Tag: Home
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: When Renting Is Better Than Buying by: Dan The Roommate Man If possible, it is ALWAYS better to buy than to rent. Right? Perhaps Not. No one will deny that owning your home is a big part of the American Dream. It is
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: Saving Space in the One-Room or Small Apartment by: Dan The Roommate Man Whether you are living in a small apartment or a tiny efficiency apartment, there are ways to make your home cozy, practical, and attractive. No
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: What Makes People Move? by: Dan The Roommate Man Do you have a new job? Want more space? Want to own your own home? Move closer to relatives? Want a change of scene? How about - do you want to move away from your relatives?
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: Spring Cleaning For Today's Mom by: Amy Allen Clark With spring comes all of the beauty of the changing season. We finally began to see our grass; we enjoy seeing the new buds on our trees, and the sweet smell of a good
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: Number 1 Key to Good Parenting by: Pam Jarvis The numbers are chilling. Teen suicide and homicide rates have tripled from twenty years ago. There is a 50% increase in childhood obesity. Teenage pregnancy rates are the
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: The Benefits of Reading by: LeAnn R. Ralph Did you know that reading can keep your mind active and engaged well into old age? Several years ago when I was working as a newspaper reporter, I interviewed a woman who was
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: 5 Things You Must Do If You Want To Create a First Aid Kit For Your Family by: Robin Shortt 1. Accidents and medical emergencies in the home happen frequently. Maybe more frequently than we realize. Statistics show a
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: Leaving the Hospital, Going To The Nursing Home by: Tammy Gonzales Admitting yourself or someone you love to a nursing home for rehabilitation is something that we have to do and not what we want to do. As we age the
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: How Will You Pay For Skilled Rehabilitation In The Nursing Home by: Tammy Gonzales One of the most frustrating events for individuals facing rehabilitation is thinking that their insurance is going to pay for everything
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: Knowledge To Bring With You For The Nursing Home Admission by: Tammy Gonzales Nursing Homes require a lot of information. For many individuals entering a nursing home this may be the first time they are introduced to
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: Day One at Nursing Home For Rehabilitation by: Tammy Gonzales Finally your patient is at the skilled unit of nursing home. The admission paper work into a skilled nursing home for rehabilitation can take near up to an
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: One Man's Perspective of Love and Creating Work Balance by: Dennis Twitchell Do you ever experience pressure from work and home at the same time? If you're like most working men you know when things are out of balance
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: A Hidden Jewel In Home Decorating, The Powder Room by: Bonnie P Carrier Typically a small space consisting of just a sink and toilet, you most likely know them by a more common term “half-bath†or “guest
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: Spring & Home Decorating - A Fresh New Look by: Bonnie P Carrier Open Windows … Curtains fluttering from a warm breeze … The air smells fresh and clean … Buds on the trees are beginning to open …
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: How Long Will It Take To Sell Your Home? by: Scott Riggsbee I am often asked how long it will take to sell a home in today's market. Many parts of the country are generally enjoying a seller's market and have been for
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: Baby Proof Your Home - Frequently Asked Questions by: Martin Smith Keeping your baby safe at all times is one of your greatest concerns and responsibilities. There is so much to consider and it is very easy to overlook
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: 7 Ways to Leave Your Clutter by: Barbara Myers Everyone has some degree of clutter lurking at home. When you're tired of moving it around, stepping over it, and losing important items in it, it's time to take control
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: Helpful Hints for First-Time Home Buyers by: Rachel Greenberg Buying a house can be a daunting task, even for someone who has owned several homes. My husband and I recently purchased our first home together, and it was
