Tag: List
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: The Ways To Reach your Dream by: Odilia Paula Several days ago, I wrote an article to show you what you need to do, if you decide that you want to have your own money making site, if you haven’t read that or you
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: You Must Build A Customer List by: David Coyne If you run (or plan to run) an online business, it’s especially important that you maintain and add to a customer/prospect list. Unlike a store-front business,
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: A 4-Step System for Uncovering Hot Niche Markets by: James Allen Whether you are an affiliate marketer, a website designer or you make your living creating and marketing infoproducts such as ebooks, discovering profitable
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: The Flu and List building Go Hand In Hand! by: Melvin Perry What does the flu have to do with building your list? Well a lot! A flu, just like any other virus is able to spread itself to anyone it comes in contact with. And
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: The Flu and List building Go Hand In Hand! by: Melvin Perry What does the flu have to do with building your list? Well a lot! A flu, just like any other virus is able to spread itself to anyone it comes in contact with. And
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: “Must Haves†for ANY Business – The 2005 List by: Scott Jason As a business consultant I get the opportunity meet hundreds of professionals in every imaginable business each year. And time and experience
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: How To Build Your Sales by: David Coyne You may have heard of joint venture marketing, It’s used frequently by savvy entrepreneurs to increase profits and add loads of prospects to their customer list. So what
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: Launch Your Home-Based Retail Business Through The Roof! by: Donald Lee You had a great idea when you decided to open a home-based Internet retail business. You became a "power seller" as people in the online retail business
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: Ezine List Building: Wealth Mentor Teaches 5 Easy Steps To Skyrocket Your Subscriptions and Profits by: Rick Miller Would you like an Internet Marketing tool that can put your efforts on autopilot? In a recent interview
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: 5 Quick Ways To I.ncrease Your E-zine's S.ubscriber Base by: Gary Baker Welcome to all of you out in netland. If you have been doing any type of "m.arkeing" o.nline at all, then you have heard over and over again the
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: 7 Ways To Win The Time Crunch by: Ken Leonard Jr. Are you working a "day job" while building your home-based "dream business"? Do you find it difficult to manage your time? Follow these seven tips to get more done growing
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: 7 Tips for Winning Customer Appreciation & Loyalty by: Laurie Meade I am sure you have heard it before. The money is in your list. Follow up with your customers or your business will die. Here is a good list that will
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: Mind Power Expert Gives You The One Easy Key To Your Internet Fortune by: Rick Miller Do you want to build an online business? Do you want to have a better love life? Do you want to improve yourself? I recently interviewed
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: The Team Process by: Ray Cooney We live in very progressive times, one only has to look around at the changes on the internet each day to see that this is true. We see changes also happening within the world around
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: Most Commonly Asked Questions About Ezine Publishing by: Terri Seymour Getting so many emails as I do about ezine publishing, I thought maybe an article covering the most asked questions would be useful to some of you
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: How To Kick Start Your Business And Skyrocket Your Success by: Clifford Mee This will make some people angry as hell, but it's time to debunk the myth of 'Time Management' while sharing the real secret of the super successful. Let's
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: 6 Proven Steps To Internet Marketing Success by: Mal Keenan There is a misconception that you can come online set up a web business and be making 00s within days. Let be put that myth to rest right away. This has not
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: How to Build Your List – 7 Powerful Strategies by: Trent Brownrigg If you have been an internet marketer, or had any type of online home based business, for more than a few days, then you will no doubt have heard
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: Aim2gain by: Renetta Kriel For 20 years my actual job was working on a computer, then I decided to buy a personal computer to work from home. This was the best decision I have ever made. Obviously I got myself Internet
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: The List Is The Thing by: Ken Leonard Jr. Many companies begin their online sales ventures with the wrong strategy to build long term success. Thinking that a website is the core of their business leads them to focus
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: Highs & Lows of a Net Business by: Suzanne Falter-Barns In our recent survey to readers of my ezine, The Joy Letter, I was asked to provide a timeline of the ups and downs in building my motivational website, (www.howmuchjoy.com).
