Tag: Marketing
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: How to Sell Your Products and Services Now by: Diana Barnum Need some ideas to kick-start your sales? Or maybe you’re looking to increase them or add some pizzazz to your campaigns? Try some of these ideas! Make
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: *7* Laser Focused Secrets to *Close* Every Sale-EXPOSED! by: John Di Lemme Are you ready? Read this article then print it out and post it where you can see it. But first a Warning.. I warn you.. When applied..
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: 2 Step Marketing by: Joy Gendusa Do it Right. I receive postcards all the time. The other day I received a postcard trying to sell me a copy machine. It had tiny, tiny lettering slathered all over the front and a large
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: The ONE Thing YOU Should Focus On Right Now by: Lynn Terry Let me just start out by saying that I cant tell you what that "one thing" is. It is for you to choose, and for you to do. There's a lot of talk out there among
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: How to Get Some of Paris Hilton’s TV Time by: Dr. Letitia Wright, D.C. When your book is mentioned on television, sales go up. Immediately people start looking in book stores and on the internet to find out how
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: How to "Really Get Your Customers" by: Steve Conn What Really Makes Your Postcard Mailing Successful? The biggest single factor in the success of your postcard mailings is who you send your postcards to. You need a
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: Postcards Work by: Steve Conn What's the fastest, simplest and cheapest way to promote just about any business? The answer is postcards sent by direct mail. You can get your message to a targeted group of prospects
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: The Marketing Secret Every Child Knows by: Steve Conn Little Kids Ask Until They Get What They Want. Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, can I have an ice cream? Can I, Can I, Can I, Can I? Please, Please, Please, Please. I'll be good
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: The Words That Sell by: Steve Conn What You Say, Who You Say It To, How you Say It: If you have or can get a list of people who are already interested or genuinely likely to be interested in your product or service then
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: Introduction to Marketing for 1st time business owners by: Ben Botes Marketing is determining which orders you would like to win. Selling is getting out there and winning orders once you have decided which orders you
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: Personal Branding Techniques for Real Estate Agents and Brokers by: Dan R. Vella A key principle of marketing is to find something unique about what you offer as the basis of your sales message. Even if what you offer
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: How to Write Your News Release by: George Torok Follow this step-by-step process to write and expose your news. Format Call it a 'News Release', 'News Bulletin' or 'Announcement'. 'Press Release' sounds like propaganda.
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: Increase Repeat Business and Referrals with Direct Mail by: Joe Niewierski So you have been writing mortgages like crazy now for the last few years. You have a pretty big database of customers and hopefully you have been
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: 4 Steps to a Successful AdWords Campaign by: Michael McLaughlin Not getting the satisfaction you want from your AdWords account? Want to make more money by spending less? Google AdWords has made many businesses successful
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: The SKINNY on Newspaper Advertising by: BIG Mike McDaniel Using the paper is considered gospel by many people in business. Use it wisely and it can be a good tool. Remember, newspapers are passive, non intrusive media.
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: Creative Ways To Make Money With eBooks by: Jeremy Gislason How creative are you when it comes to making money and increasing your subscribers using ebooks or other digital products? Here are some tips on how to increase
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: Effective Offline Promotion by: Nowshade Kabir Although, most of your traffic will still come from search engines and various online promotions, a little effort using traditional media might also bring a large number
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: Why I Need a Website? by: Alan Cole * Cost Effective Advertising. * Online selling. * Increased geopgraphic range. * Wider customer base * Efficient marketing. * Improved customer support. * Succesful market
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: 16 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog by: Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff You've got your blog set up and you've started posting pithy, useful information that your niche market would benefit from and enjoy. Days go
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: Top 10 Blog Writing Tips by: Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff Most of the "rules" about writing for ezines and newsletters apply to writing posts for your blog, but there are some important differences. Keep these 10
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: Marketing Your Shows the 4 C's Way by: Susan Freidmann Traditional marketing is changing: Customers are more sophisticated and price sensitive. They expect products and services to be delivered faster and more conveniently.
