Tag: Person
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: Don't Fool With A Seizure by: News Canada (NC)-You and a friend are enjoying an outing when -suddenly-your companion appears to lose consciousness, falls to the ground and starts to shake uncontrollably. The person is
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: Diabetes Can Be Deadly - Know What To Do by: News Canada (NC)-Food is your body's fuel to provide energy to enjoy an active lifestyle. Healthy bodies produce insulin to convert sugar in the blood into energy. For people
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: The Iron Mask - The Common Sources of Personality Disorders by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. Do all personality disorders have a common psychodynamic source? To what stage of personal development can we attribute this common source?
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: 6 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Personal Trainer by: Jon Gestl Once reserved only for the rich and famous, personal fitness training has hit the mainstream. A personal trainer is now as common as a pair of good cross
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: Vision as a Metaphor by: Martin Brofman Why are our eyes called the windows to our souls? Why do we speak of the way that we "see" the world? Why do we say, "I see", in order to communicate that we understand? What is
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: Your Body is a Map of Your Consciousness by: Martin Brofman Your Body Is A Map of Your Consciousness - by Martin Brofman, PhD. Everything begins with your consciousness. Everything that happens in your life, and everything
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: The Pain Factor by: Louise A. Roach Last year I told an acquaintance that at the age of 46, I had taken up running. The reply was, “Oh, that’s awfully hard on your knees.†At first I was taken aback.
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: Introducing Falun Dafa by: David Snape I have been practicing an advanced form of qigong for almost 5 years now. The name of this practice is Falun Dafa. Have you ever heard of or seen Tai Chi? Well, Falun Dafa is
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: Why Choose Naturopathic Medicine? by: Dr. Tara Barker Naturopathic medicine is a system and philosophy of medicine that has been around for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years. Before the advent of ‘conventional’
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: How To Slay The Toxic Dragon In Your Life by: Sharon Schurman How To "Slay The Dragon" In Your Life In Five Simple Steps Any time you spend around that toxic dragon , you are adding another cup full of misery to your
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: Overweight - Answering Your Critics by: Trevor Johnson There are those that walk amongst us who have followed all the advice, diligently dieted and exercised with genuine effort for long periods of time, yet still fail
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: As The Primary Care Giver for an Alzheimer’s Patient, How Can I Get a Break? by: William Hammond, J.D. Taking care of a loved one who has Alzheimer’s is a huge responsibility and very time consuming. It
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: Help Choosing Door and Window Hardware by: Alison Arnold Who would be the best person to help you find suitable fixtures and fittings for doors and windows? Architects are trained to create designs that are structurally
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: An Alarm Clock Will Help You Start The Day Right by: Mike Yeager If you have been wondering about the problem of time alerts, an alarm clock is the answer. It's a common story – "I was so tired yesterday that I
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: Help Choosing Door and Window Hardware by: Ali Arnold Who would be the best person to help you find suitable fixtures and fittings for doors and windows? Architects are trained to create designs that are structurally
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: I Hope You Are Responsible by: Olabisi(DJ) Where is Yesterday? Really where did it go? I mean.............. How can 24hrs just disappear? Awareness, Education and Responsibility. One of the best ways that i have found
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: Picking Up The Pieces by: Annagail Lynes "My feelings have changed," my boyfriend of five years told me during one of our nightly seven o'clock phone calls. "I don't think we should see each other anymore." His words
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: Radical Education by: Tushar Jain Radical education – issue of emancipation The technique of educating a rock, and that of educating a moral soul is analogous – for it is never vital what all is taught,
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: How Pre-Settlement Lawsuit Funding Works by: Afra AmirSanjari An injured person contacts a company that offers pre-settlement lawsuit funding, sometimes at the suggestion of an attorney. The finance company contacts the
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: Top 10 Reasons Why It Is Not Wise To Write Your Own Will by: News Canada (NC)-Although some provinces accept a handwritten, self-made will (called a "Holograph" will), it is risky to do it yourself. The cost of having
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: Finding the Best Personal Injury Lawyers by: Mart Gil Abareta If you've been injured in an accident, then you may be able to recover compensation. Remember that you must take legal advice from a quality personal injury
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: Crime and Punishment by: Dr Randy Wysong I can’t get too excited about victimless crimes, that is to say crimes in which the only victim is the person committing it. Those who want to self-destruct – provided
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: Learn About The Awful Truth And The Hard Facts About Drunk Driving Accidents by: Michael Sanford One minute your in the bar, having a couple of laughs with someone you just met. The flirting rises as both of you chug
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: Make Your Complaint Heard & Get Results by: James H. Dimmitt At some point in time you will be faced with the need to register a complaint because of a poor product or poor service, or maybe even both ! Here are some
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: Service by Substitution in California by: David G Hallstrom The following article was written for Resources For Attorneys.com by David Hallstrom, a private investigator, he is not now nor has he ever been an attorney. Section
