Tag: Plan
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: How to Plan a Car Show Extravaganza and Fundraiser by: Tonza Borden A car show “extravaganza†is a fantastic opportunity to bring a community or special interest group together – for more than one cause.
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: All About Car Shows: How To Pick A Leader by: Tonza Borden Who’s In Charge Here? That is what your organization needs to decide upfront. The person who organizes and directs the show determines whether you have
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: All About Car Shows: How To Plan In Phases by: Tonza Borden Rome was not built in a day and your car show won’t be either. You have to plan your event in phases and execute it in phases. What does that mean? Write
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: How To Never Make Another Car Payment by: Tony Puckerin Car prices today compete with small houses and well-equipped mobile homes. As these price increases become more accepted by consumers, so too are the longer terms
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: When Do I Need To Hire A Business Plan Consultant by: Howard Schwartz Every new business owner knows that a business plan is critical – it is drilled into them by potential investors and every banking officer they
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: Why Small Businesses Fail (or Fail to Thrive) by: Karyn Greenstreet Tammy, a skilled and gifted horticulturist, called me to discuss what she needed to know to start her own florist and landscaping business. She had been
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: Make Your Money Work Year-Round by: News Canada (NC)-For many Canadians, the only time they are prompted to think of their investments is during the winter months, primarily in response to RSP deadlines. However, investing
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: Promotions That Build Profit by: Kahtleen Gage Promotions are everything you do to let your customers know you exist. Good marketing techniques can help eliminate the “I didn't knows†from your clients and
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: How to Identify a Problem Solver by: Harry Joiner As an executive recruiter, I interview a lot of people. And while most candidates find a way to look good on paper, their resumes don't always reveal how good of a problem
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: Seminar Success Strategies...How to Action What You Learn by: Lorraine Pirihi It's no secret that many people who attend seminars, workshops and conferences have great difficulty in implementing the ideas. They get all
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: Steering Your Way To Wealth by: News Canada (NC)-When it comes to growing your net worth, one of the vehicles capable of moving you along the road to wealth is your investments. A roadmap, in the form of a good financial
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: 7 Keys to Running a Successful Business by: Scott Kiser, DDS Although dentistry may appear to be different than other types of businesses, in reality it is a business. And although this article is written from a dentist’s
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: Financial Planning: Dismal Family Business Survival Stats Worrisome, Finds Study by: News Canada Five steps to start a solid succession plan (NC)-The statistics are worrisome. About 70 per cent of family businesses never
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: "Planning" To Make a Decision? by: John Robertson The longer I've been around companies the more I believe the words "Planning" and "Decision" are seldom used in the same sentence! And the business fallout because
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: How to Achieve E-commerce Success –You Gotta Plan! by: Heidi Richards Before becoming a netpreneaur, I was an entrepreneur. First, I owned a successful child care center which grew to capacity in less than two
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: RRSP Investing Mistakes To Avoid by: News Canada (NC)-So, you're ready to step up contributions to your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). You are eager for the tax and compounding growth benefits. You think you
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: How To Create Wealth In The Stock Market by: Charles M. O'Melia First and foremost, an opportunistic strategy for creating wealth in the stock market is needed. And the opportunistic strategy for creating wealth in the
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: Are You The Worst Enemy of Your Business? by: Suzanne Everett My 14 year old son attends classes at a martial arts center. The martial arts center is run by a 30 year old man. He is by all means a successful business
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: The 3rd Plan Missing from your Business by: Patty Gale If you're like most people, you probably started with wonderful ideas of fulfilling your dreams, to be successful and to take charge of your own destiny. I hope
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: Are You an Entrepreneur That is Starved for Time? by: Vishal P. Rao Being an entrepreneur and running a successful home-based business is stressful at times, and can be hectic. Success within a home-based business though,
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: 10 Wisdom-Based Wealth-Building Strategies by: Gala Gorman “It’s the business of your life… and you’re the CEO!†Gala Gorman Imagine that you’re Noah and God is telling you that
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: How Good a Deal Is Your Bank's Mortgage Insurance Plan? by: Ivon T. Hughes When you go to the bank to get a mortgage, you'll inevitably be asked to take out mortgage insurance. The idea behind mortgage insurance is simply
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: Where Is Our Largest Technological Plan? by: J.C.Melo The period, more or less one year before September 11. The White House Technology Advisor worked in the mankind largest plan until now, to install a fantastic communications
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: Becoming Wise - Wild & Free - Writing A Successful Business Plan - Part 2 - Do It In Steps by: Rod Francis So you've decided to write your own business plan because you know the value that the experience will give you.
