Tag: Person
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: All About Car Shows: How To Pick A Leader by: Tonza Borden Who’s In Charge Here? That is what your organization needs to decide upfront. The person who organizes and directs the show determines whether you have
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: Are You At The Mercy Of Computer Geeks? by: Melanie Mendelson Many business owners are sabotaging their business without even realizing it. They are completely out of the loop when it comes to all technology aspects of
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: What Age Should I Start Saving For Retirement? by: Brian Weiss Ask this question to 100 people and you will receive 100 very different answers. The fact of the matter is there is no right age to start. But don’t
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: Hiring and Retaining Good Employees by: Myron Curry Hiring good employees is not only important to business, it’s essential. Employees are the heart and soul of a business; they are the mechanism that makes a business
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: The Real Truth About Working Smarter, Not Harder by: Lorraine Pirihi Running a business or department can often stretch you to the limit. To be effective at doing what you do best, it's imperative to look at what tasks
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: The Presentation After the Presentation by: Stephen D. Boyd Allowing the audience to ask questions after your presentation is an excellent way to reinforce your message and to continue to sell your ideas. In addition,
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: 9 Tips on Creating a Professional Emailed Job Application by: Angela Wu With the advent of the Internet, many of us have the opportunity to apply for work through email. However, just because this is the Internet and email
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: Surviving in Corporate Amercia: Part 1 - Email by: Gary Whittaker There is a saying that goes, “The best offense is a great defenseâ€. Nowhere is that applied better in the corporate world than in the intelligent
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: The Likeability Factor – Do You Have It? by: Linda Matias Growing up, we all had a mental picture of the perfect life partner The person we thought would be our happily-ever-after -- a person with a perfect smile,
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: 5 Interviewing Mistakes That Can Lead To Hiring The Wrong Person by: Helen Wilkie Mistake #1: Going with the flow Inexperienced interviewers sometimes fall into the trap of letting the interview become "free form", spending
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: THE “SEVEN Csâ€: PARTNERSHIP DANGER SIGNS - The 5th C: Control Issues by: Dorene Lehavi A series of articles exploring the seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. The 5th C: Control
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: Breaking the Ice and Winning Over the Client by: Robert Moment Wherever you turn these days you’ll find articles covering every business strategy and tactic available to man from how to make a great presentation
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: How To Get a Job Offer From Every Interview by: Dirk Wessels About four years ago a friend told me one night that she had an interview the next week and was looking for some comfort as she was extremely nervous, as most
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: Sell YOU With Your Small Talk. (Yes You Can.) by: W. Paul Barton Want to build a relationship -- sell yourself for a job -- get ahead -- make a sale? Your 'small talk' is crucial. Everyday conversation can make or
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: Successfully Meeting And Greeting - Ten Strategies For Getting Off To A Good Start by: Lydia Ramsey A day in the life of every businessperson is made up of a series of meetings and greetings. Whether you are making the
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: Delegate to Accelerate Success! by: Ed Sykes Recently on the television reality show, The Apprentice, Donald Trump would give the ultimate winner the dream job of working for him, running one of his divisions and earning
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: Building A Sales Force That Pays For Itself by: Willard Michlin The elements involved in building a sales force, especially one that pays for itself and also adds value to any business, are many and varied. The whole
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: Dealing with Difficult People by: Michael Beck You know, this would be a great business if it weren’t for having to deal with people all the time… OK, so maybe I’ve exaggerated things a bit, but we’ve
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: Are You on Overload? Delegation is One Key by: Dorene Lehavi You probably know that delegating work to others is a great and appropriate way to save time, prioritize your own agenda and to focus on what you "should" be
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: 5 Tips for a Safe Online Job-Search by: Teena Rose Conducting a job search using the Internet has definitely transformed how jobseekers contact hiring companies. The availability of copying and pasting a text version
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: Building Pathways to Success by: Suzanne Nielsen Understanding Your Company’s History Imagine if you will, a person that has had a positive impact on your life; perhaps a parent, grandparent, teacher, minister.
