Tag: Percent
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: Alternative Clothing For Babies by: Kirsten Hawkins While the concept of "baby tees" has taken on a whole new meaning in the new millennium, some companies have made a real dedication to the original intent of the phrase.
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: Parental Involvement In Learning by: Brent Sitton Whether children attend public or private schools, they benefit when parents become involved in their education. According to the National Institute for Literacy, when
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: Latin Ringtones Mean Dinero for Ringtone Providers by: Anthony Wayne Until recently, when you thought of ringtones, you usually thought of hip-hop ringtones. This is not surprising given the genre’s wide acceptance
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: Why Women Should Worry About Retirement More Than Men by: Steve Wilcott Women earn an average of 76 percent of men’s salaries. Does that shock you? Yes, even in 2005, women are still way behind the earning curve
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: Girls Only - How To Have It All ... by: Neil Millar You return home after a tough day and slip into a bath. The taps trickle, the candles glow, the water, warm and soothing, soaks into your skin and the ballad of the
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: Take me Home Country Road: Purchasing Rural Homes by: Elaine VonCannon In a world where the news flashes daily images of war, terrorism and crime more Americans are dreaming of a safe, quiet place to call home. They imagine
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: The State of the Reef by: Sheldon Hey Coral reefs around the world are under siege - FACT. Threats from over-fishing, urban coastal encroachment and rising sea temperatures are destroying sensitive corals and devastating
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: Why Advertising On Blogs Is A Good Idea.. by: Michelle Utter Move over ezine advertising..and make room for the new tool in town - Blog Advertising! Haven't heard of blogs? Then you need to get yourself in gear and inform
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: Focal Point Of Success by: Matthew Oye Arikanki Fortune will flow into your hands like a river flow into the sea if only you can invest a high percent of your time on a high value activity with big pay off. I mean you
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: Prioritize Your Time With The Power of 80 / 20 by: Erik Luhrs As a Professional Organizer, I work under the presumption that each client and each client’s issues are unique. Thus, every project I undertake is basically
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: Got Purpose? by: Clyde Dennis Is your life on purpose? Does just the question stop you in your tracks? Have you been so caught up in the pace of our world that you've not even thought lately about whether or not your
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: Successfully Yours by: Donna Doyon How do you define success? Have you given it much thought? Does the definition vary according to what you are doing? Is the definition based on your own criteria or that of the people
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: 10 Action Steps to Greatness by: Ed Sykes 1. Positive Affirmations Our subconscious mind is a wonderful tool for success or failure. It will do what we tell it to do. It all depends on what thoughts we feed it. So
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: The Stories We Tell Ourselves by: Rabbi Michael Ozair The Hasidic master, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach taught that on Passover night we are bringing our entire life stories to the Seder table to be freed. What exactly does
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: Achievement and Happiness the 80/20 Way by: Rasheed ALi If there was ever a principle that was responsible for the most happiness and achievement in the world, it would be the 80/20 Principle. The 80/20 Principle or
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: Wake-Up Call by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of October 7, 2002 In the first half of May, I went through two remarkable changes. One was physical and the other involved emotional recall. The
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: Course Of Treatment by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of August 23, 2004 My husband is 45. We are getting ready to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. He now tells me he has fun when he
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: Entrepreneurs Just Get Better With Age by: Tim Knox QUESTION: I’m thinking about starting a business after I retire next month. I’ll be 65. Am I too old to start a business? -- Milton A. ANSWER:
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: 4 Marketing Myths Threaten Your Sales by: Bob Leduc These 4 marketing myths can cause you to lose sales if you base your marketing decisions on them. But the related marketing tips I included with each myth will boost
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: SUV Rollovers - Florida by: T.Going SUV (Sport Utility Vehicles) sales have sky-rocketed in the United States over the past few years. In 2004, SUV’s accounted for 25 percent of all new-vehicle sales with over
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: Refresh, Renew, Rejuvenate Your Home with a Makeover by: ARA Content (ARA) - Consider renewing and refreshing your living environment with a makeover. To make a notable difference this year, spruce up your home with a
