Tag: Cost
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: Advantage of Renting a Condo While on Vacation by: David Chandler So you may be asking yourself, why would I want to rent a condo while on vacation? Although condos are a little more expensive than a normal hotel would
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: Testing Pay-Per-Click To Build A Subscriber List Fast by: Tom Beal Every successful salesperson knows the value of owning a list of targeted potential customers. It's a strategy I used to break sales records and also
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: What's the Real Deal on Pet Insurance? by: Blake Kritzberg Even if you haven't had a run-in involving your pet of late, pet insurance has probably crossed your mind. And if you have, the bill for any non-routine care
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: Cell Phones for Kids - How Young is Too Young? by: Barry Nagassar Take a random tween, age 8-12, place them in front of a rotary phone and observe at the blank stare of bewilderment. Yes, gone are the days of the landline,
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: Weight Loss Surgery – The Benefits and Financial Cost by: Beverley Brooke Generally, weight loss surgery such as the gastric bypass will cost between ,000 to ,000 – the clinics do make substantial
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: Chromium 6 - Our Guest from Hollywood by: Dr. Patrick Flanagan I am Dr Patrick Flanagan, and this is the latest edition of my Dr Health Secrets newsletter. Lately I have written about toxins in our water and food supply.
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: Here Comes the Sun: Solar Energy Is Becoming More Attractive For Mainstream Consumers by: Kavar Peter The price of a barrel of oil has never been higher (.00+ in summer 2005 even before the chaos caused by Katrina).
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: Comparing Costs: eLearning vs Traditional by: Michele Webb It is important for managers and organizations to consider a number of different factors when determing the best training delivery approach for their staff or
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: How to Secure a Low Cost Online Loan by: John Mussi If you're in the market for a loan and haven't thought about online options, you might want to consider looking into getting a low cost online loan. Unlike a traditional
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: Tips for Finding Low Cost Online Loans by: John Mussi Low cost online loans may not be as hard to find as you might think… after all, one of the advantages of applying for low cost online loans is the added ease
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: Insurance Providers Weather The Storm While Consumers’ Claims Flounder by: Richard Green We have just had the first year’s anniversary of the flash flooding which occurred at Boscastle in Cornwall. The
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: Teleclasses: Your New Innovative Way to Learn by: Kim Olver What the heck is a teleclass anyway? Teleclasses, also called teleconferences, are an innovative method for bringing information to you without you needing to
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: Creating A Wedding Budget You Can Afford by: Alan Allport The most important part of planning a wedding is setting your budget. Your budget is important because it is next to impossible to know what you can afford for
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: Wedding Day Savings by: Declan Tobin A little strategizing can go a long way when trying to cut down on spending for the big day. Invitations, flowers, and music can cost a small fortune but by making some adjustments
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: How Much Does A Website Cost? by: Steve Lillo To receive a complementary consultation and free quote for your website project, complete our project survey form located here. As a website designer, this is often the first
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: ECommerce, How much does it cost? by: Dennis Dadey Making profits with your existing website design or creating a new online store can be exciting, affordable and most of all; rewarding. Mmmm . . . that's what the last
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: Secrets Of Cheap Travel by: Steve Gillman There are two ways to save money traveling. The first way is to get the best deals on the specific things you want. There is a limitation to this type of approach though. If ,
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: Secrets Of Cheap Travel by: Steven Gillman There are two ways to save money traveling. The first way is to get the best deals on the specific things you want. There is a limitation to this type of approach though. If
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: Four Ways to Free/Low Cost Travel by: Liana Metal 1. Free lodging! Find a pen friend. Maybe you haven’t thought of this. It’s the best solution to your budget problems, but you can’t have it overnight!