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: 5 Ways to Encourage Impulse Purchases by: Bobette Kyle I just bought six square pieces of spongy fabric for and walked away happy - "victim" of an impulse purchase. I was at one of those big show events and walked
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: Using the Media Effectively by: Susan Freidmann The media has the power to influence your tradeshow efforts whether it be in television, radio or print. Your job is to target your endeavors to create a positive company
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: Learn the Secrets of Print Interviewing by: Susan Harrow 1. Remember you're always on the record. Even when the tape is off, even when the reporter has put away his pad, even when you think that the reporter thinks
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: 5 Breakthrough Marketing Ideas by: Charlie Cook Do you ever get frustrated with your marketing? Are you putting in a lot of effort but not getting the results you want? Don't you wish you could just hit a switch and get
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: 10 Elements Every Direct Mail Piece Should Have by: Joe Niewierski Don’t want your direct mail to end up in the trash with the rest of the unread mail? Studies show an effective direct mail campaign should draw
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: Selling To Your Affiliates by: Jerry Lunsford While success with any internet marketing program falls on the head of the marketer, what the program offers in pay outs and products plays a big roll. What I am going to
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: 7 Ways Email Can End Your Business Relationships Before They Start by: Dina Giolitto Too often, people forget they're anonymous in the internet world. Your friends and colleagues might know you as being a tireless worker,
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: 9 Keys to an Effective Logo by: Erin Ferree The right logo, with the right characteristics, will boost your visibility, credibility and memorablity – which means more business for you! These characteristics include:
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: Why Small Businesses Need Both A Logo And An Identity System by: Erin Ferree Why small businesses need both a logo and an identity system Experts urge small business owners to “brand†their business –
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: Three Brand Identity Myths That Will Bring Your Business Down by: Erin Ferree Three Brand Identity Myths That Will Bring Your Business Down To begin, let’s define “Brand Identity,†which is the combination
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: No Logo? Launching a Business Without a Logo Can Sabotage You by: Erin Ferree No Logo? Launching a Business Without a Logo Can Sabotage You Initial lack of customers and cash flow often causes a small business to put
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: NINE POWER WORDS TO "PUNCH" UP YOUR ADS by: Martin Cargill As every professional politician and public relations man knows words have the power to entice, persuade and motivate people into a specific course of action.
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: 4 Dynamic Marketing Tactics by: Bob Leduc Some of the simplest marketing tactics often produce the most profitable results. Here are 4 examples that have proven highly effective for any business. 1. Focus on Your Best
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: High-Tech Real Estate Marketing by: Dale Ryan Serbousek A quick glance through the Sunday real estate ads reveals that most homes are sold the old fashioned way. By print ads and word of mouth. Truth be told, placing
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: Five Characteristics of Highly Successful Advertising by: Jeremy Cohen Have you ever spent a small fortune on advertising that generated disappointment rather than sales? Many small business owners have been down the
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: Direct Mail Postcard Rules by: Joe Niewierski It’s a fact that your customers are your best leads. This means that the most likely people to purchase your products and/or services are the ones who have paid for
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: The 3 Cs of Effective Marketing by: Julie Chance Complicated definitions of marketing abound. However, when you think about what you are trying to achieve through your marketing activities, it is simply changing and
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: 10 Classic E-zine Advertising Tips by: Ken Hill 1. Target your advertising. The more targeted the e-zine is for your offer, the greater your response will be for your proven ad. 2. Track your ads. Don't leave your
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: E-Newsletter Readers Not Converting? 5 Simple Steps to Increase Sales by: Paul Nastu Email newsletters excel at gaining repeat and new business at a lower cost than other forms of marketing and advertising. So how does
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: Guide to Software Marketing by: David B Mahler Intro This concise article will tell you in plain English how you can promote your software easily and effectively. Submit your software I recommend submitting your software
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: One Way Linking Campaigns by: Vikas Malhotra The importance & the context of building links coming into your web site was detailed in the article "The importance of building backlinks" Now we approach the next step
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: Internal Linking – An Introduction by: Vikas Malhotra The web as they call it is a mesh of links. The wired world is now being counted for what it is. A Network. The more your pages are wired or integrated into
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: How To Attract Buyers Using The Right Sales Terminology by: Abdallah Khamis Abdallah It is always important that you use the right terms when marketing your product to potential buyers. The right terminology may mean increased
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: Interactive Marketing--Your Key to Success in 2005 by: A l Hanzal Joe, You asked me the secret to marketing success in 2005. Here’s my reply. If you are relying on traditional market thinking and advertising
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: Branding your products is important by: Marsha Maung I was chatting with a couple of friends, all of us are either copy writers or graphic designers…or both….in the advertising industry, so, naturally, our
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: Top Ten Reason to Publish an Ezine AND a Blog by: Patsi Krakoff and Denise Wakeman Blogs are the hottest thing going these days when it comes to marketing on the Internet. A blog is a way of delivering your messages and
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: How To Get More Visitors To Your Web Site by: Charlie Cook When you were five or ten years old you may have played the game of hide and seek where the object was to avoid being found. The longer you could stay hidden
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: The 5 Musts of Marketing by: Helaine Iris For most of the small business owners I work with, marketing has become the equivalent of a four-letter word. Inevitably, when I ask the question, "Do you have a marketing plan?"