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: The True Cost Per Minute of Long Distance by: Raymond A. Klesc Mathematics is unerring. As a child we are taught that 2 + 2 = 4. This will never change and will always yield the same results; except when it comes to
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: Prepaid cell phone plans: Great option or Last Resort? by: Syd Johnson There was a time when prepaid plans were marketed mostly to people with poor or bad credit. Now, prepaid plans are being marketed as a great alternative
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: Use Your Cell Phone Trial Period to Test Your Plan: Here Are Some Guidelines by: Syd Johnson If you use your trial period wisely, you can avoid some costly missteps when you sign up for your wireless service. The trial
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: Save Money on Cell Phone Offers: Beware of Family Plans by: Syd Johnson There are many offers for family cell phone plans on the web. To get the best deals, here are some guidelines: Get enough anytime minutes Keep
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: Free Cell Phone Offers – A Win-Win Situation? by: Syd Johnson You can find a long list of free cell phone offers on the web by doing some online research. A few of minutes of research can help you save time and
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: Rules of Simple IRA Your Business Needs to Know by: Daniel Lamaute A Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees plan, better known as a SIMPLE plan, is an IRA-based retirement plan available to employers with fewer than
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: A Buyer's Guide to Medical Insurance by: Johnny Mangiante Buying travel health insurance can be a complex task. There are so many different plans - each with different benefits and restrictions. It is important to shop
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: Are You "Set Up" For Success by: Craig Binkley Believe it or not, 2004 is already here. Yeah, I know, where has the time gone? My mom always told me that as I got older, the years would start to fly by. Did anyone ever
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: Protecting the Tax Advantage of Your Deferred Compensation by: Daniel Lamaute The American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 imposed strict new rules on non-qualified deferred compensation plans. Beginning in 2005, deferred compensation
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: Success From Failure Is As Simple As Focus, Plan, Execute by: Timothy Spaulding You excitedly signed up for that pre-made money generating website you saw in a popbehind window. You signed up for the affiliate IDs. You
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: More Uses for Your Business Plan by: Gerry McRae You have invested a lot of time and energy on writing a business plan just to get a loan or to attract an investor. What do you do when you get the money or, worse, should
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: 4 Steps to Success In Life, Business, The Universe And by: Keith Longmire Everyone wants to succeed in life. And no one starts a business of any sort, on-line or off-line, wanting to fail. Yet the sad fact is that 80%
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: The Shadow by: Al Thomas The Shadow knows. There used to be a radio program called The Shadow where the hero, Lamont Cranston, the Shadow, would overcome the shadowy forces of doom by clouding the vision of those around
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: Successfully Adding a Service To Your Business by: Dr. Rachna D. Jain There will come a time in your business where you feel ready to add another service offering. To make this successful, there are ten tips to consider
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: Ready, Fire ... Aim! by: Kimberly Stevens Almost every book about starting a new business begins by telling you to write a business plan. Many readers run in terror, others jot some notes on a pad and a very few sit down
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: Plan For Wealth by: Stephanie Yeh One very important wealth creating habit is to set up a concrete plan that you can actually follow. You see, wealth takes planning, and is usually the result of taking a set of orderly,
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: The Mystery of the Unknown! by: Dina Safar & Joseph Ghabi Your Work place is no longer available, disaster has struck, and time is money! How many times have you heard these statements? It is a nightmare for CIOs and
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: The Importance of a Focused Business Plan by: Jack Foley So you have seen a great opportunity and are about to get started. Where do you go from here? Before you dig in, I cannot stress enough the importance of a well
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: “Penny Wise and Pound Foolish†by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore This saying came to mind when reading my Icop newsletter. JL was discussing things that Chuck and I talk about all the time. A couple of weeks ago
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: Plan Your Success In Seven Ways by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore Many businesses lose money yearly because they don’t think creatively about the future. They run their businesses doing what they think they should: dealing
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: New Years' Resolutions for Your Business by: Jan B. King You can meet your goals for your business this year. Consider these resolutions as ten steps to your success in 2005. 1. Develop a business plan or strategic plan.
