Tag: Children
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: Ultimate Airplane Themed Games & Activities for your Child's Birthday by: Geoff Schurman Are you looking for the Ultimate Airplane Themed Party Games and Activities? Well stop looking because they are right here... Don't
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: Getting through the School Daze by: Megan Corwin It’s back to school time again. Does the thought of having to get everyone organized and out the door make you want to send for boarding school brochures? Here are
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: Long Distance Caregiving for a Loved One is Particularly Difficult by: Linda LaPointe Use this article freely in print or electronic media, but please use author’s byline and let me know where and how it is used.
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: Loving Your Spouse When Your Spouse is Not Loving You by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Marlo and Jack have been married for twelve years and have two young children. Marlo and Jack each state that they love each other, yet Marlo
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: Winter Blahs Become Family Fun by: Sarah Zanger After spending another dreary winter Sunday with not much to do I decided our family needed an exciting activity. I thought I needed a break from planning dinner so I'd
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: Number 1 Key to Good Parenting by: Pam Jarvis The numbers are chilling. Teen suicide and homicide rates have tripled from twenty years ago. There is a 50% increase in childhood obesity. Teenage pregnancy rates are the
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: Food is Our Oldest Conversation: by: Phil Goglia Food is our oldest conversation and our most emotional one. Being nourished at our mother’s breast is our first activity after birth. As our lives unfold, we come
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: Ten Classis Kids Party Games With a Twist by: Patricia B. Jensen The most exciting part of a kids party is the party games, and why not start with the classics? We've all played musical chairs, pin-the-tail, and limbo.
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: A New Year’s Resolution to Learn a New Language by: Emma Rath Danny Glover, the famous American actor, once said that his new year’s resolution was to learn French, because everyone he wants to speak with
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: Watering Your Young Child’s Mind by: Emma Rath Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle shells And pretty maids all in a row. It’s an everyday nursery rhyme,
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: How to Create Your Own Monster -- are you Spoiling your Pet? by: Carolyn Schweitzer "You've created your own monster, you know", my mother said ominously. My Rex cat, Houdini, had just burrowed his way inside my sweater
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: Guide to Choosing a Computer System For Your Child by: Eugen Lisov Before going further into choosing computers for children, I believe that you would like to know the answer to the following question: Why do children
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: Muscle Pain And Children Do Not Mix by: David Leonhardt I am in pain. I've been in pain all day. Last night, I was in "searing pain", which is pain multiplied by pain, divided by relief, then multiplied by pain to the
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: Safe From Strangers by: Gary Direnfeld There are few thoughts as terrifying as the abduction of your young child by a stranger. The fear causes parents to think long and hard about their children’s safety. They
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: Relationship Deal-breakers by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. In the 37 years that I have been counseling couples, I have discovered that there are only a few issues that are true relationship deal-breakers. Many of the issues
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: Watching Your Children’s Garden Grow by: Rondi Hillstrom Davis Start some gardening traditions with your kids. Give them their own garden patch and a spot to dig. Children love getting their hands dirty and watching
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: Imaginations Soar by: Debbie Long Have you ever sat and watch a child struggle with a blank page? Have you ever wondered why some children just seem to detest anything to do with writing? Have you seem them just give
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: A Year’s Worth of Character Training to Last a Lifetime by: Kate Hufstetler Ever wonder why some kids are the way they are? Ever wonder why some kids seem to lack the basics in true inner character? Well, just
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: Want A Great Family Dog? by: Amy Howells A breed of dog called a Boxer is very family-oriented and they always love to be around people. Treat them as family members. Never underestimate their need for human companionship,
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: Easy, Frugal Breakfasts! by: Cyndi Roberts We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And that children that eat breakfast do better in school than those who don't. However, we also all know that it
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: Cell Phone Antenna May Pose Health Hazards by: Peter Lenkefi There is growing consensus that cell phone antennas may be harmful to humans due to the huge volume of electromagnetic waves that get concentrated around it
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: A Diet Deficiency Today is a Clinical Event Tomorrow by: Theryssa Gossman For those of us that understand nutrition and it's importance in our lives, this statement makes all too much sense doesn't it. Today, six out
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: Kids and The Low-Carb Lifestyle by: Philip J. Goscienski, M.D. Some pediatricians have been prescribing a low-carb diet for a select group of children for decades, and what they have seen is very unsettling. The ketogenic
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: Half of our Nation is Over Weight! by: Paul Marsland Experts say obesity will overtake smoking as the biggest health problem of the decade. They are predicting a quarter of the population will be suffering from weight
