Tag: Prospects
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: Eliminating Objections to Increase Sales by: Charlie Cook You want to increase the flow of sales revenue, but you are stymied by prospects' seemingly endless objections. Prospects say they're not interested. They tell
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: Building Your Network Marketing Business by: alvin narsey Network marketing is experiencing tremendous growth in the business arena today. Many more companies are benefiting from the networking systems used to get product
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: The "Wall of Defensiveness": 7 Ways to Tear It Down by: Ari Galper Have you ever gotten frustrated when you realize that your prospects keep stereotyping you as a "salesperson"? And because of that, they don't give you
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: 7 Pitfalls of Using Email to Sell by: Ari Galper Are you sending e-mails to prospects instead of calling them? Is e-mail your selling medium of choice because it lets you avoid the rejection that you dread when you
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: Revealed The Myths Of Making Money Through Affiliate Marketing by: Ian Canaway Many people enter into the affiliate marketing arena with the hopes of making some quick money whilst doing the bare minimum amount work and
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: Dead Silence From Your Prospect: The Worst Sound Of All by: Ari Galper Could this be the worst moment in your selling cycle? You've done all the right things with your prospect: You've identified a real need and
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: The Truth Behind Linear Selling: Why It Can Make Prospects Run The Other Way by: Ari Galper Sean works for a major telecom company. During one of our coaching sessions, he told me, "I've been diligent about following
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: 10 Mind Blowing Ways To Increase Your Sales by: Larry Dotson 1. Show your prospects how much enthusiasm you have for your product and business. If you're convincing enough, they will be enthusiastic too. 2. End your
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: Who Is Running Your Business? by: Gerry Rose How many times have you heard, "I couldn't make the meeting. My customer needed me." On the other hand, one of my favorites is, "I jump through hoops for my clients."-and
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: How to Make Your Business Image Stand Out Above The Crowd by: Abe Cherian Traditional advertising methods are still being used for almost 90% of businesses today. The number one problem with this, is that all everyone
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: Organization Tips - How to Set Up Your Database by: Lorraine Pirihi What's in a Name? Everything. What do you do with all the contacts you make in your organisation? Do you: Collect business cards and throw them in
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: "How To Write A Riveting Sales Letter That Closes Sales" by: Mike Jezek How do you get people's attention and build their interest to take the time to read your sales letter? Let's face it. If you can't get the attention
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: Selling To Your Difficult Person by: Pat Wiklund We all have people whom we find difficult. We don't understand them, connect with them, or even talk comfortably with them. But, when we own a one person business, seeing
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: How To Write Super-Effective Ads and Sales Letters! by: Dean Phillips "The more things change, the more they stay the same". That saying couldn't be more true, especially when it comes to writing ads and sales letters.
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: Kick-Starting E-mail Profits Growth From One Single Shot! by: Valeriu Popescu Perhaps the most critical step in guaranteeing the success of your e-mail promotions is to send your messages to a targeted list of opt-in
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: 6 Must-Have Element of an Effective Brochure by: Brett Curry Most brochures that businesses put out today end up doing little to impact the sales of that business. By applying the 6 must-have elements listed below you
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: 3 Ways to Gain and Keep Customers Using Postcards by: Brett Curry In today’s competitive (sometimes cutthroat) marketplace, savvy business owners need to constantly look for ways to get and, more importantly, keep
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: Writing Marketing Copy That Sells by: Charlie Cook When your prospects see your marketing materials, your brochure, your web site or your ads you want them to read them. You want prospects to read not just the first
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: 5 Breakthrough Marketing Ideas by: Charlie Cook Do you ever get frustrated with your marketing? Are you putting in a lot of effort but not getting the results you want? Don't you wish you could just hit a switch and get
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: Five Characteristics of Highly Successful Advertising by: Jeremy Cohen Have you ever spent a small fortune on advertising that generated disappointment rather than sales? Many small business owners have been down the
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: What's Missing From Your Marketing? by: Charlie Cook Holly called from Anchorage, Alaska looking for ideas on ways to increase advertising s.ales. She provides live traffic reports from her plane to six radio stations
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: Top 5 Ways to Generate Qualified Leads for Your Small Business by: Jeremy Cohen Do you ever wonder if you could be doing a better job marketing your small business or professional service firm? Successfully marketing
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: Marketing In A Virtual World by: Steven Van Yoder Before the Internet, small business owners like yourself were usually limited to a local market -resorting to expensive advertising and brochures, direct mail, cold-calling,
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: Winning at Business With Your Marketing Game Plan by: Charlie Cook Stuart from Colorado had talked to a number of marketing firms and gotten estimates for designing and printing his marketing materials and building a
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: Increasing Short and Long Term Profits by: Charlie Cook "I was at your site for all of two minutes before I bought one of your manuals. I'm impressed!" I love to get emails like this one sent by Vicki from Tucson, Arizona.