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: Real Estate: Financial Considerations $$$ by: Dan Auito Raw land as opposed to improved property is much more difficult to finance through traditional lenders. The main reasons are that it generates very little income,
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: Youth People Obsessed With Sunless Tanning by: Dana Scripca Darker-complexioned teens will always seek a tanning bed or booth. Because they want a perfect and perpetual tan. Younger, healthier, sexier, thinner Many
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: Folic Acid - It's Never Too Early by: News Canada (NC)-The Folic Acid Alliance of Ontario (FAAO) has launched its first-ever, province-wide campaign to promote the awareness of folic acid and its benefits in helping to
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: Build Health: Want To Prevent Diabetes? by: William R. Quesnell To prevent diabetes you will get a real jolt when you follow the prescription offered up in the “Journal of the American Medical Association.†This
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: Early Diagnosis Improves Treatment by: News Canada (NC)-Popular myths have led many to believe that mental health disorders are untreatable. As a result, a lot of people who suffer don't seek help. In fact most mental
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: Finding The Right Exercise Intensity by: Lynn Bode We’ve all heard the exercise guidelines that recommend we participate in 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity 3-5 times per week. That seems easy
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: The Right Exercise Intensity by: Lynn Bode We’ve all heard the exercise guidelines that recommend we participate in 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity 3-5 times per week. That seems easy enough
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: Beat the Morning Rush by: ARA Content From eating exotic leftovers to brushing their teeth in the shower, Americans get creative when it comes to simplifying morning routines (ARA) - With today's hectic lifestyles,
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: Obese Mice More Likely To Die Of Influenza Infection by: Dr. John Roberts A study suggested that obese people may be more likely to die of influenza infection. In the study, 35 mice were fed a high-fat, high sugar diet
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: Navigating Food Labels by: Dianne Villano, CPFI Here are a few tips to help you dissect the food label before your next visit to the supermarket: SERVING SIZE MATTERS Just because the food label lists a certain number
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: Does Fat Free Really Mean Free Of Fat? by: Jerry Byler Does fat-free really mean free of fat? Do you know what the words really mean on food labels? In this article, you’ll discover everything you need to know
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: Are Herbal Remedies Safe by: Loring Windblad “Natural†does not necessarily mean “Pureâ€. “Herbal based†does not necessarily mean it is 100 percent herbal in makeup. “Organicâ€
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: The Solution to Healthy Weight Loss by: Marilyn Pokorney The overweight and obesity epidemic is a worldwide problem. There are no official statistics for spending on diet products, but estimates vary from to 0
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: Kids and The Low-Carb Lifestyle by: Philip J. Goscienski, M.D. Some pediatricians have been prescribing a low-carb diet for a select group of children for decades, and what they have seen is very unsettling. The ketogenic
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: Mikey Doesn’t Like It! by: Philip J. Goscienski, M.D. Let’s give the late Dr. Robert Atkins some credit. Over more than a quarter of a century he made us realize that we can get along with fewer carbohydrates
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: Low-Carb Dieting During Pregnancy May Benefit Your Baby! by: Melissa White As low-carb dieters change there eating habits, it is likely that these habits will stay with them. There is no surprise then that more and more
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: Internet in Russia and Ukraine - Part 1. General Information and Statistics by: Vyacheslav Melnik User Base The non-US and non-English Web segments have been boosted by a growing trend towards PC penetration and cheaper
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: The net-domain - backbone of the web by: Hans Peter Oswald The net-domain - the backbone of the web We do not always realize, that figures are just quantity and can deceive about quality. In spite of the fact, that
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: How To Dramatically Improve Your Website's Conversion Ratio by: Dean Phillips According to the so-called experts, a decent conversion ratio is right around one percent. In other words, one out of every one hundred visitors
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: The Ten Keys to Maximizing Employee Performance by: Dr. Tom Olson 1. Let people know what you expect. If people know what’s expected of them, that’s what they’ll do--if they don’t know what’s
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: Top 7 Steps to Better Public Speaking by: Sandra Schrift Whether you want to be a part time, full time or BIG time speaker you must speak, speak, speak. At first, deliver 25-30 minute free talks to service clubs and
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: Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) by: Martin Lukac If your down payment on a home is less than 20 percent of the appraised value or sale price, you must obtain private mortgage insurance, known as PMI, with your lender.