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: How To Save Thousands in Interest on Your Home Mortgage! by: Sameer S Panjwani So you have a mortgage on your home or planning to get one? Here’s something to consider if you want to reduce your interest payment
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: Should You Sell Your Home Yourself? by: Sameer S Panjwani Should you sell your home yourself? Yes and no. Yes, you should leave the option of selling on your own open and no, you shouldn’t rule out using the services
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: Home Hunting and the Internet by: Sameer S Panjwani So, it’s home hunting time. Where do you start? Who do you contact? Well, home hunting has been made much easier with the advent of the Internet. There are plenty
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: What You Can Do To Sell Your Home Fast by: Sameer S Panjwani Yes, you want to sell your home and you want to sell it fast. It may be a seller’s market and every other home in your neighbourhood is selling and you
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: Home Owners: Disclose the Facts! by: Sameer S Panjwani One of the most common causes for disputes occurring after the sale of a home arise from the buyer finding defects in the property, defects which were not disclosed
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: Rent to Buy Homes: Begin to Secure Your Equity by: Gary Carraghan Renting to own provides quality solutions to home buyers with credit problems. If you desire to own your own home but are unable to secure conventional
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: Be Cautious When Using Your Nest Egg as an ATM by: James H. Dimmitt About five years ago I moved from the ranks of being a renter to that of being a homeowner. Now, not a week goes by that I don’t receive some
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: The Secret System For Getting Completely Out of Debt and Reaching Financial Independence on Your Present Income, in 3 Easy Steps by: Henri G. Schauffler All families and home biz owners have to think about debt, finances,
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: About Chihuahua Dogs by: Joanell Hutchinson Chihuahua Dogs Are Not For Everyone In what seems like a very tiny dog, a personality the size of a Great Dane emerges. For some Chihuahua lovers it’s just another
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: 10 Mind-Easing Ways To Make Sure Your Child's "Bag" Lunch Is Safe by: Terry Nicholls Perishable food must be kept cold while commuting via bus, bicycle, on foot, in a car, or on the subway. After arriving at school or
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: SIx Tips for Organizing Your Refrigerator by: Stacey Agin Murray Have you taken a good look in your refrigerator, lately? Your mother-in-law’s Meatloaf Surprise started living up to it’s name two weeks ago.
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: A Note To Food Manufacturers... by: D. S. Epperson Food manufacturing in the US has always been about convenience, product availability, taste and price. The more society ventured away from the family garden and kitchen,
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: Aga Cookers by: John Crook The Aga cooker has emerged as an icon of the UK with its solid performance and cast-iron reputation built over 70 glorious years. It is the undisputed queen of British kitchens that has conquered
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: Cut the Take Out by: Lisa Paterson A long hard day at work. You get home and need dinner. Nothing in the fridge, nothing in the cupboard. Take-out again. The wallet just won’t comply much longer. Re-wind. A long
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: Making Incredible Sauces at Home by: Reluctant Gourmet My 5 Step Method for Preparing Professional Quality Brown Sauces As a home cook, one of the hardest things for me to accomplish when first starting out was making
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: Cookie Baking Tips by: Michael Paetzold Making better cookies is a lot easier if you understand the difference between the average commercial bakery and the home kitchen. These tips will allow you to make better cookies
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: Would You Like to Learn How to Bake Bread? by: Jan Kovarik Even if you have never baked bread before, I can just about guarantee that your very first loaf out of the oven will be so mouth-watering that you’ll amaze
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: Snack Ideas for Kids That Won't Wreck Mom's Diet by: Kim Beardsmore If you are a mom at home on a diet, you will probably related to a frequent situation I encounter as a weight loss consultant. Many of my clients with
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: The Unadulterated Truth About Black Mold: What You Don’t Know Is Destroying Your Home And Your Health by: Kevin Thompson With today’s new building procedures, our homes are more dangerous than ever before!
