Tag: Choose
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: Depression Can Turn into Joy by: Ann Stewart Depression is the most prevalent disease of our time. Under the guise of informing the public, both the medical profession and the media are constantly "warning" us of the
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: How To Choose The Right Wedding Bouquet Style by: Liztiany Zakaria Basically, there are three wedding bouquet styles.The cascade, round or posy and hand-tied. The cascade, as the name suggests, is shaped like a waterfall,
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: Top 5 Most Often Carried Handbags by: Cathy Feldman Handbags have become the most popular accessory on the market and there’s no reason to wonder why. There are so many styles and trends to choose from that it’s hard
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: How to Make Money From Your Website by: Mark Pascua Are you a webmaster and don't know how to make a profit with your website? Or do you want to create a site but don't know how to get started? If you fit in the latter,
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: Are You Taking Responsibility? by: Debbie Friedman It is time to take responsibility for our actions and the results we create in our lives. It’s time to stop expecting someone else to do for us what we are unwilling
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: How To Choose The Perfect Dog Name For Your Puppy by: Richard Cussons So you've brought home your new puppy, it's time to name your new animal friend but you’re running short on ideas. Choosing a name for your
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: Dog Breeds: How To Choose The Perfect Dog Breed For You! by: Richard Cussons If choosing dog is such a straight forward process, and it is, how come so many puppies find their way into adoption centres every year? Well
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: Funeral Planning Checklist by: Charles Sieger Planning a funeral can be a very difficult task, especially considering the circumstances. When something as tragic as a family member or friend passes away, the last thing
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: What Your Handbags Say About You by: Cathy Feldman You can tell a lot about a person from the clothes they wear, but you can also tell a lot about a person simply from the handbags they carry. It’s hard to believe,
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: Which Type of Handbag Suits Your Body Type? by: Cathy Feldman Over the past year, handbags have quickly become the most popular accessory on the market. There are thousands of styles and designs to choose from, which
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: Wedding Planning Tips and Tricks by: David Chandler Planning a wedding is an exciting thing, and can be very scary. With some basic tips and tricks, you will be sure to make you day special. Be sure to setup your honeymoon
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: Creative Writing Tips - Does The Name You Chose Suit Your Character? by: Nick Vernon How do you choose a name? Do you put down the first name that pops into your mind? Initially that’s what I used to do, until
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: Choosing Your Wedding Colors by: Shaan Randow Wedding dress, flowers, church, reception, cake topper, decorations, music AND wedding colors. Although it sounds daunting, choosing wedding colors is really quite simple. When
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: A Wedding For All Seasons by: Declan Tobin In times gone by it wasn’t uncommon for young couples to consult the Tarot as to what month of the year according to the stars would be their best time to wed, this would
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: The A To Z Guide For Your Wedding Day by: Declan Tobin Attendants Attendants, include the best man, Bridesmaid, ushers, and groomsmen. Generally any people with some sort of responsibility on the big day. How many attendants
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: How to Find The Perfect Wedding Dress by: Martin Smith You want the perfect wedding dress, so you have made it a major focus of your pre wedding planning. There are some things you need to find from the bridal shop, before
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: The Monogram Theme Wedding by: Blake Kritzberg Monograms are a huge trend in weddings, to the point where they feature strongly in some, and in others, provide the actual theme. And what’s not to like about monograms?
