Tag: Hand
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: Keeping Your Own Money – NOT Handing It Over To The Taxman. by: Leo Rogers Most people trying to make a crust online (or offline for that matter) are so focused on doing just that, they ignore taking simple steps
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: How to play Pro Blackjack by: W Turner If you don't have much Blackjack experience, it can be daunting stepping up to the tables for a game. You can, however, hide the fact of your inexperience very simply by remembering
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: The Monkey Trap and Communication Problems by: Robert F. Abbott Have you heard the story of the monkey trap? It's said to be true, and goes like this: In tropical countries, hunters used to capture monkeys with a simple
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: Let's Play Baccarat! by: Sean Cameron Baccarat is related to the card game of BlackJack, but is even simpler. Popular in Europe, the main difference between Baccarat and Blackjack is that not only can you bet on the 'player',
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: 5 ways to use your Business Cards more effectively by: Brandon Hopkins Contrary to popular belief, the best use of business cards is not making origami or collecting dust. But, in this article you will find 5 of the
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: Why Can't Microsoft Make "Soft" Packaging? by: Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE Why is it that Microsoft wants you to buy its product but does not want you to open the plastic case that is welded around the cardboard box? I
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: Turn An Arts And Crafts Hobby Into A Business by: BB Lee Are you searching for a quick way to make an extra income? Why not turn that Cooking Interest, Comic Book Collecting, or Your Retro Clothing Collection Into
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: How To Seal The Deal In Seven Seconds by: Lydia Ramsey Can you close a sale in just seven seconds? If you make a great first impression, you can do it even faster. Seven seconds is the average length of time you have
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: Cross-Cultural Communication:Grin and Jump In! by: Judith Richardson Multiculturalism is a reality in North America and for those of us who do business globally. The US has more legal immigrants yearly than all the other
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: Double Your Sales Potential With Double-sided Business Cards by: Christopher Brunner Swapping business cards is one of the most basic and common forms of networking in the business world. With something that is so common
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: Sweaters and Web Sites: Aren't They All The Same? by: Walt McClure Beware: Thinly-stretched metaphor ahead. Proceed with caution. A Web Site is a Web Site is a Web Site....right? No. It's not. That's settled. Let us
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: Gifts for Christenings or New Babys by: H Porter A new baby is a celebration of life. You may find you are invited to a traditional chuch christening where a ceremony with god parents who take an oat to protect and teach
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: 6 Steps to Grill the Perfect Steak by: Laura Bankston There's nothing better than a nicely grilled juicy steak. But how come I can't duplicate that restaurant, expensive, juicy, melt-in-your mouth, perfectly grilled steak? Well,
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: Would You Like to Learn How to Bake Bread? by: Jan Kovarik Even if you have never baked bread before, I can just about guarantee that your very first loaf out of the oven will be so mouth-watering that you’ll amaze
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: How to Avoid the Flu this Holiday Season by: Vicki Rackner, MD No flu shot for you this year? Can you keep yourself safe? Yes! Even though flu viruses may be lurking at the next holiday party you attend, you can take
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: Workstation Health and Fitness for RSI by: Gerard Bulger Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is now a major industrial disease affecting millions of people around the world. RSI includes conditions such as carpel tunnel syndrome,
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: Chocolate and Heart Health – Fact or Fallacy? by: Nicholas Webb Wouldn’t it be wonderful if chocolate and heart health went hand in hand. However, there is so much information lately about the health benefits
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: Get a Grip! Get More Out Of Your Biceps Curls by: Nick Nilsson Would you like to know how to get more out of every single dumbell curl you do? Amazingly enough, you can do this simply by changing where you grip the dumbell. First,
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: Healthy Living Hand Hygiene Tips For Busy People by: News Canada (NC)—Practicing dedicated hand hygiene makes good sense when it comes to fighting the spread of germs. Many of the common, and not so common viruses
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: Could This Be Arthritis In My Hands by: Rusty Ford Ask Rusty Arthritis Questions answered by Rusty Ford Editor of Arthritis-Symptom.com Could this be arthritis in my hands Hi Rusty. A few days ago, I slightly injured a
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: Treatment Options for Hand and Foot Eczema by: Mike Long There are many kinds of eczema, and too few people who can tell you how to cure them. Scientists are trying get a better handle on the causes of such eczema as
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: Texas Holdem Tournament Poker Strategy - Betting Is Communicating by: Rick Braddy The "Language" of Poker Bets We humans are very perceptive creatures. We are able to communicate in many different ways with one another.