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: Are You Using a Chess or Checkers Small Business Marketing Strategy? by: Jeremy Cohen Until the day I learned to play chess I loved playing checkers. Both games require a strategy that maximizes a player’s ability
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: People Pleasing Postcards by: David Phillips Why are more businesses turning to full-color postcards as a key form of promotion? The biggest reason is the simplest: You don’t have to open a postcard. It won’t
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: Satellite TV, Google, and a Stamp by: Nick Smith Unless you’re building a baseball diamond in the middle of nowhere, the “If you build it they will come†principle simply will not work for your home
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: Why Google Needs You Right Now by: Ted Kushner Let me ask you a simple question… what do you think is the number one driving force behind the enormous success of Google? While you're pondering this for awhile…
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: Sending Samples With Your Press Release-- Should You Or Shouldn't You? Here's A Guide… by: Dianne Beiermann When you begin to send out your press releases, you will start to get calls and emails from the editors
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: Secrets Of Network Marketing Success by: John Colanzi Network marketing and the internet were made for each other. The world is your oyster. It's as easy to send an email around the globe as it is to talk to your next
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: The Truth About Joint Ventures by: Jason Mangrum This is a "Shareware" Article (what's that? read on...) This article is shareware. Give this article away for free on your site, or include it as part of any paid
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: Blogs: You'll Love The Marketing Potential by: James D. Fisher The Internet revolution is responsible for two of the dumbest names in business. The first is the "Web." Try telling your grandmother what you do for a living
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: Business Goal Setting and Then Following Through by: Joy Gendusa Your business can't go according to plan if you have no plan. What do you want to achieve this year? More new customers per week? Higher average order
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: Rising Postal Rates? Don’t Cut Down the Direct Mail by: Joy Gendusa The United States Post Office in the past had some trouble with its finances and their solution was to raise the postal rates. Whether or not
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: Specialized Mailing Lists Make All the Difference by: Joy Gendusa If there is one thing I can’t say enough it is that the most important part of your mailing campaign is your mailing list. It is vital that you
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: The Importance of a Marketing Plan by: Joy Gendusa There aren’t many things in life that you would get into with out a plan. Marketing is no different. Your overall marketing plan should cover about a six month
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: Comprehensive Marketing Details Not Found in Beginner Books by: Joy Gendusa If this is the first marketing article you are reading, go find some other more basic articles that I have written and then come back. This
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: Effective List Management Can Save You Big by: Joy Gendusa Let’s talk about how to keep your postage costs down. So far you have been following my advice and mailing to the same list more than once. At some point
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: Good Marketing Pays for Itself by: Joy Gendusa Most companies ask themselves this question: "How much will this advertising cost us?" when they should actually be asking themselves this: "How much will it cost not to
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: Increase New Customer Traffic to Your Business by: Joy Gendusa One person tells another, who tells another, who tells another and so on. You get the idea. Let’s see how to make that an actuality. You have a
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: Make Your Mailing a Home Run, Not a Strike Out! by: Joy Gendusa You can use great design and copy to get a better response. When you send a mailing to your customers or prospective customers you are counting on making
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: 10 Ways To Get More Profit From Your E-zine by: Ken Hill Publishing an e-zine will help you to strengthen your status as an expert in your field and convert more of your visitors into customers. The following tips will
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: Marketing – Like a Game of Chess by: Joy Gendusa Have you started thinking about your Valentines Day Promotion yet? It may sound like a strange question on the day before Thanksgiving but it really isn’t.
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: Marry Your Marketing Plan by: Joy Gendusa Make a vow to keep up your marketing schedule in good times and not so good times. I have said it time and time again that marketing, no matter what type you choose, is a building
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: Raise Your Income! by: Joy Gendusa How often do you sit around and wonder how to make more money and get more people to buy more from your company? It’s one of the most basic problems every company faces. The
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: The Goose That Lays Golden Eggs by: Mustafa K. Ever wondered what it would be like to have a goose that lays golden eggs? Well, if you thought such stuff happens only in fairy tales, think again! Now before you get
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: Small Business and Branding – Why and How? by: Ray Smith When we speak of branding most of the time people try to relate it to big business house, however, the fact is that every business needs to establish their
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: 3 BIGGEST Adwords Newbie Mistakes by: Tom O'Brien Google Adwords Tips The 3 BIGGEST mistake Adwords newbies make A Whirlwind Guide Without doubt the biggest mistake a newbie to Adwords makes is compiling a long
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: Take Your Radio Ads to the Next Level by: BIG Mike McDaniel Most small businesses do not have a high powered advertising agency to produce award-winning radio commercials for them. Most award-winning radio commercials
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: Smart Marketing Secrets Revealed by: Claire Cunningham Don’t you just hate junk mail that screams at you about supposed secrets to success that can be yours for a mere .95, .95, .95 or whatever? Well, here