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: Food for Thought by: Debra Gorin, M.D. Depression is a disorder marked by sadness, low energy, impaired concentration, and feelings of dejection. Some people believe that depression is normal. Hectic daily activities
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: Battling Childhood Obesity through Smart Eating by: Protica Nutritional Research Finally, a positive solution regarding America’s difficult and costly campaign to stem childhood obesity is emerging. For the thousands
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: Is the FDA really looking out for you? by: Lee Cummings The FDA mission statement reads in part: “The FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy and security of human
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: How to Wean Your Kid from the Junk Food Joneses by: Phil Goglia I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “Keeping up with the Joneses.†It used to mean creating a life-style that had quality, pizzazz,
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: Developing Routines, Creating Rituals by: Beth Yim Routines and rituals are important for the well-being and health of every member of a family, especially in light of the high demands placed on both parents. According
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: Child Anxiety Disorder by: Balaji .B Child anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental, emotional, and behavioral problems that commonly occur in both children and adolescents. The childhood anxiety disorder usually
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: Health Quick Tip: Help Your Child Cope With Food Allergies by: News Canada (NC)-Some children have problems with certain foods, ranging from mild intolerances to life-threatening ana-phylactic shock. Indeed, any food
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: Child Autism Behaviour by: Balaji .B Autism is a developmental disorder and the specific cause for autism is not known. It is believed that some biochemical imbalance would have caused autism and some believe that it
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: How to Handle Child Tantrums? by: Balaji .B Child tantrums are a way for children to express their feelings and thoughts. Child tantrums are common in young children. Children below the age group of 4 are the most affected
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: Information Day For Life-Threatening Allergies by: News Canada (NC)-Your teenage son has a food allergy to peanuts and the best way to save his life during an allergic reaction is to keep the injectable adrenaline, also
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: September 19 Is Life-Threatening Allergy Day by: News Canada (NC)-If you have a child, or if you yourself have a life-threatening allergy, mark the calendar on Thursday, Sept. 19.Shoppers Drug Mart/Pharmaprix is holding
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: About Attention Deficit Disorder ( ADD ) & its Symptoms by: Balaji .B Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a condition that is usually characterized by behavioral and learning disorders. ADD generally diagnosed in children,
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: Toxic Chemicals, Are Your Children Being Exposed? by: Shelly Platt You do what you can to keep your little ones safe and healthy in this world we live in. You put your household cleaners out of reach and make sure the
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: Proper Nutrition Can Make Your Kid a Top Student by: Gobala Krishnan It is important that your child gets his or her nutrition early oÂn, preferably form Grade 1. This is the most important time for brain development,
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: Fluoridation and its Dangers by: Alfred Jones A number of Local Goverment Councils in Australia have been unable to supply free fluoride supplements to the public due to an Australia wide shortage, so residents should
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: What One Should Know About Allergies by: Dominic Ferrara Allergies affect approximately 60 million Americans, which means one in every five adults or children suffer from them, and are common in men as well as in women.
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: Weight Loss in Children by: Cass Hope What is “too young†to begin a weight loss program with children? Is there actually such a thing? There are many different opinions on the topic of child obesity but
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: Monitoring BMI In Children Today Could Lead To Better Health by: Dave Saunders In a new study published by the American Heart Association, it is suggested that infants who gain weight rapidly during their first week may
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: Vitamins - Children’s and Multivitamins by: Martin Smith Most parents' think their children are eating a fairly healthy and if not they throw their hands up in the air and give up. They then ply their children
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: Exercise and Kids: The Difference Between Training Children And Adults! by: Raymond Kelly The greatest mistake a person can make when exercising with children is to treat them like little adults. Children are growing
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: What's The Best Way To Care For Your Trampoline ? by: Jeb Taylor Your trampoline can be an expensive item, so it's important to properly care for it. Here's some useful tips : Don't Let Kids sit/stand or play with
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: Autism and Nutritional Supplements by: Ray Smith Unfortunately, it has been proved beyond doubt that a large percentage of the United States population suffers from nutritional deficiency. Studies show, 30% of the general
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: Why Americans’ Potential Height Increase Have Reduced Significantly by: Cher Sern Lim There was a time when most American children were expected to grow taller than their parents. Since the early 20th century,
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: Iron Mineral 101 by: Charlene J. Nuble Iron is a mineral that is essential to the health and functioning of the body. Deficiencies in iron can have serious consequences for overall health and even energy levels. While
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: Sleep Apnea – A Surprisingly Common Childhood Disorder by: Donald Saunders Sleep apnea, and in particular obstructive sleep apnea, is often thought to effect only overweight men from the age of about fifty onwards.