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: Seven Preparations for Writing a Business Plan by: Gerry McRae Writing a business plan is a daunting task. If you do not know that by now, you will discover that soon after you have read your first set of instructions
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: Business Plan Competitions by: Laura Ciocan The idea of a business plan competition first started in the 1980's at the initiative of some MBA students from Texas and has increasingly gained popularity. Such events happen
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: How to Write a Business Plan While Playing by: Laura Ciocan BizTech 2.0 is an entrepreneur education program offering business assistance to students over 13. The program teaches business, information technology and life
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: Are You Ready To Be Your Own Boss? by: Abel Cheng You have this burning desire you want to be on your own. The temptation is so great that you want to quit your job. Enough is enough. You're sick of working for other
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: Setting Financial Goals, The First Step In Turning Your Dreams Into Reality by: Teresa Kaufman Setting financial goals is the single most important thing you can do to take control of your finances. Your life can’t
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: Setting Financial Goals, The First Step In Turning Your Dreams Into Reality Part II by: Teresa Kaufman I decided to resurrect this article (with some changes due to events that have happened this year) from my website
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: The Solution-Sell is a Myth! by: Paul Shearstone Who among us is not already up to here with the omni-smarts who wax poetic the benefits of "Solution Selling." Now it may seem strange for me, the author of the book
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: Will your home business succeed or fail? by: Ian Canaway You may operate a home business selling services or products, but no matter which kind of business you're in, there's always a question in the back of your mind:
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: Handling Debt in 2005 by: Paulson Lopedro Debt is a problem that is ever increasing in our society today. Offers for credit cards coming in the mail is happening more and more often, interest rates are appearing low,
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: The Wrap Up of 2004 by: Lorraine Pirihi This is it. The end of another year. For some of you the next few days will either be frantic or quiet, depending on the business you are in. I hope those of you who are quiet
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: 6 Surefire Ways to Achieve Your Goals for 2005 by: Lorraine Pirihi Hope you had a good rest and are all fired up for the year ahead. Whilst you were sitting on the beach or lazing around during your time off, which
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: 'Must Haves' for ANY Business – The 2005 List by: Scott Jason As a business consultant I get the opportunity meet hundreds of professionals in every imaginable business each year. And time and experience have taught
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: Eliminate Debt Fast! by: Ephram Lucas How would you like to be debt free in only a few years, including zero mortgage debts?! Sounds too good to be true? Well check out this easy debt elimination plan from www.nodebtever.com
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: Business Planning 101 by: Bob Decker SELLING YOU ON YOUR BUSINESS! You’ve probably heard it said that a business plan is a selling document. While it is very true that your business plan will be an invaluable aid
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: Debt Management by: Jason Holmes At times of severe financial crisis Debt Management Plan (DMP) helps you to manage your funds and also protects you from the humiliation of debt struck conditions. The famous American
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: Beat Your Competition By Controlling The Cost Of Your Health Insurance by: Michael Ertel As many of us expect, the New Year will bring both tremendous challenges and opportunities for all of us both personally and professionally.
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: How To Best Handle Health Insurance Plan Changes by: Michael Ertel Many economists have suggested and recent economic data indicates that the economy is steadily moving in the right direction. A combination of several
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: How to Use Graphs and Charts in Your Business Plan by: Dave Lavinsky I often hear the question, “how many graphs or charts should I have in my business plan?†As with most other business planning questions,
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: The Main Goals A Financial Plan Should Accomplish by: Teresa Kaufman This article is going to briefly touch on the main things a financial plan should accomplish. You don’t need a professional to help you draw
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: Moving From A Weekend Hobby To Career In The Arts by: Lise S Richards Building a career as an artist takes hard work. Because the field attracts so many talented people, jobs in this field remain competitive. If you major
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: Success Leaves Clues by: Patricia Twtichell How often have you thought of running your own business because you assumed it would be easy? Or if you currently have your own business, you thought, “There’s
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: The Ideal Length of Your Business Plan by: Dave Lavinsky How long should a business plan be? A business plan needs to be whatever length is required to excite the investor, prove that management truly understands the
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: Turbocharged Financial Planning by: C.C. Collins Financial planning is an ongoing process individuals and businesses should implement by organizing all aspects of their finances. This will assist in identifying financial
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: Two Types of Executive Summaries by: Dave Lavinsky Companies seeking capital often ask how long the Executive Summary of their business plan should be. The answer depends upon the use of the summary, mainly determining
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: The Management Team Section of the Business Plan – Don't Just Include Resumes by: Dave Lavinsky Even the best new concept or existing plan will fail if executed poorly. The Management Team section of the business
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: Fail to Plan... Or Plan to FAIL? by: Gary Durkin Running a business, whether it be an offline multi-billion dollar company or an online part time home business, they share many similar traits. One of the biggest obstacles
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: Angel Investors: 7 Online Business Plan Scams and 1 Real Deal by: MaryAnn Shank We've all seen the hype: "We'll put your plan in front of thousands of investors!" "We'll write you an award-winning online business plan!"