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: The K Wedding Alternative by: Holly Bentz Thwart wedding bell apprehension when you explore your nuptial options. The mayhem of a marital union can evoke enough tension to make the happiest bride say, “I don’t.â€
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: How To Maximize Your PPC Campaign by: David Bell Do you have any idea how much money you are throwing away on your Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising? Do you know which keywords are converting into orders? Do you know your
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: Search Engine Submissions Made Easy! by: Robin Nobles One area of search engine marketing that has changed dramatically over the years is submissions. Submitting to the search engines used to be so complicated, with having
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: Paid Search Advertising that Delivers Maximum ROI by: Ivana Giardi Paid Search Advertising (also Pay-Per-Click, PPC) has gained a significant influence in the search engine industry over past couple of years. Whilst a
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: Articles:How to turbo charge traffic when you promotion budget is tiny by: Paul J Easton Writing articles for your site and for the use of others, is a simple proven way low cost way to get more traffic. Articles can
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: "Internet Marketing Simplified! 2 Pillars For Achieving Massive Results" by: Jeff Smith Are you confused by the flood of information on how to improve your internet marketing results? Mastering the search engines,
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: True Happiness by: Kim Olver Most people look outside of themselves as the cause of their unhappiness or frustration. After all, wouldn’t life be practically perfect if the significant people in our lives would
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: Fishing: Big Fun at Small Expense by: Drew Hennigar No Fortune Needed to Go Fishing Walk into any store selling fishing supplies and you might be overwhelmed by the variety of merchandise as well as the cost of some
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: Connecting On The Road by: Jeff Anderson Are you one of those travelers who simply cannot stand to be apart from your internet connection? And are you wondering how you can still have get email or surf the web while on
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: Connecting On The Road by: Gregg Siebert Are you one of those travelers who simply cannot stand to be apart from your internet connection? And are you wondering how you can still have get email or surf the web while on
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: Choosing a Self Defense / Martial Arts School: a Parent's Guide by: Eric Gehler & Jim Johnson “Daddy, I want to take Karate!†“Mommy, Jimmy on the bus hit me again today†There are many reasons
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: Common Boating Questions – Part 1 by: News Canada Which type of boat is right for me? For most buyers, general purpose craft which serve as fish, ski and picnic boats are ideal; for others needing something specialized,
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: Cheap Web Hosting, What To Look For And What To Stay Away From by: Robert Lang “Bargains for sale, Unlimited Hosting for only a Dollar.†“Get your hosting here, 50 cents for the first three months. “
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: Free and Low Cost Website Promoting Tools by: Robert Williams Finding free and/or low cost website advertising can be a difficult task. If you search the internet however you will discover there are several free
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: Redefining Distance to Market your Company by: Lee Traupel The recent terrorist attacks here in the US have caused many companies and individuals to rethink how they want to market to and work with others. As a result,
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: Multiple Sources of Income by: Liron Rose It is a common say today that there is now job security whatsoever - that is true fact worldwide - US, Europe (see what is happening in Germany), Australia or any other developed
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: Email Microtargeting by: David Moceri Email marketing is undergoing rapid changes. Now, more than ever, both the creative and demographic selection and targeting of a message must be highly relevant and qualified. Microtargeting
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: How to Start a Business on a Shoestring by: Julie Martin You don’t need to invest thousands of dollars to have a successful Internet business. In fact, chances are that you can do it for less than 0 by following
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: Drop Shipping Your Way to Increased Sales & Profits... by: Thom Reece Drop shipping, for those who are unfamiliar with it, is a system whereby you promote the products of a particular manufacturer, take orders directly,
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: Nonsense! Why Do I Need a Website? by: John Krycek "I don't sell anything online, I don't advertise online, in fact I don't really even know how to use a computer... why should I pay for a website?" If you don't feel
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: Is the Price Right? Pricing Strategies for Internet Businesses by: Simit Patel You may have the greatest product/service in the world, but you won't get anywhere if it isn't priced properly. In this article, we'll explore
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: Web Coach Tip: 4 Ingenious Ways To NOT Give Away The Digital Farm! by: Donna Payne A few days ago a prospect replied to one of my follow up auto-responders where I asked how they were doing and if they had any questions
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: Top 10 Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer by: Rosalind Gardner Back when my online business consisted ONLY of affiliate sites, I had no need for a personal assistant. The sites were all in place, and my affiliated
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: Five Ways to Profit from Using Video Online by: Liz Micik The newest media wave to hit the online shore is video. Individual emails abound with links to "the funniest video ever," or blurry clips of new babies or birthday
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: Can You Build an Online Home Business Without a Monetary Investment? by: Craig Binkley You see it all the time: Ads such as, “FREE HOME BUSINESSâ€, “MAKE A PROFIT WITH NO COST TO YOUâ€, etc. You
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: Working With Your People By Long Distance by: Ken Leonard Jr As you build a team for your network marketing opportunity, you will learn how big this world really is. Soon you will find out that working with people from
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: How To Start a Profitable Online Business in 5 Easy Steps and For Under by: Gabriel Aguinaga You’ve heard it a million times; “It takes money to make money!†Although this is very true -- I have
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: A Simple Plan To Market Online - Earn Money Instantly! by: Heri Rosyadi So you want to make money online but you dont have your own products and have no marketing idea. I will give you a simple solution to your problem. 1.