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: Vitamins, Minerals And Growth by: Tim Henry Each and every bodily process has its base in the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are consumed, and the process of growth is no exception. From the growth and development
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: Iron Mineral 101 by: Charlene J. Nuble Iron is a mineral that is essential to the health and functioning of the body. Deficiencies in iron can have serious consequences for overall health and even energy levels. While
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: Melatonin, Sleep Enhancement, and ADHD - Auto Recovery by: Anthony Kane, MD Overview Melatonin is a natural hormone, which is produced and secreted by the pineal gland. Melatonin plays an important role in the regulation
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: The Number One Reason For Your Child'S Doctor Visit by: News Canada (NC)-Infections caused by pneumococcal disease are a leading reason for many children's doctor visits in the first few years of life. What is Pneumococcal
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: Vaccines: Reducing Doctor Visits by: News Canada (NC)-While vaccines are a proven, safe and effective way to prevent certain life-threatening diseases, myths abound about vaccinations and the risks that they pose to human
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: ADHD Beyond The Classroom by: News Canada (NC)—Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is thought by some to be an "academic" disability causing difficulties with attention and concentration in the classroom.
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: Understanding ADHD by: News Canada (NC)—The behavioural disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has been recognized and treated since 1902. However, it is only in the last 20 years or so that research
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: Beyond ADHD... The Real Child by: News Canada (NC)—Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological disorder that affects three to seven per cent of children. The disorder causes difficulties
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: Children Get Constipated, Too by: Dr. Loretta Lanphier, ND, CCN, HHP Do you notice your child putting off going to the bathroom because he/she is busy doing more important things? Do you notice avoidance of the bathroom
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: Bug Bites… The Itch May Be The Least Of Your Worries by: Dr. Brian Aw, M.D., and C.C.F.P. (courtesy of News Canada) (NC)-In most cases insect bites are harmless and if left alone, the irritation will subside within
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: How To Keep Your Kid'S Brain Healthy by: News Canada (NC)-According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, approximately one in five children between the ages of four and 16 have a diagnosable psychiatric disorder.
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: How To Recognize Mental Illness In Children by: News Canada (NC)-Learning that something is wrong with your child can be a frightening experience. Frightening and embarrassing. In fact, the reason that many fail to have
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: ADHD and Food Allergies by: Anthony Kane, MD Introduction There are a number of controversial areas in medicine when it comes to ADHD. Food allergy is certainly one of them. The classic allergic reaction, which is
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: ADHD and Iron Deficiency by: Anthony Kane, MD About 8% of children, ages 4 years and under, are deficient in iron. Between the ages of 5 and 12, the percentage rises to 13%, and then settles back to 8% in people above
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: Oppositional Defiant Disorder by: Anthony Kane, MD Introduction Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a psychiatric behavior disorder that is characterized by aggressiveness and a tendency to purposefully bother and
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: Low Salt Diet Tips for Kids and Adults by: Laura Bankston Our bodies only require a small amount of salt for proper nutrition. But the fact is that we all, including our children, consume way more salt -or rather, the
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: The Simplest Asthma Solution by: Drs. Ralph & Lahni DeAmicis During the Democratic convention the Reverend Al Sharpton quoted a shocking statistic: One third of the children in Harlem suffer from asthma. This shouldn’t
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: Treating ADD and ADHD Naturally by: Cori Young ADHD / ADD Smptoms, Causes & Alternative Treatment Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a dysfunction of the Central Nervous System (CNS), most specifically the reticular
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: Facts About Allergies For Parents by: News Canada (NC)-Did you know that more than 20 percent of school-age children suffer from allergies. A condition that, if not diagnosed properly, can interfere with a child's ability
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: Eating Instinctively by: Laura Ciocan I start from the premise that eating instinctively means eating healthily. I strongly believe that the body has the capability of transmitting the brain accurate information regarding
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: Inadequate Sex Awareness Poses Adolescent Health Risk by: Billy I Ahmed It is not uncommon, in a country like Bangladesh, that conversation about sexual issue remains a taboo. It is high time, that such taboo should be
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: Performing Magic For Kids by: J.L. Siefers You have just discovered the wonderful world of magic. Trip after trip to the magic shop has added to your ever growing arsenal of magic tricks. Thirty-three days later the credit
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: Selling Your Home - A FSBO's Guide to Keeping It Safe by: Michelle Annese Home sellers not only need to think like a realtor in finding potential buyers for their homes, they also need to think like a personal security
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: When is the Best Time to Move? by: John Carle & Sharon Gregresh As Realtors, we are often asked, "When is the best season to move?" This is a tough question, one we cannot answer for you. Most people are asking about
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: Got Wheels? Get A Helmet! by: News Canada (NC)-Bikes, in-line skates, scooters and skateboards are popular with Canadian kids. These activities are great ways to keep fit, but it's important to remember the risks that
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: Is The World of Fiction Good for Kids... by: Laura Hickey Fiction- Good or Bad for Children? Ghosts, vampires, demons, wizards...all items you could easily find in a fictional story. Or all items that some parents may
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: Making Science Less Abstract for Preschoolers by: Nicole Brekelbaum A simple experiment that can help preschoolers discover and enjoy the wonders of science. Most childcare businesses supervise children for more than
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: Does My Child Have Migraine? 5 Things To Consider... by: James Cottrill Maybe you have migraine yourself, or someone you know does. You start to wonder if your child is going through the same thing. They might be complaining
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: A Child’s Self Image by: Sue DeFiore With all the focus on weight today it is not surprising that children are starting to look at their bodies at earlier ages. Children as young as 7 years of age are asking parents
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: Activity + Poor Food Choices = Non Healthy Lifestyle by: Sue DeFiore One of the biggest misconceptions people have today is what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. Just because you exercise does not mean you are healthy.