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: 8 Spray Tanning Tips by: Angela Maroevich With the recent surge in the popularity of tanning, many people are flocking to salons to use tanning booths or beds to build and maintain a healthy tan, but some people are still
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: Choosing a Comfortable Yet Flattering Bra by: Wendy Yeager Todays bra is not only designed to make you feel pretty and sexy, they are designed for comfort and practicality. You can choose from an underwire bra for support
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: Find The Perfect Dress For You by: Mike Yeager When you look in your closet do you see dresses that you like or are there many, many old, out of style dresses that you wouldn’t dare be seen in? Fashions do change
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: Choose To Be Happy...NOW! by: Teri Worten The older I get, the more I realize that ninety percent of life is about choices. Both the choice to be happy or unhappy is mine. Sure, unforeseeable circumstances come and rattle
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: Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Snippet: Create It and Use It! by: Kay Zetkin The Macromedia Dreamweaver MX have these powerful new addition to its toolset – introducing, Snippets! Do you often use blocks of code? Well,
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: Choosing a Right Hosting Solution by: Arun Tibrewal You have done all the hard works for developing your website but when it comes selecting your host you may face trouble that it does not have all the features which
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: What’s In A (Domain) Name? by: Sibyl McLendon Choosing a domain name is a very important first step for anyone starting a business on the Internet. This name is the first impression that strangers are going to
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: Get Swept Away on Your Wedding Day: Rent a Sailboat or Yacht! by: David Dunlap For a day you’ll never forget on that special occasion, take a once-in-a-lifetime voyage to the world’s waters – rent
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: How to Use Solo Ads to Make a Small Fortune by: Anik Singal Newsletter advertising has been getting a bad rap lately. Around every corner you can find someone complaining about how it doesn’t work. But when you
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: Wireless Meditation: Top Five Tips for Wherever-Whenever Mindfulness by: Maya Talisman Frost The problem with meditation is attachment. We get in the habit of needing our altar, favorite cushion, incense, CD, certain time
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: Swith to a Better Channel! by: Keith Varnum Peril, catastrophe and disaster. These are our friends, allies and mentors. Appearing as enemies on the surface, these seeming threats are our most helpful teachers on our Earth
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: Owning Your Power by: Martin Brofman Owning your power, your power to be real, to be who you really are, is really about owning your freedom. Consider how your reasons for not being yourself may have been to get the love
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: "Did Your Personality Choose Your Career? by: Angela Butera Dickson We almost all think we are masters of our own fate. While it is true that we all make our own choices there are many things that influence what we choose.
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: The 5 Words That Are Ruining Your Life by: Sopan Greene, M.A. How would you like to stop feeling like your life isn't good enough? (I realize advertisers would go broke if this happened, but it's better for you!) Imagine
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: Self Care by: Dona Kerr and Dawn Wood What does it mean to practice self care? It’s creating a space and a healthy mind and body to support you in being the best you can be. If your space is filled with chaos,
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: 10 Simple Ways to Honor Your Uniqueness by: Julie Jordan Scott One message we hear from the time we are children is that it is better to give than receive. It is best to be humble. It is best to not shine a light on ourselves.
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: Who Is More Likely To Be Happy? by: Lance Beggs Here’s a multiple choice question for you. Who is more likely to be happy? (a) Someone who lays awake for an hour or so at night, replaying the day in their mind
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: Choose Happiness by: Donald Schnell It's a beautiful spring day in Beverly Hills, California. I'm looking out my window at elm trees in full leaf and roses in full bloom, and thinking about the people who helped me get
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: Today I choose... by: Bill Marshall Here is a great way to create affirmations that may be helpful to you. Here's how it works: You start off the affirmation with "Today I choose..." then fill in a quality or thought
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: Change the Words and Change the World by: Kevin B. Burk Excerpt From The Relationship Handbook: How to Understand and Improve Every Relationship in Your Life by Kevin B. Burk If we want to change our lives in any way,
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: 101 Principles Of Winning by: Nilesh Gore Personal missions statements (PMS) are just nothing but the winning choices. Our mind can program us in such a way that success ratio in personal, social & professional life changes
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: How To Choose The Right Goals To Focus On by: Christos Varsamis Sometimes setting goals alone is not the only problem that you must face. Sometimes, choosing the right goals to begin with is harder. Basically, you can
