour your facility choices be sure you have done your homework. Go online and visit Medicare.gov. They have wonderful resources available
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: The Angry and Sometimes Grumpy Children of the 1950's by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore A bunch of us in our late 40's and early 50's got together the other night, and after the evening was over I started thinking that many of
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: Don't Let A Home Business Cost You Your Family by: Craig Binkley Does the title of this article sound funny to you? To some, it may not only seem funny but downright silly. To others, it may be offensive also. On the
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: Getting Your Family Involved In Your Home Business by: Craig Binkley Do you own your own home business? Is your family involved with your daily business? Yeah, I know at times it seems easier to just do everything yourself.
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: Introducing a New Kitten to Your Older Cat... by: Larry Chamberlain So, you read somewhere that introducing a new kitten into your home could be great for your existing cat, for companionship. And you remember how much
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: The Neurotic Dogs by: Eric Shapiro When pondering whether my neurosis is learned or genetic, I often turn to the family dogs, Frazier (9) and Jake (4), and see the likelihood of a learned origin. My parents' characteristic
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: "Trading Spouses" Teaches Relationship Building Through Cooking by: Laura Bankston Last night I watched a television show. It was rather hilarious and disturbing at the same time. I was actually talking to my mother
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: Train Your Dog With Respect by: Wendy Yeager Proper training of your dog should begin when he is a puppy. The first four months of a dog’s life are very important in the training of your dog. This is when they
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: CLUTTER'S SIDE EFFECTS: How the State of Your Home Affects Your Life by: Stephanie Roberts Each area of your home has a symbolic meaning with which you resonate on a subconscious level. Clutter and untidiness within each
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: Managing Your Time In Your New Home Based Business by: Sandi Moses If you are just transitioning from working outside the home to working from home, your thoughts are probably spinning with all the things that you will
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: Television - The Great SATAN! by: Kayla Fay I’ve often thought that in 6 million years, archaeologists will marvel at the devotion the 21st century Earthlings had to their household gods. Excavation will show these
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: Origins and Uses For Dream Catchers by: Johann Erickson Dream catchers are a part of the tradition and culture of many of the native people of North America. The stories of the dream catcher’s origin and use are
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: Make a Budget to Help Your Dreams Come True by: Monica Resinger A budget is a very important tool when you are trying to meet financial goals. It helps you to see where your money is going and therefore helps you determine
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: Clutter Is Natural by: Stephanie Roberts Nature loves clutter. Just think of all the stuff that drops from trees, washes in on the tide, or is blown by the wind into your backyard. Birds molt, animals shed, snakes slither
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: Book Review : Christmas in Dairyland by: LeAnn R. Ralph Author/Publisher Christmas in Dairyland by LeAnn R. Ralph Published by LeAnn R. Ralph E6689 970th Ave. Colfax, WI 54730 Printed by Booklocker.com ISBN
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: Leave Mama*s Junk Alone by: Barbara Morris R.Ph. A young friend (about age 30) and I (age 75) were talking about all the *junk* we collect over time. The conversation turned to how much *junk* her mother had, and I said
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: Proudly Display Your Veterans Flag by: Bill Shayler I sadly remember the day we buried my father. An American flag covered the coffin before being transported to the cemetery. There it remained during the service. At
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: Fall - A New Season - A New Decorating Scheme by: Bonnie P Carrier What exactly is fall? Being my favorite season, I decided to look it up and see how Mr. Webster defines it. Flipping to “fall†I found “autumnâ€,
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: Home Decorating For Smaller Spaces by: Bonnie P Carrier “Big Things Come In Small Packages†We’re all familiar with this quote, it’s normally associated with gifts not home decorating, but it
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: 5 Ways In Which You Can Make Simple Changes To Your Home Decorating by: Bonnie P Carrier Home decorating, ever wanted to try it, but hesitated because of time constraints or budget concerns. The following ideas will not