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: Dinnertime Chatter by: Sue DeFiore One of the themes I see on the various internet boards I belong to is that children eat and run. First, whatever happened to manners. We were not allowed to leave the table without permission
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: Don’t Make Fast and Furious Food Changes by: Sue DeFiore OK, moms and dads out there, we hear you when you say, my children won’t eat healthy foods. If we even say the word, they tune out and already decide
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: 8 Simple Tips To Help Your Child Read by: Linda Ogier Take away the skill of reading and not only books become a mysterious and foreign world, but reading train timetables, ordering from a menu, understanding bank statements,
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: Ending Child Labor by: Rose DesRochers Your Nike shoes that cost you 150 dollar and your 70 dollar pair of Levi Strauss jeans were most likely made by a young person from the age of 5-14 living in Indonesia, Honduras,
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: Geomag Magnetic Toys by: Anton Komarov There are many different types of magnetic toys that can be purchased for children. Most of these toys are extremely fun for children as well as adults. Many of these toys are also
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: Buying Your Child a Digital Camera- What You Need To Know by: Kevin Rockwell Purchasing any gift item for your child is a mind-numbing task. You can never be sure whether they will like what you buy for them or not. So,
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: Stop Lying NOW by: Kim Olver Do you have a consistent problem with your child lying to you, even though he or she is normally a “good†child? Sometimes the lies are even about things that don’t really
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: Rescue Your Children by: Joe Cirillo How often have you thought about this "your time is your life and your life is your time, when one is gone so is the other " Time is infinite, not a renewable resource. The average
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: Is There Any Real Use For A Fun Quiz? by: Brian Fong Q. I don't like my children spending so much time on the computer and playing video games. Can you help me find or develop a fun quiz to stimulate their thinking? A.
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: Would Chopin Have Passed A Music Quiz? by: Brian Fong Q. My children are very interested in playing music. Is there such a thing as a music quiz for kids? A. Sure there's such a thing as a music quiz, and you can find
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: You Don't Have To Be A Rocket Scientist To Pass An IQ Quiz by: Brian Fong Q. Can you really tell anything about someone's intelligence by having them take an IQ quiz? A. The answer to this question requires a bit of
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: Bring Out The Wizard In Kids With A Harry Potter Quiz by: Brian Fong Q. I think that Harry Potter provides an excellent learning opportunity for my kids. How can I take advantage of his popularity to teach my children
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: Take Advantage of Your Child's Energy Levels by: Joseph Browns “Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.†-Josh Billings If parents want to be able to make best use of
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: Spend Time Not Money With The Kids This Winter by: Tammy Pinarbasi Spending quality time with your children doesn?t need to cost a lot of money. What?s most important, is that you take the opportunity to bond with them.
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: The Real Facts About Your Child's IQ by: Alannah Moore Parents may be surprised to discover the following facts about IQ and IQ testing. 1. IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. But it is debatable whether IQ tests really
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: Children Can Make A Difference For Human Rights! by: News Canada (NC)—Why not celebrate Universal Children's Day on November 20th by doing an activity with your children? Here are a few ideas for how your family
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: To Clean Or Not To Clean by: Debi Nelson In my younger (much younger) days, I dabbled in the world of beauty pageants. I did not, however, (much to the chagrin of my husband) win the coveted “Miss Queen of Cleanâ€
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: Is Your Child Ready For a Dog? by: Shannon Emmanuel Are you considering buying a dog for your child or children? Before you do, take a moment to evaluate your family and determine if your children are ready for a dog.
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: The Kids are Alright: Technology is a Larger Part of Our Kids Lives Now More Than Ever. But Is Technology Making Our Kids Smarter? Part 1 of 2 by: Michael Dillon As we enter the new millennium, we face many uncertainties.
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: The Kids are Alright: Technology is a Larger Part of Our Kids Lives Now More Than Ever. But Is Technology Making Our Kids Smarter? Part 2 of 2 by: Michael Dillon Part Two: The Case for Technology. It is making our Kids
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: Kids To Improve Their Summer Fire Safety Know-How by: News Canada (NC)-When Canadians think of summer, they conjure up images of vacations and long-weekend getaways, camping, picnics, spending time with the kids and,
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