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: Something From Nothing, With Something To Share by: Gregory Scott Reid Betrayal, it can hit you like a load of bricks falling from the sky, leaving you with a pit in your stomach that no pill can cure. Starting your
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: Writing a Press Release by: Jakob Jelling When dealing with "this-just-in" type information, it is important to understand how to write a head-turning press release. A press release must contain substantial information
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: Get Rid Of Debt With Simple Steps by: Jakob Jelling Someone who is not in debt appreciates a telephone ringing, because a person without excess debt does not fear creditors. A person without excess debt goes to the mailbox
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: The Differences Betweeen the Wealthy and Everyone Else by: Jim Young I recently received an e-mail from a young lady who had doubts about the principles of wealth found in "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". She mentioned a couple
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: Throw Out Your "Selling" Language - Unlock Your Natural Voice by: Ari Galper I was sitting at my desk last week when my phone rang. I picked it up and said, "This is Ari with Unlock The Game." The woman on the other end
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: Dealing with Difficult People by: Alan Fairweather 1. Don't get Hooked !!! When people behave towards you in a manner that makes you feel angry, frustrated or annoyed - this is known as a Hook. We can even become
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: Defining The Qualities of A Professional by: Raju Gavurla In today's business climate we are experiencing more interest in professionalism. The past five years provided many successes; however, most have been overshadowed
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: Body Language Speakers Louder Than Words by: Lydia Ramsey Has it ever occurred to you how much you are saying to people even when you are not speaking? Unless you are a master of disguise, you are constantly sending
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: Businesses Need to 'Rehumanise' by: Jesse S. Somer Big companies and corporations have lost the human touch. The question is, when will humanity catch on, or like robotic sheep will we do whatever the business shepherds
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: Ten Ways To Get Ready For Your Next Interview by: Jeff Altman, CPC, MSW Like preparing a great meal, interviewing requires preparation. Get good ingredients and give yourself time. Prepare the food on the plate to make
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: Managing People - Forget The "Sandwich" Technique by: Alan Fairweather Do you remember being told to use the "sandwich" technique when you needed to reprimand someone? Let me give you an example: "Fred, I'm really pleased
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: What You Should Look for In a Mortgage Broker by: Robin Smith The mortgage broker is the person who would deal with you directly to provide the funds to make your dream home come true. You might not be able to choose
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: The Truth About Money by: Kathy Thompson How much money do you want? How much is enough? How much money is too much? The Truth is --- You don't need money! Let's find out why? Money is really just a form of exchange.
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: How To Work At Home Without Costs by: Ahmad Usman Work from home businesses are growing ever year. Everyone wants to be their own boss. Not to be told what to do, take holidays whenever, start and finish work whenever
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: Using Hypnosis to Get That Job! by: Danek Kaus What if there where a way to hypnotize HR people into hiring you? Although it sounds like the stuff of movies, you really can influence the job interviewer’s subconscious
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: How To Fire Your Boss And Make A Living Online by: Roy Vera I did a survey and asked 100 people if they are happy with their job? 99 said no!. Wow! as I read more I realized that the majority of people hate what they
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: His And Her Finances by: Simon Harris It’s difficult to learn how to manage finances together when you’ve been managing your finances on you own, for better or worse, up until now. But when you become part
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: Debt a Glossary of Terms by: Darren Yates Bankruptcy - Having been legally declared financially insolvent. There are two types of bankruptcy - liquidation, in which your debts are cleared (discharged) and reorganization,
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: How to Attract and Keep a Personal Assistant by: Lorraine Pirihi Hi! Many managers will often say their personal assistant is invaluable to them yet they often treat them as if they're not. Day after day, week after
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: How To Create Instant Rapport with Anyone by: Danek Kaus What is Rapport and why is it so important? Rapport is the foundation of persuasion. It is probably the most powerful persuasion tool you can have in any setting. With
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: 10 Steps Toward Better Business Communication by: Mark Meshulam Ultimately, no matter how high-tech your business tools may be, development and implementation of new initiatives will depend upon effective, productive
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: Give Yourself a Boss’ Day Gift by: Linda LaPointe Become a better boss and reap the benefits Another interesting study was done. One that should really catch our attention. It reveals that employees who are happier
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: Battling Society's Cancer: Unemployment by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. The official figures are staggering: 35% of the workforce - about 280,000 people - are unemployed and looking for a job. Each 1.43 employee support 1 unemployed
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: The 11 Best Money Saving Ideas of All Time - Part 2 by: Palyn Peterson At any time in history, no matter what the current state of the economy, no matter what the current trends, no matter what the unemployment rate is
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: Deciphering Office Lingo by: Dr. Letitia S. Wright, D.C. No matter what business you are in, there is a culture in your office. The language of the office is fluid, changing as quickly. Keeping up is important because
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: Instant Rapport: The Key to Sales Success by: Della Menechella Did you ever meet someone with whom you just clicked? Someone who was so much like you that you practically knew what he was thinking? How comfortable did
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: How To Seal The Deal In Seven Seconds by: Lydia Ramsey Can you close a sale in just seven seconds? If you make a great first impression, you can do it even faster. Seven seconds is the average length of time you have
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: Body Language Speaks Louder Than Words by: Lydia Ramsey Has it ever occurred to you how much you are saying to people even when you are not speaking? Unless you are a master of disguise, you are constantly sending messages
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: How To Improve Your Negotiating Skills by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore Negotiation will be an important area for every homebased business owner, especially in lease purchasing. Whether you're dealing with suppliers, employees,
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: You Can't Do It All Yourself by: Denise O'Berry As the economy improves, so does the outlook for small business. That may mean you'll find way too many things to do and not enough time for you or your staff to complete
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: The Fastest Way to Ruin Yourself by: Freddy Davis I don’t know many people who would admit to wanting to ruin themselves, but there are a lot of people who are doing everything they can to accomplish that very goal.