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: Food Safety Begins In The Home by: News Canada (NC)-More than 200 known diseases are transmitted through food, and Health Canada estimates that every year approximately two million Canadians suffer from illness caused
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: How to Avoid the Flu this Holiday Season by: Vicki Rackner, MD No flu shot for you this year? Can you keep yourself safe? Yes! Even though flu viruses may be lurking at the next holiday party you attend, you can take
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: Home Air Purifiers And Allergies by: Duane Johnson A healthy home environment means that contaminants that are harmful to your health are removed or neutralized as much as possible. For allergy sufferers, it is vital
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: Air Moisture And Your Health by: Duane Johnson Having clean air to breathe is not just a luxury and many people are learning about the various ways to improve air quality when they are indoors. One of the methods to help
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: How to Avoid Becoming a Fitness Failure by: Rick DeToma When it comes to fitness, no one likes being a failure, yet more than half of new exercisers quit their program within the first six months. With a little help you
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: How to Get The Most From Your Home Workouts by: Rick DeToma A recent study found that home workouts may do even more good than workouts at a gym. This is good news for people who are time crunched and find it's too much
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: Home Gyms, Worth the Money or Not? by: TC Thorn Home fitness is a huge industry, and most people these days have purchased at least some sort of exercise equipment or fitness video for home use. A lot of it ends up in
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: How to Avoid Weight Gain While Working at Home by: Rachel Greenberg We have all heard the many benefits of working at home – set your own hours, spend more time with your family, avoid the commute, etc. And many
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: So You Want To Build A Home Gymâ€You Want To Build A Home Gym by: Kyle Battis I walked into the commercial gym yesterday after a long day of work excited to begin my workout. After warming up I proceeded to the
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: How to Stay on Top of Your Nutrition When Visiting the Folks by: Phil Goglia Don’t You Wish You Were Home Alone? How to Stay on Top of Your Nutrition When Visiting the Folks Let’s face it—most of
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: 10 Tips For Staying Fit While Working From Home by: Lynn Bode Despite what many may think, working from home takes a lot of time and a lot of work. I’m sure you’ve heard someone say, “They don’t
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: Home Exercise Equipment by: C.J.Gustafson Home Exercise Equipment – Choosing the Proper Equipment For Your Workout Routine The fitness industry has become big business as more and more people work out to get
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: My Amazing Mom by: Susan Graham My Amazing Mother – “The Arthritis Lady†From the age of 11 to age 53 my mother avoided holding hands; they were painful to the touch, so puffed up, sore and hot!!!
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: Is A Treadmill The Right Exercise Equipment For You? by: Kathryn O'Neill The #1 fear people have when buying a treadmill is that they won't use it. (That's the #1 fear when buying any piece of exercise equipment). They
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: Choosing Wheelchairs for Kids by: Maricon Williams Take a Team Approach Before Buying No parent should try to choose a chair for their child all by themselves," says Chris Seiberlich. "It's not that they aren't qualified
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: Personal Training: 3 Keys to Training Clients in Their Homes by: Aaron M. Potts, ISSA CFT When considering your options as a personal trainer, one of the very first things to decide is WHERE you are going to train your
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: Can Home Fitness Get Better Results Faster Than A Gym? by: Matt Clarkson Deciding on a home fitness regime is one that will take a bit of planning and dedication. In short…home fitness does get results just as fast
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: Home Medical Supply: A Necessity by: Lala C. Ballatan For a family, one of the foundations to have a loving and peaceful home is when family members stay healthy and live well. Staying healthy is equivalent to being free
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: Minimum Health or Maximum Health? That is the Question! by: Nick A. James Picture yourself in one of the following scenarios. You're cruising along in your new car by the ocean or in the mountains near the ski lodge,
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: Personal Training: 3 Keys To Training Clients In Their Homes by: Aaron Potts When considering your options as a personal trainer, one of the very first things to decide is WHERE you are going to train your clients. The
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: Carbon Monoxide Can Be Deadly--Early Detection Monitors Make It Easy to Protect Your Family by: Debra Lynn Dadd If you burn gas, kerosene, or wood in your home to produce heat for cooking or warmth, you need to monitor
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: Sore Throat - Home Remedy Relief by: M.Leonard Alexander Sore throat is nothing but infection in throat causing discomfort during speech and swallowing. The main causes for a sore throat are Pollution in air or water,