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: Transforming Problems into Sales by: Jeremy Cohen My silent fish tank was no more. Enough water had evaporated to make the filter gurgle. It was highly annoying and I knew I wouldn’t be at ease until it was silent
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: Emotional Marketing - Stimulate Your Prospects Into Buying by: Abe Cherian The secret is creating low cost advertising that compels customers to come to you. Using a simple system of direct mail letters, postcards, email
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: How To Avoid Your Joint Venture Proposals From Getting Deleted, Torn Up… Or Tossed In The Round File by: Gabriel Howes I believe Joint Ventures are one of the very best ways to grow your business... Yet I know
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: Growing Your Business With Your Marketing Priorities by: Charlie Cook None of us have enough time in the day to get everything done, but small business owners and entrepreneurs like you are particularly pressed. You wear
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: Changing Your Position When There's Competition by: C.J.Hayden Are you finding many of your best prospects already working with competitors? When you pursue a new opportunity, is someone else capturing the prize? Maybe
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: Good Relationships = Sales! by: Audrey Burton Do you ever feel like you don’t have what it takes to be a great salesperson? We can all sell; it’s just a matter of finding your style. You don’t have
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: Is Email Marketing Still An Effective Option For Network Marketing? by: Rich Niccolls With email filters, blockers, and simply tons of unsolicited email, is email marketing still a viable option to build and grow your
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: A Revolutionary "NEW" Dimension in Sales by: Linda Blew Carlson A Revolutionary 'NEW' Dimension In Sales: Make many more closings in the same amount of time! By Art Nelson and Linda Carlson Phase I Phase I: Learning
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: Get More Clients using Pull then Push Marketing by: Charlie Cook Marketing is like rowing. You pull hard on the oars to go forward, then lift them out of the water and push them back to finish the stroke and get ready
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: Catch More Clients Using Strategic Networking by: Charlie Cook Is networking helping you bring in the new clients you want? If you are like most independent professionals and small business owners, you put hard work
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: Frugal Marketing by: Charlie Cook You want to market your business but you don’t want to spend a lot of money. You may be just starting out and have precious little capital or you may have a successful business
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: Shift to Full Power Marketing by: Charlie Cook Marketing should run like a car’s engine. Give it the right fuel and you'll enjoy steady acceleration when you step on the gas, but let the tank run dry or put in
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: Use Product Research to Position Yourself as the Expert by: Charlie Cook You have an idea for a new product or service, want to get feedback from prospects and position your firm as the experts. How do you do this when
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: Open the Door to More Business with Your Ideas by: Charlie Cook Visualize your business as a building. Whether you are an architect, lawyer, coach, graphic designer or accountant, to bring in more clients, you need to
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: Is Your Marketing Full of Holes? by: Charlie Cook You wouldn't try to collect water in a bucket that leaked or catch fish with a torn net, but that is what many service professionals and small businesses do. They work
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: Why Some Web Sites Sell and Others Don't by: Charlie Cook Why is it that some web sites help sell products and services while most languish in obscurity and only serve as a drain on finances? Web sites are relatively
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: Which Of These Words Attract Your Clients by: Charlie Cook Whether it's your business card, tagline, article title, web site title and description or ad, just the difference of a few words can either pull in prospects
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: GOT MEME? How to Attract Your Clients' and Customers' Attention by: Charlie Cook No "meme" isn't a typo and Got Milk, the more commonly know phrase, is actually a marketing meme. If you've opened up a magazine or watched