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: An important part of lifetime planning is the Power of Attorney. by: Jeffrey Broobin An important part of lifetime planning is the Power of Attorney. Valid in all states, these documents give one or more persons the power
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: Plans Aren't Wine, And They Don't Always Age Well by: Molly Shomer The following crossed my desk recently. The author gave me permission to share her story: "Please alert people to something we're experiencing right
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: Do You Own Your Web Site Design? by: Richard A. Chapo Your web site has been up for a few months and you are making money hand over foot. While surfing sites one evening, you are shocked to find a competitor using your
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: What is the Difference Between a Power Of Attorney and a Guardianship? Which is Appropriate for Someone With Alzheimer’s? by: William G. Hammond, JD A power of attorney is a legal document in which one person (the
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: Reasons People Go to Church by: Timothy Fish You can do a search of the internet and find lots of information about the excuses people give for not attending church. Some of the most common excuses seem to be that the
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: Warning! The Person Doing Your Marketing May Not Even Know How to Market Themselves! by: Kathleen Gage Speaker As a business advisor I work with clients helping them gain visibility within their market. Without sounding
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: Increase New Customer Traffic to Your Business by: Joy Gendusa One person tells another, who tells another, who tells another and so on. You get the idea. Let’s see how to make that an actuality. You have a
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: How To Make An Extra 0,000.00 Each Year by: Karin Manning HOW TO MAKE AN EXTRA 0,000.00 EACH YEAR BY ADDING A FEW LINES OF SCRIPT TO YOUR ONLINE ORDER PAGE McDonalds has added over 200 billion dollars to their
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: You Bored Me at Hello! - Three Strategies for Networking Your Brand by: Kevin Kearns "You had me at hello," those famous words from the movie Jerry McGuire let Tom Cruise know that Rene Zellweger's character was hooked
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: The Top Ten Rules of Effective Networking by: M.E. Callan Many of us are discouraged by the networking events that we go to. We feel swamped by people just looking to get money from us, and we rarely feel as though the
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: Understand Brand by: Beth Brodovsky Branding has been defined, explained and examined extensively. There are books, articles, publications, seminars, and groups all dedicated to exploring the meaning and use of brand
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: Personalizing Your Emails? An Amazing Technique That Doubles Your Click Throughs And Profits by: Radhika Venkata Are you publishing an ezine or offering an email course? Are you talking with your subscriber through your
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: Breaking The Voice Mail Barrier by: C.J. Hayden Even if you never place a cold call, you still have to reach people by phone. That customer who was so interested last month never called you back, and now you must call
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: Restoring The Personal Touch by: Kent E. Butler There are now 126 Billion websites where you can buy anything from disposable diapers to nuclear weapons. More business is done on the Internet in one month than France
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: Creating a Powerful Sales Presentation by: Kelley Robertson The quality of your sales presentation will often determine whether a prospect buys from you or one of your competitors. However, experience has taught me that
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: Networking - Relax! by: Gill Fernley Networking – relax! – Gill Fernley and Justin Baker, Six Degrees Network Anyone who has been to a networking event has met business card thruster guy. Won’t leave
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: Doublers The New Era for Making Thousands! by: Damon Smith Doubler Mania! Is it the Real Deal? Once again we find ourself in the mix of a new erra, Doubler programs are launching everywhere and people are flocking
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: Coaching: Communicating What Service You Provide by: Catherine Franz Coaching is unique because it makes a special promise: transformation. At the root of any desire for personal development is the expectation that, every
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: So What's Your Argument? by: Ken Nadreau Arguments aren't always bad things. Sometimes They're used to convince someone of an important point they may not yet realize. You've probably used arguments in this way most
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: Making Your Purpose Your Business, Step#1 by: Heather J. Tait Step#1- Discovering Your Purpose There is no such thing as a “small†job. Each function within our society aids our detailed technical lifestyles
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: Sorting Through the Good, the Bad, and the MLM Ugly by: Andre best You know, if there's a surefire killer of a beginning networker, it's the old deal where the new networker wastes so much time finding the right folks
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: How VOIP can mask the size of your Business And Save you a Bundle by: Yolanda Yvette McDonald Have you heard the buzz about VOIP (Voice Over Internt Protocol)? Basically, it's like communicating over the phone without
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: The "Secret" Joint Venture Secret by: Willie Crawford You don't have to be in business online long before you hear or read hundreds of times that joint ventures are the secret to big success. The fact is, that joint venturing
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: How To Convert More Sales On Your Website by: Matt Eliason One of the biggest mistakes that most online retailers make is they do not take into account typical buyer behaviour. The conversion from real world to online
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: The Simplest, Easiest Way to Create Your Own Product by: Robert Kleine Having trouble coming up with product ideas? Did you know that there is a product that you can create in as little as one afternoon? An interview