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: Allergy Control: Reducing Airborne Allergens in your Home by: Jonathan Chase Those who are plagued by allergies are always struggling to diminish those irritants that cause watery eyes, runny noses and rashes that sometimes
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: Home Air Filters: Knowing Which One to Choose by: Jonathan Chase Since air filters are one of the bests tools for eradicating allergens from your home, more people are using them than ever before. The trick is to find
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: Tenderizing Meat and Other Uses For Home Exercise Equipment by: Nick Nilsson Almost everyone has bought home exercise equipment at some point in their life, be it a few rusty dumbells at a garage sale all the way to a
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: The Fine Art of Smudging by: Sam Stevens An Aboriginal Canadian friend of mine who teaches at the Whispering Lodge in Toronto was explaining to me how physical or emotional healing cannot take place until the person is
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: Air Purifiers: An Investigation of the Types and Their Benefits by: Mike Spencer Considering the amount of irritants that are present in the air today, those who suffer from allergies and other breathing disorders are
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: Top 10 Reasons for Buying a Home Treadmill by: Paul Johnson Why are treadmills becoming so popular? Why does everyone have one and not go to the gym as much? What is so great about a home treadmill? Below you will have
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: Nursing Home Staffing Levels: How Much Is Enough? by: Phyllis Staff During the week of February 17, 2002, headlines screamed the news - more than 92% of US nursing homes fail to have an adequate number of staff to
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: The Different Types of Treadmills by: Paul Johnson When we usually think of treadmills, we tend to think that there is only one type on the market. However, this is very far from the truth as there are a couple of different
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: Do You Know These Benefits of Home Treadmills ? by: Paul Johnson In our society today, there are more and more people who are determined to lose as much weight as possible as quickly and easily as possible. More time
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: 6 Keys To Getting Maximum Results In Minimum Time With Your Home Exercise Equipment (and save money!) by: Tom Storms I used to love going to the gym. The sounds, the smells, the grunts, the groans. Nothing seemed more
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: 5 Myths You Should Know Before Choosing Elder Care by: Phyllis Staff, Ph.D. Myths associated with selecting quality nursing home care suggest quick and easy ways to identify quality care. In fact, relying on these myths
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: Easy and Effective Home Workouts by: Lynn Bode Many people think that creating a home workout gym is either too intimidating or too costly. So, often they instead invest their money in a health club membership not realizing
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: How Much Time For Fitness? Intensity Trumps Everything by: Marty Gallagher What’s the minimum weekly time investment you can slide by with and still make gains? I would say six cumulative hours. Six times sixty
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: Workouts That Travel by: Lynn Bode A vacation can do wonders for reducing stress levels, but it can derail a healthy fitness regimen. Even some of the most die-hard exercisers find it difficult to stick with a workout
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: How To Build A 0 Home Gym That Delivers Results by: Jim O'Connor So you want to save valuable time traveling to the gym by building your own home gym. Do to the long hours worked, and strenuous commutes, more and more
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: Understanding A Second Mortgage by: Norman Fleming A Second Mortgage is a Property Lien placed behind a First Mortgage A second mortgage is a loan that you take against the equity that you have already built into your
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: Is Modern Life Hurting Your Health? by: Rick Mills How often have you said to yourself, "I wish things would slow down"? "I wish life was simpler!" Modern life can be taxing. Today we live faster, work more, and have
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: Air Quality We Breathe At Home Or In The Workplace by: Peter McGarry How would you rate the quality of air in your workplace? More importantly what factors are you considering when rating it? Your home or work environment
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: Is Modern Life Hurting Your Health? by: Rick Mills How often have you said to yourself, "I wish things would slow down"? "I wish life was simpler!" Modern life can be taxing. Today we live faster, work more, and have
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: 10 Smart Shopping Tips To Protect Your Family From Getting Sick by: Terry Nicholls Prevention of food poisoning starts with your trip to the supermarket. Here's how to start off safely. 1. Pick up your packaged and
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: Buying Home Whitening Kits like Whitestrips by: Yale Wang Tired of stained, yellow teeth? Want to give yourself a beautiful, whiter smile? Then perhaps you have thought about at home teeth whitening kits. In January 2004,
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: How to shop for a Treadmill by: Paul Reeve Treadmills have become the hottest home exercise choice. According to the National Sporting Goods Association, treadmill sales have exceeded those of all other home exercise equipment.