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: Life – The Teacher by: Clyde Dennis You’ve probably heard the phrase "repetition is the mother of learning" well apparently it’s also the mother of teaching. Often it seems, Life – The Teacher
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: What’s Important Now? Get the WINning Edge by: Kathy Paauw "I thank God I live in a country where dreams can come true, where failure is sometimes the first step to success, and where success is only another form
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: Choose To Be Happy by: Selena Richardson What if I told you that you have the ability to decide if you are happy or not. You would probably say that I'm crazy. 1. I'm not crazy and 2. Happiness is a choice. You can't
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: Choice and Change by: Clyde Dennis OK, so here we are. We've switched the calendars out and made our resolutions. Now it's time to set about the process of making those changes we've resolved to make. You haven't forgotten
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: Leaders "Click It" Into Gear! by: Richard Gorham Ever wonder how two people can be in the same meeting, hear the same speaker communicate the same message - yet once the meeting is over, each person's perception of the
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: Choose The Right Incense Burner by: Jakob Jelling Incense and incense burners come in many different varieties. While incenses vary in essences and aromas, incense burners vary in materials and shapes. Not only the incense
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: The Gift of Failure by: Jean Fritz During this Thanksgiving holiday, we are reminded to reflect on the bounty in our lives. Most of us have jobs, family, a place we call home and food on the table, and for these things
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: FREE The Ultimate Secrets Newsletter Transforms Your Personal and Business Life Instantly! by: Song Chengxiang Affirmation technique has been used by many successful people for centuries. It has helped many ordinary people
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: A Winning Lottery Number Selection Strategy by: Kent Clarke The problem with selecting lottery numbers is the fact that any regulated lottery result is by definition random, and so any 6 number selections are as likely
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: What A Load Of Golf Balls by: Clay Morris Through out the history of golf the golf ball has evolved more than any other piece of equipment used in the game. From the very first wooden balls followed by the feathery to
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: How to Choose a Changing Table by: Jackie G. Maxwell As a prospective parent, you may wonder how hard it could possibly be when it comes to learning how to choose a changing table. But you'd be surprised at the little
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: Oh Baby! Choosing the Right Baby Name by: GranMamma Naming a baby is no easy task. However, the following tips will help you give your baby his or her very first gift. 1. Religion: For some parents, religion plays a
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: Maybe This Christmas Will Be Different..... by: Kimberly Chastain Have you always dreamed of a Norman Rockwell Christmas - where everyone is singing Christmas carols and there is joy in the house? Alas, your Christmas
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: Should I Be My Own Boss? by: Chris Brown You may have been drawn in by a web site or perhaps it was a commercial on television that first got your thoughts focused on starting a home business. No matter what it was, when
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: Make Free Money With Google by: John Baker Have you received your check from Google? If you own a business web-site you should be receiving a check from Google. Why not accept a check every month from Google by placing
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: 8 Tips for Designing a Great Website by: Ivana Katz Square buttons, round buttons, flashy buttons … will they match my shoes, my handbag or my tie? Are you stuck in a maze of buttons, headings, bullets, sub-headings
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: How To Choose The Right Niche To Promote by: Jason Gazaway Easy profit, a worldwide market, manageability of business at home level—all these and a variety of other reasons contributed to the popularity of online
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: How to Create Your Own Blog Using Blogger by: Matt Bacak It takes only a few minutes and is easy to setup your own weblog using the Blogger weblog system. By completing only three simple steps, creating an account,
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: How to Hire a Freelancer Using Elance by: Matt Bacak If you have a project that you need to outsource but don't know where to turn, Elance might be your solution. Elance connects businesses with a pool of professional
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: 10 Tips To Help You Choose The Right Business by: Kelly Lowe With so many opportunities available today, it is hard to decide which business is the right one for you. Choosing the wrong business can cost you both time
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: How To Choose a Good Online MLM or Network Marketing Company? by: Evelyn Lim You've heard many horror stories about MLM /network marketing programs. But what you are really hearing about are stories relating to illegal
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: Time and your Internet Business by: John Pryor How many hours per day should you devote to your internet business? We’ve all seen the ads trying to tell us that we can make millions in no time by doing nothing
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: How To Use Color On The Web To Get More Clients Than You Can Handle by: Michael Port You only have one opportunity to make a first impression, and your website is often the first contact you have with a potential client.