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: Three Steps To Building A 50K Email List In Less Than 90 Days by: Melvin Perry One major asset that every internet or affiliate marketer needs is a big email list. There is a saying in the marketing world that states
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: Finding it Online: Internet Research Made Simpler by: Philippa Gamse This article was originally published in Insights - the journal of the Northeast Human Resources Association. Introduction The Web can be an incredible
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: How To Avoid Having Filters Eat Your Emails by: Willie Crawford You've probably read 1000 times that "the money's in the list." If you're an Internet or email marketer, that's only partly true. The truth is that the money
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: 5 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Site by: Jennifer Tripp One thing you can never have too much of online is web site traffic. If you’re looking for ways to drive more visitors to your site, try these traffic
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: How to Market with Niche Auction Sites by: Diana Barnum Online auctions are big business. But they can be big headaches. During the past year, trading in online commerce was valued at billion, according to *Business
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: How To Kick Start Your Business And Double Your Profits by: Clifford Mee This will make some people angry as hell, but it's time to debunk the myth of 'Time Management' while sharing the real secret of the super successful. Let's
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: I Want to Do an Ezine! Part 1 by: Terri Seymour I have been getting numerous emails lately from people who want to start publishing an ezine, but really don't know where to start. So, I am going to write this series
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: Don't Have A List Or An Ezine Of Your Own? Well Now You Do. by: Fernando Soave If you knew the secrets to wealth and unlimited personal success were waiting for you behind a closed door, would you open it? Of course
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: How To Make Your Subscribers Stick To You Like SUPER GLUE by: David McCammon One of the biggest obstacles to building a good sized opt in list is the drop out rate. Sometimes it seems subscribers are leaving as fast
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: Guaranteed Ways to Build Up Your Ezine List by: Suzanne Falter-Barns Here are tips gleaned from roughly 5 years spent building up an ezine list. I've also incorporated comments and tips from Jenna Glatzer, who successfully
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: How To Use Viral Marketing To Grow Your Opt In Email List by: Stephen Warren If you have read my article called "What is Viral Marketing" you should already have a fairly good idea of it's potential. In this article
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: Getting The Most From Your Customers by: Dan Brown Business on the Net is a fast paced proposition. Net entrepreneurs are looking for the edge that will take their business to the next level. Who doesn't want more business,
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: A Different Perspective On The No-Call List by: Sandi Moses The other day I received an e-mail from an internet marketer who was bemoaning the fact that calling people on the no-call list is now illegal and that puts
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: About Your Newsletter by: Iulia Pascanu No matter how you name it: email advertising, email marketing campaign, newsletter, ezine. The medium is already worn out. Overused. Abused. This means you have to make extra efforts
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: Email Marketing - How Best To Manage and Distribute Your Messages by: Karen Fegarty This holiday season 15 percent of consumers in the US plan to buy online, spending an average of 5. That’s 9 percent more revenue
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: For All Those People Who Struggle With Benefits and Features by: Keith Longmire For Everyone Who Has Ever Struggled Sorting Out Benefits From Features - "SWAT Them!" SWAT is not actually an acronym. It is a compaction
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: Send Postcards To Save Money and Cut Through E-mail Clutter by: Roger C. Parker Use your computer to send personalized color postcards in quantities of 1 to 1,000. Print on demand postcards are here. You can quickly,
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: What Posting Articles Online did for my Google Page Rank in 90 Days by: Dr. Lynella Grant Article Marketing Builds Momentum and Traffic When I started submitting articles to ezines and directories I was happy just to
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: Super-Affiliate's! What Are They... How Do I Find Them and Why They're Your... TICKET To Online Success! by: Cory Threlfall Do you see this term often online and end up confused to what it means and the purpose they serve
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: Building a HUGE List of Loyal Opt-in Subscribers by: Glen Hopkins First of all, subscribers are not just subscribers, they are YOUR customers! If you treat your subscribers well, they will be your customers for life.
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: Developing A List Of Keywords For Marketing by: Catherine Franz Keywords aren't just some words that allow search engines, like Google, to find your web site. They are also key elements for creating attractive language
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: Finding The Cheap Clicks by: Henry Eldridge-Doyle As anyone who uses Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising in their marketing campaign knows, getting your ad copy on the front page of a search results listing is becoming more
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: Media Kit: 25 Component Possibilities by: Catherine Franz Media kits, virtual or print, include a combination of information whether created for electronic delivery or print. The number of components depends on the kit’s
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: Create Powerful Joint Ventures Step by Step by: Christophor Strobel Figure out what you are passionate about and make it your business. If you love golf, parachuting, surfing, computing, fishing , or whatever it may
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: 11 Creative Ways You Can Use Autoresponders by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ 1. Pick 4 or more articles you've written that have a common theme and put them in an autoresponder series. Announce it on your site as an e-mail
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: How to Print Your Marketing Postcards For A Penny, Address Them For Free, and Automate the Whole Process by: Jason Van Orden This article will show you how to cut your printing costs to a penny and have your postcards
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: New Realities for E-Mail Marketing by: Lee Traupel Spam e-mail is no longer the mild irritant it once was - it's clogging corporate networks and ISP mail servers and has become a real productivity drain, forcing corporate
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: Creating Marketing Fireworks by: Charlie Cook If you live in a small town like mine on the Connecticut coast, you will spend the 4th of July watching fireworks, along with everyone else in town. Why is it that people love
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: 11 FREE Ways How To Explode Your Website Traffic Hit Counter by: www.affila.com Every website needs traffic because without traffic it's impossible to sell anything. Here are 11 simple ways how you can get your website
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: 7 Ways To Get More Repeat Traffic To Your Site by: Ken Hill 1. Make all or part of your site into a valuable directory. Set up different sections of your site for people to submit their ezines, articles, ebooks or affiliate
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: To Lead or Not to Lead? by: Damon Smith Working with Leads or Opt-In Clients can be very confusing at times, Some people will tell you that Leads are not a good source of advertising while others will say that you can
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: 5 Steps to Build Your Own Subscriber List by: Bob Kosimov Let me ask you this ‘Who can you sell your products or services to over and over again?’ Your subscriber list is an unlimited source to market your
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: Real Estate Marketing, Do You Use Direct Mail? by: Barrett Niehus Prospecting for leads is by far the most difficult part of being a Realtor or small business professional. In fact, lead development is by far the most
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: 10 Classic Ways To Successfully Use Autoresponders by: Ken Hill 1. Use your autoresponders to conduct simple polls. Your polls can give you valuable information that you can use to make your ezine, site or product better.