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: Low Salt Diet Tips for Kids and Adults by: Laura Bankston Our bodies only require a small amount of salt for proper nutrition. But the fact is that we all, including our children, consume way more salt -or rather, the
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: Home Healthcare Careers by: Max Stein One of the fastest growing sectors of the medical industry is that of home health. There are many reasons for this growth, but most important are: The number of aging and infirm
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: How To Rid Your Home Of The Nations #1 Health Menace by: Kevin Thompson With today’s new building procedures, our homes are more dangerous than ever before! Scientific evidence now shows that the air inside our
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: When is a Nursing Home Appropriate for the Alzheimer's Patient? by: William G. Hammond, JD Caring for an Alzheimer's patient can be a huge burden. When it becomes too hard and too time consuming for you to take care of
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: How To Protect Allergy Sufferers In Your Home by: News Canada (NC)-For those who suffer from allergies the spring season comes much too soon. It's a time when allergy symptoms can be at their worst. Pollen levels rise
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: Minimum Health or Maximum Health? That is the Question! by: Nick James Picture yourself in one of the following scenarios. You're cruising along in your new car by the ocean or in the mountains near the ski lodge, or
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: As The Primary Care Giver for an Alzheimer’s Patient, How Can I Get a Break? by: William Hammond, J.D. Taking care of a loved one who has Alzheimer’s is a huge responsibility and very time consuming. It
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: Building a New Home? Don't Take Plumbing for Granted by: ARA Content Today there are alternatives to metallic systems (ARA) - Building a new home means having choices and making decisions. So if you're planning to build
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: Essential Tools For Home Improvement by: News Canada (NC)—While the home may be a family's castle and an escape from today's hectic world, it's probably not perfect. Decorating styles change. There are pictures
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: Home Audit: Ensure Optimal Insulation Levels For Maximum Energy Savings by: News Canada (NC)—"Improving your home's insulating system is a speedy and cost-effective way to increase energy-efficiency and comfort
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: Light Up Your Life With Feng Shui by: Jan Andersen Feng Shui (pronounced Foong Shway or Fung Shoy) is the ancient Chinese art of luck management, which works by maximising the flow of energy (known as ‘Chi’)
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: The Benifits of Home Ventilation by: Troy Munn The purpose of a home ventilation system is to maintain a healthy living environment by supplying fresh air to your home while at the same time removing stale and polluted
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: In The Mood by: Laurence James Creating a Designer Home With Lighting Traditionally, spring is the time when many of us think about redecorating or remodelling a room in our home and we begin skimming through glossy
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: Quick Housecleaning Tips For Your Home by: Fayola Peters Ah Yes! The house is a mess...again! Why do I even bother attempting the impossible? I'll tell you why I do it. For one thing, I don't like living in a mess. Another
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: How To Conduct A Home Inventory by: Kevin Sparks How To Conduct A Home Inventory *Quick Quiz* Name the brand and model of the television(s) in your house or apartment. How much did your computer cost, and where
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: Hydronic vs Forced Air Heating and Cooling by: Daniel Gipe Hydronic, or hot water, heating has been standard for years in many parts of the U.S. It is seeing a surge in popularity at present, mainly because of the increasing
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: Sprinklers Provide Best Chance for Surviving a House Fire by: ARA Content (ARA) - Although it's impossible to put a dollar value on a human life -- especially the life of a loved one -- the reality is that the decision
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: Choosing a Residential Lot by: Dave Markel Finding a lot Planning for your new home is a very involved process. You might want to get right down to selecting a set of house plans but don't get into a hurry. It is almost
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: Country Home Accessories by: Lisa French Country home décor is the most sought after home interior and it’s no wonder since country décor invites a casual friendly lifestyle. Make sure you carefully study
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