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: Speak With E's Part 3 by: Sandra Schrift “Educate, Energize, Entertain, and provide an experience for your audience†1. Use direct eye contact. You can focus on one person when making a point… and
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: DAIRY MANUFACTURING EMPLOYMENT OUTLOOK FOR 2004 by: Scott R. Perreault “Two years ago the phone rang off the hook with recruiters calling all the time, it has been a long time since I had a call from a recruiter, but
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: The Morality of Child Labor by: Sam Vaknin From the comfort of their plush offices and five to six figure salaries, self-appointed NGO's often denounce child labor as their employees rush from one five star hotel to another,
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: The Top Ten Marketing Tips You Don't Want To Overlook by: Allyn Cutts 1. Combine Emotion and Logic Consumers buy because the want to experience the benefits of the product or service you have to offer. Evoke those feeling
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: Real Estate Remains A Strong Investment by: W. Troy Swezey Opportunities to make big, quick profits in residential real estate tend to come and go in cycles. When a local market is hot, families may find it possible
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: Easing Your Way Into Homeownership: A Guide To Low Down Payment Mortgage Programs by: W. Troy Swezey There’s no question about it: Buying a first home is a big financial commitment. In most cases, a home is the
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: The Secret To Beating Tiger Woods At Golf … And, Its Correlation To Success In Business! by: Paul Shearstone The game of Golf, although difficult to master, can nevertheless be narrowed down to three fundamental
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: Avoid the Three Biggest Financial Pitfalls by: Terry Mitchell For the average person and/or family, the three biggest financial pitfalls to avoid are new vehicles, credit car interest, and short-term loans. Any and all
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: Retirement: Why Quit for Good, When You Can Quit for the Better? by: ARA Content Talking About Money With Jim Larranaga (ARA) - Only one quarter of Americans age 35 and older have amassed 0,000 or more for retirement,
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: New Year Resolutions to a Better Financial Future by: Nowshade Kabir There could not be a better time to mull over the changes needed in our life style than at the beginning of a New Year. This is also a good time to
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: USA and Canada in the Top of Indoor Tanning Products by: Dana Scripca In United States of America and Canada, indoor tanning products are very usual. Moreover, the indoor tanning businesses have appreciably grown in the
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: A Remedial Course in Investing by: ARA Content Or, How We Discovered the Real Y2K By Carol Clark (ARA) - Was it really just a year ago that we were all running around trying to prevent computers from coming to a grinding
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: Silicon Valley by: Janet Ilacqua Silicon Valley: a parable We have all heard about the “Silicon Valley†miracle. Not long ago, Silicon Valley found itself at the centre of the world, a job- and money-making
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: Credit Traps Snag Consumers by: Gerri Detweiler Nearly 20 years ago I worked for a small consumer advocacy organization in Washington, DC. Each week we received sacks full of mail from consumers across the country requesting
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: How to Handle 12 Big Issues for Small Businesses by: Diana Barnum Some day-to-day work issues can turn into big headaches for small businesses. For example, not having enough help during a busy season or new promotion
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: Happy Employees are More Productive Employees by: ARA Content Small workplace-enhancing changes can reap big rewards (ARA) - It's not surprising that employees cite compensation as the number one factor that makes them
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: 401(k) Plans by: Charles M. O'Melia Excerpt from the book 'The Stockopoly Plan'. by the author Charles M. O'Melia I’ve been in and interested in the stock market so long (one year shy of forty years) I can remember
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: Tips in Preventing Motorcycle Injuries by: Kay Zetkin Safety in riding motorcycles in order to prevent injuries is a very critical issue especially during the peak of motorcycle season. The American Academy of Orthopaedic
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: Drivers of SUVs Saving Big Money with Diesel Engines by: ARA Content (ARA) - Half of all American vacationers on the road this year are driving gas guzzling SUVs and pickup trucks, according to a new survey on driving
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