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: As a Realtor, How Do I Attract Listings? by: Barrett Niehus Have you ever noticed that despite the massive number of Realtors in your area, only a hand full are making a fortune selling real estate? Regardless of who
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: 7 Traffic Generating Sites You Never Heard of But You Should Be Using Now by: Jinger Jarrett There are tons of free traffic generators you can use to build traffic to your site. Some are better than others, but before
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: How To Get Qualified Visitors to Your Site by: Denise Ryder Having an eBusiness isn't just about getting gobs of people to your site and hope that a number of them buy. Having your little web counter screaming 50,000
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: The Hidden Technique to Blast Your Subscriber Numbers Through the Roof by: Eugenia Bivines Hosting a contest is often an underutilized but effective method of attracting more subscribers to your list. A contest puts
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: My Dumbest Marketing Blunder And How You Can Avoid It by: John Colanzi When I started submitting Ezine articles, I never realized their true power. I was just happy to see the articles being published. I expected to
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: Success Guaranteed With Your Opt In List by: Ron Pioneer Some time ago I was thinking about the best and most foolproof way to earn great income on internet. I came to conclusion that success in internet marketing can
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: Don’t Let Legitimate Email Marketing Campaigns Suffer A Junk Mail Fate by: Richard Cunningham Volume-based filtering may be pre-sorting your marketing messages to the bulk folder or worse. You’ve got a
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: Single or Double Opt--In? by: F. Terrence Markle Single or Double Opt--In? You heard the message before. Your e-mail list is the most important key to your future online success. The best list is a highly targeted
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: Affiliates, 3 Things You Should Own Though You Don't Own A Product. by: Radhika Venkata 1. Your Own web site: Most affiliates put a redirect link directly to their affiliate product. It is not such a good practice. Register
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: Start Your Own Ezine Newsletter & Profit! by: Steven Boaze The information listed here is worth more than gold. if you apply these simple list building plans and techniques, we guarantee you will see results. you may
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: Joint Venture 101 - The Quickest Way To Build Your eBusiness - PART 1 by: Valeriu Popescu This article reveal the same techniques that many Internet marketing experts uses every day to make millions of dollars in profits
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: 8 Ways to Get More Email Addresses On Your List ... Today by: Cynthia King Whether you've got 100 or 100,000 people on your email list, chances are you can optimize your web page to better feature and promote your ezine.
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: E-Mail Newsletter Marketing Essentials by: Lee Traupel If Gutenberg were alive today he would be in publishing heaven! Forget the printing press, the web has fast-forwarded self-publishing in ways that are evolving so
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: Driving Qualified Traffic Using Directories by: Lee Traupel Some education is essential to enlighten you about this form of interactive marketing. Directories aren't Search Engines; they are web sites or information portals
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: Tackle a Newsletter and Come out on Top by: Beth Brodovsky Unlike any other marketing vehicle, newsletters give you the opportunity to contact your audience and convey your expertise in a way that offers value and information.