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: Persuasive Communication by: Robert F. Abbott Is all communication persuasive? Sometimes, it seems it is. At the least, we can say much of our communication includes a persuasion component. Consider this article, which
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: Speaking Body Language by: Robert F. Abbott I observed an almost surreal event when I was a business student. At the front of the classroom, an entrepreneur was practicing a pitch he would make later to venture capital
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: Book Summary: How to Work with Just About Anyone by: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla This article is based on the following book: How to Work with Just About Anyone “A Three-step Solution For Getting Difficult
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: The Supervisors 14 Essential Truths For Communicating With Direct Reports by: John Robertson One amazing, but sadly true, fact of today's advances in communication tools is that we really don't communicate much better
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: POOF goes your RRIF ! by: Rick Hoogendoorn Some time ago I attended a seminar where participants were told to burn some money; a reasonably-sized amount of money. You should have heard the gnawing and gnashing of teeth
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: Does Money Make Money? by: Colin Dunbar If it is your goal to accumulate wealth, believing the fallacy that money makes money, will hinder your progress to no end. This belief stifles many to a life of failure, and misery. The
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: Writing Tips for Your Website by: Jennifer Ryan Now that your website is up and running, it's time to add content. Fresh content will make your site interesting and keep people (and search engine crawlers) coming back.
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: Reclaim Your PC from the Internet Spies by: Jason Frovich Viruses are, however, not the only malicious software programs out there. The newest addition to the evil software family is the so called Spywares and a good
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: Do Not Feed The Troll by: Rose DesRochers What is a troll? A hairy and ugly creature that lives under a bridge? Yes but there is another kind of troll they are a forum group poster who makes a post that is a lie to provoke
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: 5 Rules for Forwarding E-mail by: Judith Kallos Forwarding of e-mails is one of the topics I get contacted about the most. And, one which also causes hurt feelings and misunderstandings more than any other topic. Daily,
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: The never ending Spyware……story by: Doug Woodall It’s been with us since 1993, it’s gotten more intrusive, more complicated. It’s created a whole ecosystem, so to speak. A person sits
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: Crying For Help Online by: Jim Edwards Anyone surfing the Internet for more than a week eventually needs help from someone else. Whether regarding an online purchase, technical support on computer hardware, software
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: The Tech-Heads Need To Build New Software That Makes Obtaining Information And Collective Communication A Simple Process For The Average Human by: M6.net Being the total opposite to a technical person, it is hard to imagine
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: Is Digital Photography Expensive? by: Jakob Jelling Being such a fascinating device as the digital camera, this technological masterpiece is of course a precious and priced possession. And acquiring it also means that
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: Nigerian Scam by: Nowshade Kabir Although this scam has its root from Nigeria dated a decade back, nowadays, you receive similar scam letters from many African countries, notably, Nigeria, Benin, Togo and even South Africa. The
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: From Pen Pal Romance to Online Dating by: Bruce Zhang While dating in person usually starts with physical attraction, dating online or pen pal romance often starts with the echo of souls. When the appearance and thoughts
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: Valentine's Day — Where Did THAT Come From? by: LeAnn R. Ralph Just as soon as the stores put away their Christmas merchandise, out comes the Valentine’s Day items — even though Valentine’s
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: The Family Cycle (I) - Euphoric and Dysphoric Cycles in Marriage by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. Despite all the fashionable theories of marriage, the narratives and the feminists, the reasons to engage in marriage largely remain
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: Senior Health Care Insurance by: William Pritchett Health Insurance For Seniors On The Net When a good friend of mine inquired where he could obtain information about medical insurance for his out-of-state, elderly mother,
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: The Importance of Fathers by: Rexanne Mancini There is no doubt that mothers play an all-important leading role in the lives of their children. They are the obvious heroes of child rearing. But what about a father's role?
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: Looking for Birthday Party Ideas? Here are some great ideas. by: Mike Yeager Having a memorable birthday party means coming up with some great birthday party ideas. If you are having a birthday party for your child or
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: How To Tell That You're Getting Old by: James L. Snyder This week I celebrate another birthday, which brings me to that auspicious milestone where I am right between 52 and 54. A person only comes to this stage of life
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: Cut Cupid Some Slack! by: Stanley J. Leffew Valentine's Day! What a great idea to set aside a day for remembering those we love. It's even more than just remembering; it's romancing. But it is also a holiday that
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: True Love - Part 1 by: Adeyemi Adetosoye True Love! We all dream of being in love with that significant other, at some point in our lives. Is it better to have loved once than not to have loved at all? If this is really
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: To Love Or To Be In Love by: Adeyemi Adetosoye What is the basic difference between loving someone and being in love with the person? Before we can be sure that we have found true love, we need to be sure what these two
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: How To Buy The Perfect Gift For Anyone by: Gary Gresham Shopping online for gifts rather than going to a store is not only convenient, but you save time, money and have an incredible variety of gifts to choose from.