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: Knitting Basics – Simple Terms and Instructions. by: Craftopoly.com Ever wanted to learn how to knit? Here are some simple descriptions of key terms that will help you get started with this “age oldâ€
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: There Is Always Something To Improve Or Innovate For Comfort by: Thomas Hong In this fast moving world of the 21st century, we are always forced to do everything in a rush, even eating and sleeping. The normal words of
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: Refining Your Area Rug Choice by: Tasneem Mirza As a Managing Partner of www.exquisiterugs.com, the question I am often asked, "What determines the quality of a rug?" While the question posed seems relatively simple it
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: Hand Feeding your Koi by: Brett Fogle One of the most rewarding and entertaining things about having a Koi pond is when your fish finally start eating out of your hand. There is no better way to learn each fishes' personality
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: How To Select Scraped//Distressed Hardwood Flooring by: Doug Bolton Hand-scraped and Distressed hardwood floors are becoming a popular choice in today’s upscale homes and commercial buildings. These floors are
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: How Much Is Your Popcorn Worth?: Powerful Lessons In Marketing And The Psychology Of Selling - Part 2 by: Ian Canaway Could buying popcorn in a theatre be a 'conditioned' response? Could it be that people are 'trained'
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: Testing Headlines by: Patrick Quinn A correspondent to AdBriefing, my monthly newsletter, has posed a very sticky question. How, she asks, can you tell whether a headline you have written is a good one…or not? What
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: Right Hand Guitar Playing Tip by: Yuri Nikitin This lesson can open for you a secret of high-speed guitar playing. If take the given technique for 2-3 weeks you'll feel progress in high-speed playing of complex passages.
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: Spam and Scams Go Hand in Hand by: Denise Hall We all know there's been alot of chaos lately about new anti-Spam laws and honest business owners like you and me don't want to have our businesses and ezines shut down due
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: Preparing A Layette For Your New Baby by: Roy Thomsitt First of all, in case you do not know, what is a layette? Well, the definition of layette is quite simple: a kit consisting of a complete outfit (clothing and accessories)
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: How To Become A Successful Dog Trainer? by: Ray Coleiro While reams have been written and expounded on training secrets and the psychology of the dog one often tends to forget that the “mason†is the one who
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: Beginners Strategy Guide to Online Micro Limit Hold 'Em by: Mike Hellmer It's hard to miss the fact that the last two winners of the World Series of Poker were not professional poker players and the fact that Chris Moneymaker
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: Poker Face In Cyberspace by: Oddvar Pettersen His palms are sweaty and his heart is racing, but he smiles when he sees his cards. "I can't lose this one", he says, with a big grin on his face. Poker in cyberspace is
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: Beat the House with this Supabets Blackjack Strategy by: Kent Clarke In the game of blackjack, the final hand you hold can only be one of the following - a blackjack, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 or less, or bust. If you bust,
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: Playing Ace-King in Texas Holdem by: Doug Tomlinson Everyone who plays Texas Holdem knows that Ace-King is one of the very best starting hands. But, it is just that, a starting hand. It’s only 2 cards of a 7 card
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: An Easy Way to Become a Good Blackjack Player by: Tom McBroom Learning to play the game of casino Blackjack reasonably well is not rocket science, regardless of what the dozens of books on the subject would have you believe.
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: Poker Odds - Pot Odds And Hand Odds Explained by: Oddvar Pettersen To be successful at poker you should, at any time during the play of a hand, be able to calculate the odds of catching your hand to the odds the pot is
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: Universal Kitesurfing Hand Signals by: Jakob Jelling Even though kitesurfing is a dangerous sport, it is popular around the world. People from different countries travel around the world to different kitesurfing locations.
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: Online Blackjack Basics by: Chen Ching-feng Online blackjack or “21â€, as it is commonly known, is by far the most popular card game offered in virtual casino establishments. This page will tell you what you
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: Tournament Blackjack, and the Art of Sabotage by: Shawn Tinling I was recently invited to play in the Daily Invitational Blackjack Tournament at Foxwoods in Connecticut. Tournament blackjack differs a great deal from
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: Can You Really Develop An Outstanding Basketball Shot? by: David Huizar & Matt Zavadil Struggling with your basketball shooting? We're going to begin fixing that right now! First, let's look at some general tips as
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: Controlled Body Movement The Key Essential For Your Golf Game by: Glen Osborne Basic body movement is essential in any sport. Of course it is also essential for any type of physical activity we do. As parents, we teach
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: Playing Texas Hold'Em In Vegas Or Online by: Eric Madsen We all know that A-A is the best starting hand in Texas Hold'em, and 7-2 is the worst. But between these extremes of riches and rags lies a vast gray area of poker
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: 4 Poker Tips the Pros Won't Tell You by: Paul Runyan In the past few years, professional poker playing has exploded in popularity. The biggest players are winning substantial amounts of money. However, none of the professional
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: After the Flop by: John Porter After the flop, your hand is pretty much defined. Before the flop, you have seen only 2 cards out of the total 7 cards that will eventually be in play. The flop gives you 3 more cards, so
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: Expensive Errors in Hold’em by: John Porter There are several expensive errors that are frequently made in poker, especially Hold’em. This article will discuss the 2 most expensive errors that players make.