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: Increase Sum in Your Check Account with Follow-Ups by: Janice Chiang We’ll be examining what makes follow up to prospects/customers so important on our online world today. Are you familiar with this scenario? Joined
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: Are You Marketing With A Deaf Ear? by: Charlie Cook Can you imagine having a phone conversation where you couldn't hear what the person at the other end was saying? You would have difficulty getting much done and you
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: Let Your Mistakes Improve Your Marketing And Your Profits by: Charlie Cook Have you ever sent out a sales letter and received little or no response, or put up a web site and found hardly anyone visiting it. Have you worked
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: Overcoming Your Biggest Marketing Obstacle by: Charlie Cook At times, no matter what you do your marketing is stuck and you're not attracting new clients quickly enough. It doesn't seem to make a difference how much time
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: Are You Ignoring These Marketing Principles? by: Charlie Cook In marketing as in science there are basic principles that govern the movement of bodies in space, or prospects and clients. Just as people instinctively know
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: 5 Reasons Why Headlines Are Crucial To Your Website’s Success by: Robert Boduch Without a powerful headline, your message stands little chance of being noticed in an increasingly competitive marketplace. If your headline
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: 10 Ways to Build Trust and Build Your Business by: Charlie Cook You wouldn't buy a car if you didn't think it could get you home. And you wouldn't purchase it from a dealer you thought was robbing you blind on the price
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: Marketing Smarter to Earn More by: Charlie Cook An accountant once told me that he never met anyone who didn't want to make 30% more money. Whether you want a better lifestyle or to take more vacations, buy a fancy car,
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: Using Your Web Site to Grow Your Business by: Charlie Cook A snowplow operator in a New Jersey suburb was hailed by a woman asking him to plow her driveway so she could get out. Wading through less than a foot of fluffy
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: Is Your Marketing Message Holding You Back? by: Charlie Cook Your marketing message is like a key. If you've got the right one, it will help you unlock doors to new business and start the process of converting them to
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: 5 Ways to Generate Leads with Your Web Site by: Charlie Cook If you sell services one of the biggest challenges is identifying qualified prospects who want what you have to offer and are ready to buy. It is possible to
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: 8 Common Marketing Mistakes by: Charlie Cook Advertising can be one of the fastest ways to market and grow your business or it can be one of the quickest ways to go out of business. With the right ad you can attract clients
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: How to Avoid the Marketing Blues with Your Offers by: Charlie Cook "Here's a little tip I would like to relate Big fish bites if ya got good bait." To attract more prospects and clients, you need what Taj Mahal calls
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: How to Use Public Speaking to Attract Clients by: Steven Van Yoder When Robert Middleton moved his marketing consulting practice, Action Plan Marketing, to Palo Alto, California several years ago, he started his business
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: How to Grab Attention with your Headlines by: Charlie Cook You've got just a few seconds to grab your prospects' attention, spark their interest and motivate them to keep reading whether they're looking at your web site,
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: Modern Marketing With Postcards by: Bob Leduc Postcards may be one of the best kept secrets of modern marketing. They produce even better results now than in the past. That's probably because postcards deliver information
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: How To Ethically Sell To Your Prospect, Even If They Say No. by: Charles Kangethe What you are about to read... is a closing technique I learnt many years ago whilst working as a sales rep. Too many marketers let go