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: How Any DJ Can Increase Their Bookings and Profits by Using This One Stragegy by: Owen Nicholson The DJ industry is very competitive. There are many DJ’s who are making huge amounts of money and then there are
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: Are You In The Market For a Car Loan? by: Mike Yeager Car loans are a tempting way to purchase a new car. While they provide for easy access to a car, these loans can get quite expensive if you do not know enough about
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: Watch Your Language! by: Annagail Lynes I have a big mouth. If you have read my testimony, you know that I have struggled with panic attacks and an anxiety disorder that most of the time left my tongue paralyzed when
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: 5 Most Popular Flowers for Your Garden by: Colin Smith When planting a garden there are many questions which you must ask yourself before you begin. Where are you going to plant it, do you have the garden equipment to
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: Create a Romantic Shabby Chic Bedroom by: Tina Bauer Create a Romantic Shabby Chic Style Bedroom 1. Bedding – Choose vintage inspired florals, stripes, and patterns in pastels. Mix and match them. Throw in some
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: How To Choose The Canvas For Your Awning by: Carlos Mello The main factor for the canvas for your awning, it's to choose to do in PVC, because will be light and malleable. Between their advantages we have the following
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: Candle Holders Add Flair To Your Home Decor! by: Wendy Yeager Candle holders are an essential accessory for candles. The first candle holders, made of clay, date back as far as fourth century BC Egypt. Of course, today
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: Decorating? Then Make a Smart Flooring Choice! by: Mike Yeager Set the stage for your beautiful room decor with a smart flooring choice. And no matter what flooring material you choose, it should be serviceable for your
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: How To Find The Best Furniture, Bedroom Furniture, Lamps, Rugs, Beds, Mirrors, Sofas, Chairs, Dining Room Furniture And Tables by: Mike Yeager Furniture is something that every home needs to give it style and comfort.
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: Fuel Your Body...Don't Feed That Craving! by: Kristina Haisten Go ahead and confess: You’re completely addicted to potato chips. Your determination weakens every time you think about munching into one, hearing
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: Eat Out and Lose Weight by: Arnel Ricafranca Diners have become more health-conscious the last few years, and now want healthy choices whether eating at home or at their favorite restaurants. Luckily, the restaurant industry
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: The Formula for Complete Success by: Kerry Emrich The formula for complete success is to combine many different parts into one masterpiece. Getting adequate rest each day, it is said that the man who can take rest is
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: How to Choose Wheelchairs for Kids by: Maricon Williams The child’s mobility and independence are significant factors to consider so it is important to get the right wheelchair. But how do we choose the right wheelchair? Choosing
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: How To Incorporate Exercise Into Everyday Life by: Jed Turner With many of us having sedentary jobs that demand little or no exercise at all, finding time outside of our work environment for exercise has become increasingly
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: The Utopia of Now by: Julia Allworth Where am I running? What am I looking for? It seems like a funny idea and yet I, like many others, am running towards a utopia that I will never find. Sometimes I think that human
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: Healthy Chocolate for Your Valentine by: Debra Lynn Dadd Let's face it. We're all going to eat chocolate for Valentine's Day. But there's no need to feel guilty! Chocolate is actually good for you…it's all the things
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: The Perfect Diet Just for You by: Michael Fortomas You decide to start a new diet plan. You shop around, get ideas, talk to friends, family, co-workers, forum friends, chat room buddies…then you choose the one that
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: Set Yourself Stress-Free by: Joy Fisher-Sykes Stress in our personal and professional lives is ever changing and constantly on the rise. Everyday we’re expected to do more and more with less and less - less resources,
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: Excellent References Can Be the Clincher by: Linda Matias "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." This childhood chant is familiar to many. It is probably the most famous comeback line in
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: Guide to Choosing a Computer System For Your Child by: Eugen Lisov Before going further into choosing computers for children, I believe that you would like to know the answer to the following question: Why do children
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: The Wedding Aisle - Who is Walking You Down it? by: Victoria Williams Choosing who should walk down the aisle with you is not as easy at it has been in the past. In the past, it has always been assumed that the father
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: Preparing For the Holidays: Ho Ho Ho... or Bah Humbug! by: Kathy Paauw Some of my clients dread the holiday season because it often represents stress, pressure, expectations, guilt, disappointment, pain, loneliness, exhaustion...