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: 7 Ways To Profit From Other Peoples Products by: Stuart Reid If you don't possess the time, money or inclination to create your own hot selling product there is plenty of scope for profit by using other people's. In
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: Per Click - Do They Know Something We Don't? by: Neal Lebar I have utilized pay-per-click (PPC) advertising since its inception about two years ago. With PPC, the advertiser is only charged when a person actually
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: Pay-Per-Click Search Advertising Comes First by: Dan Grossman There are a variety of advertising options available to online business owners small and large. There's traditional banner advertising, text ads of both static
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: How to Build a Worldwide Distributor Network by: Emma okafor When your product is market ready and has a good bargain, it will be no value to you if you don't know who's going to buy it, or how you are going to tell the
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: Marketing Maxims for Today’s Challenging Times by: Lee Traupel These are turbulent times for all businesses - necessitating streamlined marketing processes that are finely honed to mesh with today’s sputtering global
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: AdWords: Setting Your Max Cost Per Click by: Chris Burgess We've received many emails from customers over the past several years asking how high we recommend setting AdWords' max cost per click. Generally, we recommend
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: Wise Man Marketing by: Martin Day It’s a sunny morning and you’re sitting in your office. With a cup of hot coffee by your side and memories of your last holiday still fresh in your mind, even if you say
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: Probate & Obituary Marketing by: John Michael Marketing to probate and obituaries can be a wonderful opportunity to investors but for me the key to success is to avoid dealing with the issues of death and to stick to
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: Is Network Marketing Easy?? by: Michael Lemm I personally believe we do a dis-service to the industry and ourselves if we openly state...or even allude...that NWM is easy. It's not. Nor is any business....WAH or brick
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: "Do Not Call List"...Death Knell For Leads Programs? by: Michael Lemm I'd pay close attention to this for awhile. There are implications for leads programs especially. In about 6-10 months or so your company is going
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: Specialized Mailing Lists Make All the Difference by: Joy Gendusa If there is one thing I can’t say enough it is that the most important part of your mailing campaign is your mailing list. It is vital that you
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: Divorce Online Sevice. Why Should We Lose Money And Time Applying For Divorce? by: James Wood Attempts to use the worldwide Web as an effective means of struggle against bureaucracy are undertaken constantly and sometimes
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: Inexpensive Dating Ideas by: Jeffrey Strain Dating and saving money. For many, the two concepts don't equate. There's an automatic reaction for most when suggesting the two together that the person paying is trying to
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: Different Materials Used For Roofing And Determining The Cost Of Each One by: Sara Jenkins There is never a structure you will find that lacks a roof; it is an essential part of the house or building. It plays a very
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: How Much Will It Cost To Enclose Your Carport So It Will by: Endroit Devaiture How much will it cost to enclose your carport so it will be a garage? If you live in the southern United States, there's a good chance that
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: Save Money When You Renovate by: News Canada (NC)-If you're planning a home renovation, now is the time to think about making your house more comfortable and energy efficient - and saving money along the way. In many
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: Fuming Over The High Cost Of Electricity? Switch To Oilheat by: News Canada (NC)-With the cost of electricity skyrocketing and unstable, now is the best time to switch to oilheat, says the Canadian Oil Heat Association. "Not
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: Pre-drawn House plans the Benefits and Styles by: Martin Smith Pre-drawn house plans are those that are drawn by architects or home designers and then offered for sale, unlike those that are drawn for an individual, with
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: When is the Best Time to Move? by: John Carle & Sharon Gregresh As Realtors, we are often asked, "When is the best season to move?" This is a tough question, one we cannot answer for you. Most people are asking about
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: Choosing a Residential Lot by: Dave Markel Finding a lot Planning for your new home is a very involved process. You might want to get right down to selecting a set of house plans but don't get into a hurry. It is almost
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: Facts About Organ And Tissue Transplants by: News Canada There is a chronic shortage of most organs needed for transplant in Canada. More than 3,500 Canadians are currently awaiting organ transplants. In Canada, up to
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: Once You Discover and Act on This ‘Secret’ to Health and Energy, You May be Changed for the Better for the Rest of Your Life by: David Snape I discovered something completely, 100% amazing about 5 years ago.