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: Looking For Satellite TV ? by: Gary Gresham It was 1994 and I had moved into another home and learned that the cable TV line had not been installed to my house. When the cable company told me they would have to dig up
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: How to Sell Your House by Lease Options by: Caterina Christakos Many people buy a house then have to move within a few years, due to divorce, relocation or financial difficulties. Without any equity though, it can be
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: Don't Let A Home Business Cost You Your Family by: Craig Binkley Does the title of this article sound funny to you? To some, it may not only seem funny but downright silly. To others, it may be offensive also. On the
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: Thanksgiving Memories by: Bonnie P Carrier Turkey ... Stuffing ... Cranberry Sauce ... Pumpkin Pie This is usually what comes to mind when we think of Thanksgiving. Granted the food is yummy and worth waiting for however,
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: Flea Control for Pets by: Niall Kennedy Flea control can be a very hard thing to do especially if you live in areas where fleas are largely populated. Weather has a lot to do with fleas and trying to keep them outdoors
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: Tips to Make Reading Fun by: Angela Billings This list is for both young and old. I love reading and want everyone to love it as well. So I hope you will find at least one thing helpful in this list and that it will inspire
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: Business Partners & Marital Partners, Will the Marriage Survive? (Part II) by: Chuck & Sue DeFiore In the last article, we concluded by saying that keeping your business and personal relationships separate is very important
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: Pay Off Debt Now: 5 Steps To Getting Your Finances In Order by: Drew Harris In our world of dizzying change, nothing is more true than the time honored statement that circumstances always change. No where is this more
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: Top 10+ Ways to Jumpstart your New Year's Finances! by: Cindy Morus Of course, these don't have to be done in any particular order! Just pick one or two that particularly apply to your situation. Create your 2004
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: What 10 Things Divorced Parent Should Do To Promote Positive Child Adjustment? by: Ruben Francia The effects of recent enlargement in divorce rates are negative effects. Divorced children are more probably to get pregnant
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: Trout Species – Brook Trout by: Brett Fogle Brook Trout: Frequently gullible, yet extremely tasty, Brook Trout are wonderful trout to fish for - especially since they frequently inhabit the most beautiful stream
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: Aghhh! My Cat Has Got Fleas... by: Larry Chamberlain So, how come my cat has got fleas? Cats that are allowed outside pick up fleas by socializing with other cats or just by walking through territory where other cats
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: Attaining A Debt Free Lifestyle by: John Cook Many people have been taught that you cannot get ahead without debt. We are also inundated with advertising telling us we can have anything we want. All we need to do is
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: Our House is a Danger Zone by: David Leonhardt Home is where the heart is, so they say. But for 20,000 Americans each year, home is where the heart stops beating. According to a 2002 study, that's how many Americans
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: Flea Control by: Teresa Frady Fleas can be a real problem if you have a pet in your home. We learned from our vet that the best way to control fleas is to treat both your home and your pet simultaneously. Last summer,
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: Finding The Right Roommate by: Dan The Roommate Man The Search Finally ready to move out of your parents' basement? Tried living alone and didn't like it? Need to share so you can save a little bread? You're not alone:
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: Winter - It's Not Over Yet by: Bonnie P Carrier While reading the news on the Internet this morning I came across an article on that furry little groundhog, better know as Punxsutawney Phil. As happens every year at
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: 10 Fun Activities For Kids To Do At Home by: Kenia Morales With such a cold weather my girls spend more time inside. This means that automatically they watch more television, which is something I don’t want them
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: Home Business Happiness by: Stephen Mistretta Defining Your Happiness For Home Business Success You might be saying now “Steve why are you writing an article on happiness? This is a Home Business Site!†The
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: Packing Properly: How To Move And Keep Your Valuables Intact by: Dan The Roommate Man You've arrived. You've joined the ranks of move-up buyers. The deal on the new house has closed, and all that's left is to pack up
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