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: Halloween Safety Tips by: Susan Dunn, MA Halloween is an exciting night for children and a busy time for their parents. With such excitement, it’s easy for children to forget basic safety rules. When emotions
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: How to Choose a Baby Gate by: Jackie G. Maxwell Once your baby is out of their crib and playpen, you're going to need some way of ensuring their safety. That's why learning how to choose a baby gate can be one of the
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: Create A Gift Basket For A Dog Lover! by: Donna Hamer The choice of what gift to give your family and friends can often be a difficult one. One of the best gifts that you can give is a gift basket. A gift basket is that
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: Create A Gift Basket For A Cat Lover! by: Donna Hamer The choice of what gift to give your family and friends can often be a difficult one. One of the best gifts that you can give is a themed gift basket. A gift basket
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: Engagement Party Ideas To Wow The Crowd! by: Alexis Miller He's proposed, and most likely you're flashing your new engagement ring. Now it's time to plan the celebration, but where do you start? Your engagement party
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: The Hard Disk by: Pawan Bangar The Hard Disk Guide ; From throwing our unnecessary files, to defragmenting, from partitions to formats-learn how to keep your hard disk in top shape The hard disk is the place where all
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: Six Easy White-Listing Ways... Stop Losing Important Emails! by: S Kumar Are you dead sure about receiving of all the important emails that is sent to you? "The chances are that you are among the 42% of the people who
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: Create Your Own Business Cards, Part 2 by: Jane Fulton This is the second part of creating your own business card. If you missed the first one, let me know: mailto:webmistress@janes-place.com Click in the box, where
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: How to Write Your First Ebook by: Bryan Quinn How to Write Your First Ebook Writing your first ebook may seem like a daunting task. But like many projects, it won’t seem so bad when it’s broken down into
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: Create Your Own Business Cards, Part 1 by: Jane Fulton In this lesson, we will create a business card, using Microsoft Word. I created a new template for my business card. It can be viewed at: http://janes-place.com/bus_card.htm
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: Print Your Photos Like A Pro At Home by: Granny's Mettle Even with the lowest pixel available in your digital camera, you too can produce photos and prints at home that can look better than those made in photo labs. Digital
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: How to Put Colors in Your Photograph by: Paul Hood Wouldn’t it be nice to see your black and white photos in full color? Learning to create and edit old photos is fairly easy and very worthwhile. Digitally restored
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: Buyer Beware: Choose A Business Coach Carefully To Get The Results You Want by: Jim Jenkins Consider this scenario. A colleague suggests you get a business coach. Via the Internet, you find one close-by. The woman says
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: Business Stationery, Part 1 by: Jane Fulton One of the greatest forms of advertising is to create stationery that advertises your business. Just think, you would be exposing the Post Office and others in between to your
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: Writing A Great Resume, Part 2 by: Jane Fulton TIP: Update your resume often. Be sure to add details of any training course, new interests and areas of responsibility. Continue to style your resume the way we did it
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: What You Should Look for In a Mortgage Broker by: Robin Smith The mortgage broker is the person who would deal with you directly to provide the funds to make your dream home come true. You might not be able to choose
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