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: 6 Common Marriage Mistakes by: Tapan Sarkar Every marriage starts with a lot of hope and dream about life long association filled with love and togetherness. But very few marriages fulfill the hopes of the participants
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: Family Meetings 101 by: Deborah Shelton Family meetings provide opportunities for feelings to be aired and validated. They also allow younger children to feel they are an important part of the decision-making process
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: Ten Classis Kids Party Games With a Twist by: Patricia B. Jensen The most exciting part of a kids party is the party games, and why not start with the classics? We've all played musical chairs, pin-the-tail, and limbo.
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: The Art of Asking by: Jeffrey Strain One of the most potent saving tools you possess as a consumer is the ability to ask. This ability can easily save you thousands of dollars a year, yet the majority of people fail to
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: Cherokee Genealogy by: Trevor Dumbleton For those of Native American descent, one of the easiest genealogies to trace is Cherokee genealogy. Thanks to the Cherokee being one of the most Anglicized of the nations, they
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: Gift Baskets – A Gift For the Person Who Has Everything! by: Donna Hamer Ever wondered what to give the “Person Who Has Everything� A Gift Basket could be just the thing. Have you been from shop to
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: Graphology for Sex / Graphology and Sex by: Nilesh Gore First of all Thanks for coming this to page. Our sexual drive has effect on our personality & impacts our personal- social -professional- Social Success & development
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: Hearing Impaired in the Workplace by: Chris Hampton Hearing Impaired and the Workplace by Chris Hampton Dec 09 2004 Being hearing impaired can be a real challenge in the workplace. The biggest problem is that few understand
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: Understand the Science of Obesity And You're On Your Way To Conquer It by: Wan Ibrahim Yusoff Many people think obesity means that a person is overweight, but that's not exactly true. An overweight person has a surplus
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: You Come First! by: Debra S. Gorin, M.D. A selfish idea? YOU come first? Hardly. The literature of all faiths urges believers to care for themselves. For instance, the cliché “Love thy neighbor as thyselfâ€
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: Different Types of Stress Test by: Trevor Dumbleton Many people in this world need to take a stress test. These tests can take many forms and are designed to search for different things, but they all have one key goal:
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: Body Image by: Caryl Ehrlich What do you look like? How big (or small) are you? How tall (or short)? How much do you weigh? When I ask participants how much they weighed when they were teenagers, I hear this lament:
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: Depression: Escape Your Mental Prison by: Jesse S. Somer Depression: The way out could be in changing the way you perceive the world around you. There is an illness all around me in modern society that seems to be spreading
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: Sexuality Still Intact by: Lala C. Ballatan I do like the refreshing sense of humor wintermute2_0 has shown in the blog he posted at http://www.the19thfloor.net/archives/2005_01.html on January 19, 2005 with regards to
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: Diet Information..Your Key to Your Success! by: The-Today-Diets Do you find yourself asking all the right dieting questions but getting all the wrong answers? Are you tired of searching the internet and coming up with
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: SuperGirl is no more by: Gary Whittaker TEN has decided it was time to weigh in on the Schiavo case. It seems that much ado is being about nothing, but in this case, nothing appears to be Terri Shiavo’s mental
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: Too Many Books, Supplements and Programs by: Marc David If I read 1 good valid murder mystery book, would I really want that to be the ONLY book on the subject? If my 8th grade history book was considered to be accurate
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: The Fine Art of Smudging by: Sam Stevens An Aboriginal Canadian friend of mine who teaches at the Whispering Lodge in Toronto was explaining to me how physical or emotional healing cannot take place until the person is
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: Eczema: Getting The Facts by: Lori Stryker People from all walks of life and all ages live with eczema; however, it typically appears in infants. Also called contact dermatitis, eczema is actually a group of skin conditions.
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: Is It Possible To Recover From Love? by: Michael Garmahis We will relieve you from love dependence, advertising in the newspaper said. I have decided to find out what love dependence is and is it possible to get rid of
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: Allergy Equals Addiction by: Jane Thurnell-Read Craving particular foods can be a sign of a need for a nutrient that is in the food that is craved. The body is demanding food that contains a particular nutrient. This
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: Keep Your Weight Loss Dream Alive by: Cheryl Haining Young children are full of dreams of what they will do, be, see when they grow up. As adults most of us have given up the habit of having big dreams. Or if we do, never
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