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: What The Vitamin Companies Don’t Want You To Know… by: Travis Huteson Do you ever find yourself asking any or all of these questions: Why do I keep spending money on vitamins and not feel a thing? Why do I still
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: The Truth About What the American Pharmaceutical Industry Does Not Want You to Know by: Stephen Dayton As pointed out by 'Jack Shapiro, an internationally-known healthcare marketing consultant 'For the first nine months
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: A Shopper Thrives On-Line by: Paul G. Colligan The Internet SHOULD be “the place to shop†for low-carb dieters, diabetics, celiacs, and anyone else on a special diet. The posted prices are well below those
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: Eat Well On a Budget by: Barb Keck Shopping on a Shoestring Eating properly for health on a limited budget is always a challenge. One of the biggest money gobbling culprits is ready made processed and packaged foods
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: Understanding Freebies by: Jeffrey Strain It seems that everyone is after "freebies" these days to save a little money. While this may appear to be a good way to save, understanding why freebies are offered and the different
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: Choosing The Best Pets For Kids by: Larry Chamberlain "Can I have a puppy? Please, oh please, I'll take care of it and look after it and everything" Just what do you say to your kids when they ask for a pet? It is perfectly
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: Donating Money Without Spending A Cent by: Jeffrey Strain Even if you don't have a penny to your name, it's still possible help your favorite causes. All that's required of you is a simple click of a mouse. By visiting
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: Learn How to Bank Like a Banker by: Kimberly A. Griffiths The business of banking has changed dramatically over the last decade. Because the cost of doing business the old-fashioned way is no longer effective, banks are
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: How to Plan a Cheap Wedding by: Claire Bowes There’s no doubt about it, weddings can be expensive. The average cost of a wedding today is ,000 – ,000, and weddings are estimated to be a .3 billion
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: Retirement – It's Sooner Than You Think!! (honestly) by: Kate Hufstetler Many people hear "retirement" and think— what? 401K? Roth vs. Traditional IRA? Stocks, bonds, mutual funds? Do they? Or do many
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: How to Plan Your Wedding and Honeymoon by: Sidney Strachan 1. Weddings typically can cost you anywhere around ,000 or more. The big question is: who foots the bill? The 21st century has heralded a shift in the way
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: The Importance Of A College Education by: Catherine Olivia It cannot be stressed enough to young people that a college education is the only way to obtain a good job and the type of job that will allow for a comfortable
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: A Layman's Look At VoIP - Should You Or Shouldn't You? by: Dennis Schooley “As business people we manufacture shin pads, or we distribute cat food, or we evangelize, but should we be considering VoIP? Will it make
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: Intranet - The Benefits Realisation Plan by: David Viney The Millennium Experience A successful project is one that delivers on-spec (‘quality’), time and cost. Right? Well consider these two projects… The
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: How To Enjoy Low Cost Mobile Computing by: David Busick The Internet has become common source of information and with increased business and personal travel it is almost a necessity to have a laptop computer with wireless
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: World On IP Community versus Telecoms' Monopoly by: Patrizia Demaria World on IP community versus the TELECOMS' monopoly or a dream of a visionary Why VOIP will grow over the usual telephony Without qualification, if
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: Microsoft Great Plains – consulting in the post-recession time by: Andrew Karasev Microsoft Great Plains is main Microsoft Business Solutions accounting package for the US market. Microsoft Great Plains is now
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: What Everybody Should Know about an Inkjet Printer: The One-Year Cost of Printing by: Larry Andrew You can purchase an inkjet printer for as little as . With a rebate, it may even be less. Not many people would argue
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: Is Digital Photography Expensive? by: Jakob Jelling Being such a fascinating device as the digital camera, this technological masterpiece is of course a precious and priced possession. And acquiring it also means that
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: Why You Should Switch To A Fast Internet Connection by: Rick Rouse With high-speed Internet access becoming available in more and more areas, perhaps it is now available in your neck of the woods. If it is, you might
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: What is Froogle? by: Jakob Jelling Keeping in touch with other sites like Amazon.com, Buy.com and Yahoo.com, Google created a new shopping search tool called “Froogleâ€. It has been called one of the most innovative
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: Inkjet Printers: How Much Do They Really Cost? by: Larry Andrew There are inkjet printers for every budget. At the low end, you can pay less than . At the high-end, you can pay several hundred dollars. However, the
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: Should You Use a Free or Paid Blogging Service 1 by: Stanley Spencer Blogging is an abbreviation of "web-logging". The simplest definition of a blog is that it is an online log that is organized in reverse chronological
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: Searching For The Right ISP? by: Neil Shevlin When searching for the right ISP there are a number of items to look at. How much is it going to cost me? What is the connection like? What are the Features? Is it available
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: Valuable Tips for Catalog Printing by: Maricon Williams Basic knowledge is a vital factor to save you money and avoid delays in your printing needs. So to give you this familiarity with basic information and to keep you
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: Some Important Tips On Proposals And Price by: Kris Mills Here's a critically important copywriting technique I use when writing sales letters and proposals for our own direct marketing services and for our clients. It's
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: The True Cost of Self-Employment by: Kenny Herbold Do you think you are ready to make that leap to full self-employment? The profit from your part-time (up till now :-) business is matching or exceeding your regular paycheck,
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: 10 Ways To Maintain Profits In A Slow Economy by: Larry Dotson 1. Sell more back end products to your existing customer base. You already created rapport, trust and proved your credibility to them. 2. Make it a practice
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: Costing At No Cost by: Luca Vignando Cost estimation is always a crucial topic in many industries. For converters, it may be one of the keys to success… or to failure. The estimation comes into play for several reasons:
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: The Cost of Going Public in the United States by: William Cate The following data is taken from "Going Public" by James B. Arkebauer (1994) and the IPO cost website at: http://www.intranet.ca/~tgil/p2.html You should keep
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: Freedom! The Battle Cry of the Business Owner by: Denise O'Berry "I wanted freedom from a boss so I started my own business. Now I need freedom from my business because it's running my life." Sound like you? Here are
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