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: A Wake Up Call To Always Remember by: Karin Manning I received two emails this weekend. Both were as a result of autoresponder follow ups these people were receiving from my business. The first was full of expletives
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: How To get your JV Partner to Accept Recommendations From You by: Abe Cherian One of the brightest moments in my business career were when I was visiting with my joint venture partner and talking about our future relationship
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: Develop guts to achieve glory by: Nicholas Dixon It is just amazing the amount of people who don't have the courage to go after their dreams.They sit around living a life they are not happy with and still they do nothing
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: A Cool Email Communication Tip by: Victoria Ring If I sent you an email that said: “The Big Bear is being replaced by Giant Eagle.†you probably would have no idea what I was talking about. First you would
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: Identifying Work At Home Success Characteristics by: Kirk Bannerman Do people that are successful in home based businesses share some common characteristics and, if so, what are the primary ones? The dictionary defines
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: What to Do When People Want Everything for Free by: Diane Hughes It’s a sticky situation. A prospect, a site visitor, or just a casual acquaintance asks for your help or advice on something. You gladly give it,
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: 99.6% of 'GET RICH' Programs are SCAMS. Do you know the Signs? by: Eddie Pennington If you're looking to make a legitimate income online, then you have to read this because there really are ways to make money on the
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: Understanding MLM Compensation Plans by: Ted Riley Introduction Down lines, up lines, overrides and spill over. Understand? Of course not! But it was exactly these types of terms that I was bombarded with when I was
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: Solve Big Problems To Make Big Money. by: John Weisenberger One of the fundamental truths I've learned about Internet Marketing is that no one really wants to pay for information. The truth is, the only reason people will
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: Netpreneurs: Please! Think Like A Business Person! by: Chuck Huckaby There's a plague in the land. Would be Netpreneurs and home business millionaire wannabes are going around saying "I've been ripped off by _____________!" Just
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: Anorexia Nervosa Alert - Is Your Daughter Dying To Be Thin? by: S.A. Smith Anorexia nervosa is a serious medical disorder that is statistically most prevalent in the adolescent teenage years of young women. It is estimated
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: Get Out of Jail Free: Stop Being Defensive by: Sharon Ellison When Marcus and Sally first met they immediately felt like kindred spirits. Marcus was generally warm and open. But as their relationship continued, Sally
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: Responding to Criticism Without Being Defensive by: Sharon Ellison In an actual war, to be attacked means to have our survival threatened. Thus, we might chose between surrender, withdrawal, or counterattack. When we
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: Breastfeeding - Handling Criticism by: Patty Hone Feelings about how to parent seem to shift with every generation. A new way of parenting, sometimes called attachment parenting, has emerged and it challenges many of
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: How To Avoid Or Reduce Red-Eye by: Jakob Jelling Photography with the aid of a digital camera is beyond doubt very fascinating. However, it also has many a nooks that the users of the digital camera must be aware of and
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: Things You Should Know About Tents by: Robin Shortt Choosing Your Tent Here are a few hints when choosing the tent just right for you or your family. Tents that are advertised as one person are rarely big enough for
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: Gambling Tips by: Adel Awwad In order for a player to enjoy a more pleasant and memorable time at a casino, while taking precautions to minimise one’s losses, it is very important to follow a basic set of gambling
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: How To Tow Another Kayak by: Jakob Jelling While there are a lot of different techniques to get people back in their kayaks should they capsize while they're out kayaking, these techniques are not all foolproof. It is
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: A Crash Course in Tarot for Newbies #3 by: Sam Stevens Most Tarot decks consist of 78 cards: 22 Major Arcana, and 56 Minor Arcana cards. The Minor Arcana consist of four "suitsâ€, just like a deck of regular playing
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: How Psychic Are You? by: Sam Stevens To find out how psychic you are, try answering the following questions. Have you been attracted to the occult ever since you were a child? Do you often complete other people's
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: Purpose Driven Golf by: Dave Moore I want you to meditate on a couple points for a moment: 1. Why an earth are you playing golf? 2. What are you getting out of each round? 3. What is the point? Have you ever thought about
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: The Only Fishing Experts You Should Listen Too by: Daniel Eggertsen Everyone's an Expert, So Who Has The Right Answers? Have you ever been stuck in a conversation with a fisherman who thinks they know everything there
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: Attraction vs. Love by: Bob Curtis When we first meet someone, regardless of the way or medium that we meet, we are either attracted or not. Attraction, when pursued, eventually grows into levels of friendship and then
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: Gay Men and Women – How and When To ‘Come Out’? by: Sharon A Worldwide, as we speak, men and women, young and old, are agonizing on their private secret: ‘I’m gay, and I can’t hide
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: Just Love Me! by: Dorothy Lafrinere Just LOVE me, like a fat kid loves cake! Have you ever felt like that? When I first heard that, it hit me like a ton of bricks. To be in LOVE like that or to be loved like that would