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: Building Web Pages That Move People To Buy by: Charlie Cook The purpose of your marketing is to attract prospects and help them make a series of decisions that lead them to purchase your products or services. The sequence
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: 5 Powerful Tips To Beat The Biggest Problem ALL Marketers Face by: Charles Kangethe I bet you can't tell me... the single biggest problem facing Every Direct Marketer, new and old. It's not generating traffic, nor building
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: Overcoming Objections to Price by: Charlie Cook How much more could you earn if your prospects didn't object to your prices? You'd close more sales and be more successful. Like most service professionals and small business
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: How to Spellbind your Prospects in 10 Seconds! by: Jaruda Boonsuwan You've got yourself 10 seconds to HOOK your prospects or LOSE them! If you can't make them interested in 10 seconds, there's a good chance you'll lose
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: The New 5 P's! by: Jaruda Boonsuwan NO! When I say "5 P's", I'm not talking about the big 5 P's of marketing everyone's familiar with. Here I'm NOT referring to Product, Price, Place, Promotion and Package! But I'm
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: When the Clock Strikes Twelve! by: Jaruda Boonsuwan I just finished reading another sales copy ending with the Deadline Marketing! And it's the sixth I see today saying "If you order by midnight, blah blah blah...." I'm
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: Real Estate Marketing, Do You Use Direct Mail? by: Barrett Niehus Prospecting for leads is by far the most difficult part of being a Realtor or small business professional. In fact, lead development is by far the most
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: 10 Tips to Use Giveaways Effectively by: Susan Friedmann Walk around any trade or consumer show and you will be able to collect a bag full of advertising specialties, or giveaway items all designed to promote. But look
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: Moving Beyond Marketing Rituals to Increase Profits by: Charlie Cook You're at a networking meeting and someone asks for your business card. You hand them a fairly typical card with your company's name, your name and title,
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: 5 Ways to Educate Your Prospects for More Sales by: Roger C. Parker 5 Ways to Educate Your Prospects for More Sales It’s impossible to sell a product or service without demand – no matter how low the price
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: How to Network Effectively to Secure Freelance Work by: Brian Konradt When freelancers ask me what type of marketing is the easiest, costs the least, and yields the best results, I don't hesitate to recommend networking.
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: Keeping It Real: The Only Copywriting Trick That Works by: Robert Warren Much of today's accepted copywriting wisdom comes from old books written for a different, quieter world. For most of the twentieth century, widely
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: Testimonials Convert Prospects Into Buyers by: Bob Leduc Big businesses get instant credibility with their well-known company name or brand name. But small companies have to create their own credibility. One of most powerful
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: 5 Specific Questions Your Sales Letters Must Answer To Achieve The Best Results by: Joanne L. Mason Here’s a surefire method to guarantee you achieve the best results from your sales letters. Rather than make a
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: Schedule telemarketing time for more success by: Stan Rosenzweig Telephone canvassing, or cold calling, is the practice of sitting down with a long list of potential prospects you've never met and telephoning them, one
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: WHERE TO FOCUS YOUR MARKETING by: Charlie Cook Imagine that you ran an ad, mailed a brochure, or sent an email ad to a new list of people who fit your target market profile and everyone who saw it responded right away
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: How to Convert Telephone Calls into Powerful Presentations by: Roger C. Parker You can multiply your ability to persuade by 400%, whether your audience is 1 or 100. Web-based presentations add a visual element to teleconferences.