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: A Hand Up Coaching Helps Women Succeed by: Cardell Phillips After downsizing wiped out her K salary, Jane was having trouble finding work. Just released from jail, 22-year old Marie didn't know how she was going to
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: Magical Holiday Emergency Kit by: Stephanie Yeh With all the travel, gift buying, last minute cramming at work, and family issues, is it any wonder that some of us find the holidays more stressful than fun? If you get
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: Winter Weight Loss Magic by: Stephanie Yeh If winter hibernation tends to pack on the pounds, take heart. There are some simple steps you can take this winter to prevent yourself from gaining weight. Even though it’s
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: The "Greatest" Leaders Are Often The Worst Leaders by: Brent Filson It's a common occurrence, a CEO leads a company to record earnings, retires and in months, those once high-flying earnings are dropping like shot ducks. Observers
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: Choose The Right Incense Burner by: Jakob Jelling Incense and incense burners come in many different varieties. While incenses vary in essences and aromas, incense burners vary in materials and shapes. Not only the incense
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: Patience: a Better Way? by: Maureen Killoran I believe it! We receive the lessons we need to learn . . . and we keep receiving /em until we get it at least half-way right. At least, it seemed this way to me recently,
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: How to Create Hip, Mature and Lush Harmonies by: Ronald Worthy Rarely is a chord played with its tones contained in a single octave, the root on the bottom, the third in the middle, and the fifth on the top. Usually
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: The Art of Concentrating by Means of Practical Psychic Exercises (Part 3) by: Zach Keyer It will be necessary to first train the body to obey the commands of the mind. I want you to gain control of your muscular movements.
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: The Rat Race and Smiling Over Spilt Coffee by: Connie Tsang As if choreographed and rehearsed the night before, one lays witness to the rumble of heels, a sea of italian-crafted, waxed, buffed and protected from any Act
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: Body Language by: Bud Smith Body language is fascinating. People rarely recognize how much information they give off and how noticeable it is to the human eye. Even to the untrained human eye. It is said that no less
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: If Content is King, then surely Relevance is Queen! by: Jason Hulott There has been a lot of to-ing and fro-ing in the search engine world of late and there are lots of conspiracy theories as to why these things happen. It
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: Right Hand Diamond Ring by: Laura Ciocan The hottest trend in jewelry fashion, the Right Hand Diamond Ring seems to raise sales sky-high. The latest trend in diamond jewelry is the Right Hand Diamond Ring. The marketing
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: Right Hand Bling Rings - The Ultimate New Accessory For The Savvy Single Woman by: Alex Miller When my first marriage faded into oblivion, the engagement ring I'd worn with such joy and love was banished to my jewelry
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: Grooming for the Groom by: Declan Tobin The big day is not all about the bride; the groom is also in the limelight and would like to look his best too. With the increase of men’s beauty products like Clarins, Lancôme,
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: How Wives with Cheating Husbands Can Gain the Upper Hand by: Ruth Houston Too many wives with cheating husbands put up with their husband’s infidelity because they feel they have no choice, or they don’t
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: Easy and Inexpensive Hostess Gifts by: Jan Kovarik In days gone by,it was considered impolite to go to someone's house for dinner or a party and not take a small gift for the hostess (or the host!). The gift didn't have
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: Basic Palmistry I by: Sam Stevens Palmistry is an ancient art and one that has many systems of interpretation. It is also an intuitive art that is easily learned just by learning a few basics about the symbolism that
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: Basic Palmistry II by: Sam Stevens Palmistry, also known as Chiromancy, is the art of telling a person's fortune by looking at the lines and bumps on a person's hand. However, since the 1920s, the art of Chiromancy has
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: The Lost Art of Hand Writing by: Ieuan Dolby For a couple of years now I have used a computer for everything from writing articles, to communicate, to playing games and to printing addresses onto envelopes. My laptop
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: Body Language, Five Key Ingredients by: Jay Conners When making your living in the sales industry, and working with people, it is important to not only get your point across verbally, but you want to allow for your body
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: Using Business and Greeting Cards Effectively by: Jay Conners Business cards and greeting cards almost go hand in hand when being used for marketing and business purposes. With a few exceptions. One is bigger than the
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: Kevin's 52 Tips On Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Wrist Pain by: Kevin Klapwijk Best Wrist Treatment's 52 Ways How To Deal With Wrist Pains These tips when combined are a highly effective way to deal with wrist pains and
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: What Would I Do Without My Doula? by: Suzanne Doyle-Ingram By the time my husband and I finally got pregnant the first time, I had done a lot of reading about birth options and we had already decided to have a midwife
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: Reasons to Ditch Your Guitar Pick by: Scott Thomas "Hello, it’s ol’ riffmaster again…. Lately, I haven’t been using my guitar pick all that much. I got this tab book of some good ol’
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: Sharpening Your Sales Skills by: Jay Conners Making a living in sales can be very rewarding, however, it can also be tough at times. That is why it is very important to stay on top of your game at all times. Making a
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: Karate Principles by: Owen Johnston "The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants." - Gichin Funakoshi, founder of Shotokan Karate The underlying
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: 7 Surefire Ways to Arouse Your Woman by: Caterina Christakos As there are different types of women, there are different ways to arouse them as well. If you have been in a bit of a slump here are some quick ways to rev
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