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: Slam the Door on Debt by: ARA Content IHateFinancialPlanning.com offers ten tips to help you get out and stay out (ARA) - According to American Consumer Credit Counseling, Inc., the average balance on a credit card is
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: How Can I Become Debt Free? by: Stuart Simpson 1. You must change. You have to change your spending habits and spend less than you make no matter what. Its good for everyone. Especially if you are in debt. I know it’s
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: Stock Market Retirement Investment Plan by: Charles O'Melia For a successful retirement investment plan to work in the stock market, some ‘reasonably sure’ assumptions would have to be made: The retirement
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: Tax Reduction Tips by: Richard A. Chapo In the rush to get tax returns prepared and filed by April 15th, many overpay their taxes. Following are a few tax reduction tips that could help you save a bundle. Tax Credit
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: Import/Export – Building A Profitable Home Based Income For Life by: Tukshad Engineer Woolen jackets, paper rolls, light up teddy bears, clocks and DVDs – there is tremendous potential to make a very good
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: How Do I Know A Good Credit Card Debt Reduction Strategy When I See It? by: Matt Clarkson Credit card debt reduction is an important part of the debt reduction process. The way credit card debt reduction works is if you
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: 7 Myths That Make Meetings Miserable by: Steve Kaye Myth 1: Executives belong in meetings. Although the demands of business cause executives to attend more meetings than other professionals, executives need to avoid
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: Franchises - Exit Strategies by: Dennis Schooley At an International Franchising Symposium in London, Peter Holt made the bold statement to his audience of Franchisors that they needed to understand that their business
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: Frog Is In The Pot by: Al Thomas You remember the story about the frog that was put into a pot of cold water on the stove. He was not concerned. Someone lit the burner and the water began getting warm, the frog was very
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: Top Ten Reasons To Create A One Page Business Plan by: Maria Marsala 1. Choose opportunities more wisely and waste less time because I have my plan in place (P 6) 2. A single page can contain all the elements you need
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: Home Equity Line Breakdown by: Thomas Smith Home Equity Line of Credit in a Nutshell More and more lenders are offering home equity lines of credit. By using the equity in your home, you may qualify for a sizable amount
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: Resource Levelling by: David Stoneman Resource Levelling is an often hotly debated topic! To level or not to level? Perhaps this story will throw up a helpful perspective. “Review that!†Mac threw down
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: “Why You, Why Now†- A Critical Component of a Winning Business Plan by: Dave Lavinsky Business plans continue to be an essential element of the capital-raising process. They must convince investors to take
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: Shopping for a Personal Loan to Suit Your Finances by: Holly Bentz Just as one would shop around for the right automobile to suit your taste and financial style, the same is true in shopping for a personal loan. If you’re
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: Stock Market Retirement Investment Plan by: Charles M O'Melia For a successful retirement investment plan to work in the stock market, some ‘reasonably sure’ assumptions would have to be made: The retirement
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: How to Start a Business Plan by: John Mussi This is a guide on how to start a business plan. A business plan precisely defines your business, identifies your goals, and serves as your firm's resume. The basic components
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: A Few Easy Ways To Take The Headache Out Of Moving by: W. Troy Swezey Moving from one house to another is always a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Here are some simple tips on how to get it done
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: 11 Secrets to Leadership in Sales by: Thomas Baskind In his classic book, “Think and Grow Richâ€, Napoleon Hill discussed the eleven secrets of leadership. In reading this work, it appears that the attributes
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: Get Debt Free by: Terje Brooks Ellingsen If you once have been caught in the debt trap, how do you come out of it and be debt free? We are different and each of us has our own lifestyle and our own financial state, so
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: Business Disaster? Won't Happen to Me by: Denise O'Berry As fast as you can say business disaster, your business can go up in smoke. That's what happened a while back to Castle Carpet One. Gone were thousands of dollars
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: How To Deal With A Difficult Boss by: Tristan J. Loo Most people at some point in their lives have to deal with a difficult boss. Difficult supervisors vary in personality from being a little pushy or rude, all the way
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: Team Building Celebration Plan -- Perfect For Any Time of Year by: Denise O'Berry When was your last team celebration? Have you been way too busy to bother? Sometimes we get so caught up in day-to-day work that we don't
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: Plan Your Day and Stick to Your Plan by: Inez Ng How many times have you remarked to someone that there are not enough hours in the day? The sad truth is, not matter how much you wish it, it is unlikely that you can
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: Resolve Conflict In 6 Easy Steps - The BEDROL Method by: Tristan J. Loo The principles of Negotiation can work for you in any situation, but often people ask me, “Well, its often a fact that conflict happens unexpectedly.
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: Starting a Home Business by: Mary Evans In these days, it's becoming increasingly difficult to make ends meet with just one source of income. Thus, more and more people are investigating the possibilities of starting
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: Getting Started: Creating A Business Plan by: Dan Ames Your excited. You have a great idea for a profitable online business. Maybe it is an original idea that has not been marketed online before. Maybe you have come up
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: Seven Steps Towards a Successful Home Business by: Cheryl Haining The excitement of work from home can evaporate without a balanced life. To obtain optimal benefits from your business be passionate about it and believe
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: Build, Don't Blow, Your Annual Bonus by: News Canada (NC)—More and more companies are incorporating a bonus structure into compensation programs. Bonuses are generally based on performance and are tax advantageous
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