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: The Real Unwritten Rules Of Online Dating - The Experts Tell by: Joe Markus A recent survey indicated that over 40 million singles have used or are currently using online dating services. It’s a huge business that
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: Help! I’m Single For The First Time In Years! by: Sharon A You’re back on the dating scene. But you’re worried as it’s been a long time since you were single or looking. Regardless of how
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: Blind Date Secrets - 5 Tips To Ensure You Both Have A Great Time by: Joe Markus So you’re going on a blind date. Few dating scenarios are as nerve wracking, and you’ve probably heard lots of horror stories
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: How To Get More Responses At Online Dating Sites by: Sharon Alger So, you’ve decided to join a dating website. You’re hoping someone out there will find something interesting about you and try to get to
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: How Healers Can Prevent Healing by: Anthony Keith Whitehead Do you have a tendency to shift the blame for things that seem to turn out wrong? Most of us do! The occurrance of nonhealing in the Christian ministry is no
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: Find Shortcuts To Happiness by: Beverly Haberman If someone said you could feel inner peace and joy by just deciding to do it, would you believe them? Well, we’re telling you just that! Anyone can choose inner
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: The Flames Of Love by: Hifzur Rehman Suppose you have everything; a good job, good health, good reputation, good relationships and lot of money to spend. But still there is something missing from your life. Guess what?
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: There Is Room For Everyone At The Top by: Nick Vernon Do you believe that? Do you believe we can all become successful? Every single person on this earth old and young. Do you believe every single person can be successful?
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: Identity Theft by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of August 30, 2004 I've known my best friend for six years. Initially I thought she was a great person who was there for me in times of crisis.
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: Enhancing Vulnerability To Master Perfectionism by: Kate Hufstetler One of the ways a person must advance past perfectionism is to deal with and gradually become more and more vulnerable. Every good perfectionist knows
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: How To Get To Know A Disabled Person by: Stephen Michael Kerr When you first meet someone who is blind, deaf, or in a wheelchair, what is your initial reaction? Curiosity? Sympathy? Awkwardness? If you experience
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: True Love - Part 2 by: Adeyemi Adetosoye Okay, so why would one person feel strongly about the other and the other hardly misses a beat? In my last article, I said that one of the reasons is that the ‘despised’
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: Self-Knowledge: The Key To Finding The Right Career Direction by: Atul Mathur Your career, like any journey, has a beginning, an end and a direction. For many people, the present direction of the career is probably not
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: The Personality of Leadership by: Jeff Earlywine Have you ever wondered what type of person or personality makes the best leader? Most would consider the answer to that question to be the person that has the greatest
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: Anger: To Control or To Learn by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Many of us will do anything to avoid another’s anger, yet may be quick to anger ourselves. Many of us dread another’s anger yet continue to use our
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: Why Do You Want a Degree? by: Ryan Mckenzie There are many reasons people seek degrees in today’s day and age. As a grown adult, it may seem like an unrealistic goal, but it is achievable. You may be sick of
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: Time Out: Stop Beating Yourself Up by: Judith Paul Jackson Boxing is a professional sport that you can actually learn a great deal from and apply to managing certain areas of your life. According to the official website
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: ARC of Understanding by: Nilesh Gore In relationship we all make mistakes and sometimes we are insensitive to the needs of others, especially those very close to us All this leads to disappointments and resentments.
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: Fear of Intimacy by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Emotional intimacy is one of the most wonderful experiences we ever have. Nothing else really comes close to the experience of sharing our deepest thoughts and feelings with another,
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: The Amazing Secret To Ridding Yourself Of Self Consciousness by: Peter Murphy One of the biggest challenges to developing superior communication skills is that you already have your hands full in those situations where
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: How To Deal With People Who Dislike You by: Peter Murphy When you read books on personal development and articles about making your life better the emphasis is generally on the positive. You learn all about deciding
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: How to Turn Around A Sinking Conversation - 7 Tips by: Peter Murphy When a conversation is not working out there is the potential for massive frustration or a breakthrough depending on how you look at it. 1. Question
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: How to Quickly and Easily Deal With Rude People by: Peter Murphy Where I live there seems to be a a growing population of rude and vulgar people. And no matter how hard I wish for things to change it is not going to happen.
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: Four Common Rapport Building Mistakes and How to Fix Them by: Peter Murphy 1. Pretending You Are Interested When You Are Not Do yourself a favor and be honest with yourself and the people you spend time with. If you
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: How to Kill Fear When Dealing with Aggressive People by: Peter Murphy The book Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers is regarded as a self help classic. Have you read it? I read it many years ago and I was
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