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: Determining Visitor Types by: Susan Friedmann The trade show floor is full of different types of people with different agendas. Some people have specific goals for attending the show; others do not. As an exhibitor your
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: How to Get the Right Clients and Avoid the Wrong Ones by: Charlie Cook If you are like most service professionals and small business owners one of your primary concerns is generating as many leads as possible. And that
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: 4 Easy Ways to Boost Your Sales by: Bob Leduc Here are 4 easy ways you can boost your sales for little or no new expense ...and without making major changes in your selling process. 1. Focus on What Your Customers
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: Six Steps to Creating Online Presentations for Telephone Selling by: Roger C. Parker How much extra money could you make by closing just one or two additional sales a day? You can double, or even triple, the effectiveness
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: Getting Lucky with Systematic marketing by: Charlie Cook In early-August, I got a call from Barbara at the Association of Management Consultants wanting to know whether I was interested in running a marketing workshop
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: 10 Phone Marketing Mistakes to Avoid by: Charlie Cook "I hate making marketing calls. I don’t know what to say and how to say it. I’ve been assigned to find new clients and in the past 4 weeks I brought
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: The Seven Secrets of a High-Sales Marketer by: Raynay Valles If you want to boost your website sales to the next level, you've got to think and act like a high-sales marketer. Here's how: 1. Think sales not just traffic.
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: Are You Irresistibly Attractive? by: Kimberly Stevens If you’ve done any reading on the subject of marketing, you’ve certainly heard the term “Unique Selling Proposition†or “USP.â€
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: Creating Sales Conversations by: Charlie Cook You've got a great product or service that beats the competition by miles. Once you get in front of people or get them on the phone, they're sold. The only problem is you're
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: Want More Sales? Write A Barry Bonds Sales Letter by: Dean Phillips I'm not a baseball fan. Never have been. In fact, I hate the sport. However, I am a Barry Bonds fan. Here's why: Barry Bonds possesses the exact same
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: 5 High-Impact Marketing Tips by: Bob Leduc Here are 5 high-impact marketing tips you can use to boost your sales quickly. All are simple to implement and they involve little or no new expense. 1. Promote Only One
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: How to Keep Your Business Healthy by: Charlie Cook Can you imagine you're ninety years old and still hiking up mountains with your grandchildren, bench pressing more than most twenty year olds, and making millions of
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: It's a Numbers Game! by: Kimberly Stevens Three years ago, Paul left his corporate job to launch his freelance writing career, and he’s done relatively well. He has a group of regular clients that keep him going,
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: The Key to Eliminating Objections and Increasing Sales by: Charlie Cook You're in a meeting with a promising prospect. You review the project and the services you provide and then, just when you're hoping to get the okay,
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: How Heavy Hitters Avoid Rejection Working MLM Leads by: Ed Forteau “But, these people are telling me NO and I don’t like the way that feels,†he told me. “The same rejection, real or imagined,
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: How to Earn More by Visualizing Your Marketing Success by: Charlie Cook Did you ever imagine yourself lying on a beach enjoying the sun or spending the holidays relaxing with relatives? We all daydream and picture ourselves
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: Do You Have to Be Aggressive to Make Sales? by: Ari Galper A few weeks ago I was onsite at a company that had hired me to train their sales team on how to stop using traditional selling and start using the Unlock The
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: Maximize Attention for Your Small Business by: Jeremy Cohen If you have a great product or service that people want you are well on your way to being successful. However, in order to lock in and grow your success you
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: Are You Marketing and Selling What People Buy? by: Charlie Cook Do you ever wonder if you’re speaking a different language than your prospects? You may have recently launched a business, designed an innovative
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: Wealth Knowledge & Power – Lost Secrets From Ancient Masters by: Eric Wichman Behold! He with the light cometh! He shall light thy darkest night, illuminate thy muddled confusion, and he shall uncover all that
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: Cleaning Up Your Marketing by: Charlie Cook Has your once well-organized marketing plan come to resemble the jumble of stuff in your closet (not to mention the garage and the attic)? If you are like most people, each
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: Long Sales Letters vs. Short Sales Letters by: Matthew Cobb Everywhere I turn, I'm being asked to weigh in on the issue of whether copy should be long or short in a sales letter. I receive countless newsletters on copywriting
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: 7 Tips for Successful Postcard Marketing by: Bob Leduc Simple low-cost postcards have become a valuable business tool for modern marketers. They can produce a surge of traffic to your web site or a flood of high-quality
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