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: How to Market Your Web Site Without Marketing Costs by: Neil Armand The Internet currently reaches more than 800 million users around the world. This makes your potential for exposure much higher than with traditional
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: How Professionals Everywhere Are Gaining New Clients Through The Search Engine Google Anytime They Want -- And Now You Can Too! by: Rod Beckwith and Jeff Alderson You might call it the new gold rush for professionals…
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: Are You Giving Your Customers Enough Reasons To Return To Your Business? by: Karin Manning Good customer service just isn't enough anymore in the marketplace in which we live. Times are changing and business owners are
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: Guaranteed Ways to Build Up Your Ezine List by: Suzanne Falter-Barns Want your ezine list to catch fire and really start to fill up? Jenna Glatzer took her own list from the hundreds all the way to 75,000 in 7 years by
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: What's Missing From Your Marketing? by: Charlie Cook Holly called from Anchorage, Alaska looking for ideas on ways to increase advertising s.ales. She provides live traffic reports from her plane to six radio stations
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: Top 5 Ways to Generate Qualified Leads for Your Small Business by: Jeremy Cohen Do you ever wonder if you could be doing a better job marketing your small business or professional service firm? Successfully marketing
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: Top Ten Ways of Why and How to Write your Book's Sales Letter - Part 1 by: Judy Cullins Authors/publishers are great at getting their books written. But after the initial one-year honeymoon, sales slow down. To counter
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: Top Ten Ways of Why and How to Write your Book's Sales Letter - Part 2 by: Judy Cullins Authors/publishers are great at getting their books written. But after the initial one-year honeymoon, sales slow down. To counter
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: Copy SoapNet and Make Money by: Nick Smith Whether you want to admit it or not, soap operas may hold the key to your home business success. This article includes a few home and small business principles I learned while
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: Business Card Design - How to Stand out and Get Noticed by: Jack Bastide One of the most powerful, yet over looked weapons in your marketing arsenal is your business card. If designed properly this little 3 x 2.5 piece
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: Sage Advice from a Marketing Expert! by: Paul Shearstone An international hair-cutting chain opened a new store directly across the street from the small town’s only barbershop owned and operated by a man affectionately
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: Are You Risking The Relationship for the Sale -- And Then Losing the Sale Anyway? by: Ari Galper Losing a sale can be disheartening, especially if you lose it for reasons you aren't even aware of. Traditional selling
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: The Press Pack Is Chasing You - Give Them Room by: George Hopkin There’s good news for public relations execs, marketing professionals and even one-man-band entrepreneurs: journalists are surfing your sites looking
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: How To Make An Extra 0,000.00 Each Year by: Karin Manning HOW TO MAKE AN EXTRA 0,000.00 EACH YEAR BY ADDING A FEW LINES OF SCRIPT TO YOUR ONLINE ORDER PAGE McDonalds has added over 200 billion dollars to their
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: Create a Successful Print Ad by: Lala C. Ballatan Planning to create a print advertisement to introduce your business or product and/or to announce some kind of activity to the public? Then, you have to consider the some
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: Learn The Five Key Steps To Getting Free Publicity by: Dianne Beiermann For many of us, the idea of getting free publicity can be a confusing and daunting task. So why do it? Because free publicity really works and if
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: When to Get a Print Broker? by: Granny's Mettle Wouldn't it be nice if someone could do the job of buying printing materials and equipment for you? Instead of spending your time looking for the best deals, and afterwards
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: Is Procrastination Holding You Back? by: C.J. Hayden When you look at your marketing to-do list, do many of the items on it look all too familiar? Have entries like "call Donna Sanchez" and "follow up with Floyd Corp."
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: 10 Way to Improve Your Sales by: Robert Kempster Note! This article may be republished in its entirety as long as the Toolbox information is not removed. 1. Determine your current situation. How are you currently positioned
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: Marketing In A Virtual World by: Steven Van Yoder Before the Internet, small business owners like yourself were usually limited to a local market -resorting to expensive advertising and brochures, direct mail, cold-calling,
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: Secrets to Writing Powerful Press Releases by: Ted Kushner Using press releases for marketing purposes has become increasingly popular lately. There has been an increase of firms springing up online offering optimized
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: Internet Marketing by: David Kunstek Is internet marketing something for you? Do you dream about working at home where your kids are, where you feel you should be? Internet marketing can promise this and so much more.
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: A Simple 8 Step Formula For Testing Your Headlines by: Edward Green I am going to let you in on a secret? The successful entrepreneurs are not successful because they know things that you don’t know. They are successful
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: Make More Money with Marketing Metrics by: Jeremy Cohen Do you measure the results of your marketing tactcis? You should. Knowing which marketing endeavors pay dividends will save you time, money and effort by allowing
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: "Do Not Call List"...Death Knell For Leads Programs? by: Michael Lemm I'd pay close attention to this for awhile. There are implications for leads programs especially. In about 6-10 months or so your company is going
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