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: Using A Simple Idea to Target Your Audience by: Kellie Marzolf A wonderfully easy and free concept that many people seem to overlook during their online marketing career is the survey. If you are looking for programs
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: 5 Keys To A Successful Ezine by: Al Martinovic There are 5 basic keys you need for your ezine to be successful and here they are though not necessarily in this order. 1- Hosting You need good reliable hosting for
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: How To Create An Automated Income Producer by: Dan Farrell One of my favorite net marketing tasks is creating a FREE report or e-course and watching it fill with subscribers on an autoresponder. You might not realize
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: What The Heck Is A Campaign And Why Do I Need To Do One? by: Joy Gendusa Many people ask me, “What is a postcard campaign, exactly?†“And why do I need one?†As I have been educating my clients
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: The Importance Of A Marketing Plan by: Joy Gendusa There aren’t many things in life that you would get into with out a plan. Marketing is no different. Your overall marketing plan should cover about a six month
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: Having an Opt In List As an Affiliate Marketer Is Crucial by: Jason Gazaway What is an Opt-in List and what is its significance in Affiliate Marketing? This may be the question playing in your mind, especially for Affiliate
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: Have You Ever Tried Any Of These List Building Techniques And Got No Results? by: Ryan Blake I’ve been doing this for a while let's and thought I’d mention 2 list building methods which I suggest you STAY
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: Do You Find Promoting Your Website Difficult? by: Ryan Blake Here are my two favourite methods that get me maximum results. Creating Viral Advertising Campaigns. This is probably the best form of advertising available
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: How to Run a Successful News Release Program by: Claire Cunningham Marketing public relations gives you cost effective ways to reach your audience. The trade-off, however, is time. It takes time to develop and execute
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: Your Platform...and Why it Can Make or Break Your Business by: Suzanne Falter-Barns Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to take your work into the world and share it with others. But unless you can reach those
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: Taking E-mail Marketing To The Next Level by: David Bell Many types of Internet advertising don't work as well as they once did. People have gotten used to banners and don't click on them. Some ezines have failed to keep
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: Growing Your Business With Your Marketing Priorities by: Charlie Cook None of us have enough time in the day to get everything done, but small business owners and entrepreneurs like you are particularly pressed. You wear
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: Traffic Generation Tutorials. Article 1 of 10 Bi Weekly Articles by: Mal. P. Bailey This article will be continually updated with your feedback and updates will appear http://www.its-brilliant.com/0001.html. Please See
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: How To Earn Money Without A Website by: Edward Green I will tell you right here and now you do not need to have a website to be successful in internet marketing. There are some essential tools you will need, but a website
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: Your Book Not in Book Stores? Don't Worry by: Dr. Jamie Fettig Trying to figure out how to get your self published books into book stores? Don't worry about it because you can get more book sales easier and with less
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: Top Ten Ways of Why and How to Write your Book's Sales Letter - Part 1 by: Judy Cullins Authors/publishers are great at getting their books written. But after the initial one-year honeymoon, sales slow down. To counter
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: Guaranteed Ways to Build Up Your Ezine List by: Suzanne Falter-Barns Want your ezine list to catch fire and really start to fill up? Jenna Glatzer took her own list from the hundreds all the way to 75,000 in 7 years by
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: The Goose That Lays Golden Eggs by: Mustafa K. Ever wondered what it would be like to have a goose that lays golden eggs? Well, if you thought such stuff happens only in fairy tales, think again! Now before you get
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: Effective List Management Can Save You Big by: Joy Gendusa Let’s talk about how to keep your postage costs down. So far you have been following my advice and mailing to the same list more than once. At some point
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: The Importance of a Marketing Plan by: Joy Gendusa There aren’t many things in life that you would get into with out a plan. Marketing is no different. Your overall marketing plan should cover about a six month
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: Specialized Mailing Lists Make All the Difference by: Joy Gendusa If there is one thing I can’t say enough it is that the most important part of your mailing campaign is your mailing list. It is vital that you
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: The Marketing Secret Every Child Knows by: Steve Conn Little Kids Ask Until They Get What They Want. Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, can I have an ice cream? Can I, Can I, Can I, Can I? Please, Please, Please, Please. I'll be good
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: How to "Really Get Your Customers" by: Steve Conn What Really Makes Your Postcard Mailing Successful? The biggest single factor in the success of your postcard mailings is who you send your postcards to. You need a
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: More Marketing Dope by: Joy Gendusa Direct marketing can make you very successful, but you’ve got to understand the basics. Here are some more gems of the industry that can take you from being a diamond in the
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: Reasons People Go to Church by: Timothy Fish You can do a search of the internet and find lots of information about the excuses people give for not attending church. Some of the most common excuses seem to be that the
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: What Do Your Ads Say? by: BIG Mike McDaniel Make a list of everything you think should be included at one time or another, in one of your ad, be it radio, newspaper or Little Jimmie's class play program. Everything.
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: Filing a Simple Bankruptcy by: Susan Chana Lask, Esq. We all know times are tough and, for some of us, bills are getting harder to pay each month. If the debts you owe are more than what you can afford, you should read
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: 5 Tips for the First Time Home Buyer by: Home Buyers Digest Want to buy a home? Consider the following before taking the big plunge! 1. Are You Ready to buy a home? You need to get your financial house in order. The
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: Choosing the Right House Plan by: Dascar Daniel Now that you have made that bold decision to build a home of your dream, it absolutely important to get the best home you can imagine. For you and all of us, building the
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: The 10 Most Important Rules of Choosing and Dealing With a Contractor by: Razmik "Raz" Vartanian Building your dream home can quickly turn into a nightmare of unmet schedules, cost over runs, shabby workmanship and endless
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