Tag: Site
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: RSS: Get Notified When Your Favorite Websites Are Updated by: Bear Cahill RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a way for a site to publish it's updates. RSS readers can read these notifications and display a listing of
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: Protect Your System From the Internet Evils by: Daniel Punch Ads, Spyware and Popups: the Internet is an aggressively commercial place. Internet marketing is hugely profitable; owners of frequently visited websites can
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: Free Article Use on Your Web Site by: C Brackney If you are trying to drive traffic to your web site and have researched your options, you have probably reached one conclusion. Content is essential. They say content
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: Blogging - what's it all about? by: Inka-Maria Kunz A blog usually is a web page that contains brief, discrete hunks of information called posts. These posts are arranged in reverse-chronological order (the most recent
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: Travel Your Way To More Traffic by: Ken Mowery I am not a professional photographer nor am I in the travel business. However, I stay very busy these days taking scenic photographs and featuring them on my web site because
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: A Way for Search Engines to Improve by: Richard Zwicky Wouldn't it be nice if the search engines could comprehend our impressions of search results and adjust their databases accordingly? Properly optimized web pages
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: 5 Ways To Get Your Website Noticed by: Maui Reyes Your website is just one of the billion sites parked on the World Wide Web. Chances are, you don’t think yours will ever get noticed. We hear your cries for cyber
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: The Value Of Adding Fresh Content by: C.E. David Your site’s design is optimized to be search engine friendly. Your advertising strategy is impeccable. The graphics are great. You were savvy enough to generate
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: MSN & Yahoo Communities (The Basics) by: Martin Lemieux I'm sure at one time or another, we've all explored either an msn or yahoo community or both. Communities are a FREE service that allows us to build and manage,
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: 13 Steps to Increasing Your Link Luck by: Courtney Heard Link development can be an absolute nightmare. It takes up most of a marketer’s time and the yield isn’t always what we originally hoped. Worrying
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: Expand Your Child's Knowledge, Part 2 by: Jane Fulton Let's begin with primary school learning. Reading and storytelling are the keys for primary school children. One of the best sites for primary school children is:
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: Teen Advice On-line by: Angela Butera Dickson There is no doubt about it. We are an electronic society. From our cable television sets to our satellite radios, our cell phones to our beepers, our global positioning
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: WAHM Resources for You by: Paula Wilson If you are a Work at Home Mom WAHM you have made a very important decision to stay at home with your family. I applaud you for that decision, but I know it can be a financial
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: Online Shopping – Is It Really So Great? by: Kyle James Online shopping - is it really so great? That is the question among many consumers in the United States. There are many that would rather go to the local
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: A New Website For The Home Cook by: News Canada (NC)—Ontario Pork's web site "www.porkpeople.com" tells you everything you ever wanted to know about pork, and it's about to get bigger and better. "This popular
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: Website Designs And Online Marketing Tools For Dental by: Myna Harriot Online Marketing Tips For Dental Services Your reputation as a qualified dentist should not be compromised by a website that doesn't reflect your
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: Loving Your Hobbies More by: Ray La Foy With the advent of technology that makes almost every chore less time consuming, more and more time may now be devoted to enjoying your hobbies. More people can now take on one
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: Finding the Perfect Wallpaper Pattern May be as Close as Your Computer Screen by: ARA Content (ARA) - Technology can do wonderful things. If you surf the Internet, you can find the right wallpaper pattern for your decorating
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: Here Is The Most Informative Advice Concerning Gutters by: Bill Burdin When you're seeking top advice about gutters, it will be tricky separating value-packed advice from foolish gutters submissions and proposals so it's
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: Finding the Perfect Home by: Ray La Foy Are you currently searching for a home that is for you? Well, this might be your luck because the answer that you are looking for might be on homesfindit.com. It is a website wherein
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: Secondary School Learning by: Jane Fulton Not only does the internet provide research for everyday school work, students can also find useful material to help prepare them for college. Some sites allow you to look
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: Sissy's Show of Support by: Skye Thomas I had been fighting with the software program that I used to build my website. The software program had a bug in it and would occasionally anger the main brains of my computer.
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: Gaining a Child's Trust by: Rexanne Mancini My daughters and I went to the beach several weeks ago. They were having a blast playing in the freezing cold water as I tiptoed around the waves, trying to keep my feet from
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: Anti-Phishing Bill Introduced To Congress by: Richard A. Chapo Sen. Partick J. Leahy has introduced the Anti-Phishing Act of 2005 to Congress for consideration. The Act would allow federal prosecutors to seek fines of
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: Check Out That Privacy Policy by: Richard Lowe, Jr. Before you enter your name, address or any other data in that form, STOP! Wait. Don't enter anything yet. If you do, you may be giving away personal information to strangers,
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: How To Avoid Copyright Infringement When Registering Domain Name by: Stanley Spencer One of the most important aspects of choosing a domain name is that it should be non-infringing. This is not an easy task since most
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: Identity Theft Scams by: James H. Dimmitt Identity Theft scams continue to flourish on the web. One that you need to be aware of and beware of is any site that seems to be selling high-demand items (digital cameras for
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: Divorce Online Sevice. Why Should We Lose Money And Time Applying For Divorce? by: James Wood Attempts to use the worldwide Web as an effective means of struggle against bureaucracy are undertaken constantly and sometimes
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: Turnitin.com Infringes Upon Student's Rights by: Zack Anderson Turnitin.com is undeniably an effective deterrent to plagiarism, but it is the very issue of copyright infringement that has people questioning the legality
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: New Website For Consumers by: News Canada Does my infant's car seat meet the latest Canadian safety standards? How can I lower my bank service charges? My letters of complaint aren't being answered. Now what? How
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: Do You Own Your Web Site Design? by: Richard A. Chapo Your web site has been up for a few months and you are making money hand over foot. While surfing sites one evening, you are shocked to find a competitor using your
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: Building Trust For Lifetime Success by: Randy Lever Trust. One word. One very powerful word that can increase both first time and repeat sales to an unlimited degree. Trust. What is it? Why is it so important? How
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: Five Marketing Nightmares and How to Prevent Them by: Susan Freidmann The success or failure of your trade show rests heavily on how well you market your event. Marketing, when done right, can project a positive image
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: 4 Steps to Selling More With Your Web Site by: Charlie Cook Most web sites are more like stage sets than real buildings; they make a good impression and they look substantial at first, but when you open a door, you end
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: Putting Your Website to Work by: Julie Chance Websites have replaced the brochure as the “must have†marketing tool for businesses large and small. While virtually every business has a website, few are harnessing
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: Targeted Traffic - How Will You Achieve It? by: Matthew Zavadil & David Huizar Wouldn't it be great if your website was listed on the first page when your potential customers look for what you sell? What if you had
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: NoInvaders.Org Proves to be "Interesting" and "Useful" in its Debut by: Jim Wood The immigration reform Web site "NoInvaders.Org" recently saw an escalation of Internet traffic on February 9, with an increase from 9 visits
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: Affordable Advertising for Your Home Business by: Terri Seymour Marketing and advertising a home business takes a lot of time, commitment and work. Those who say all you need to do is put up a website and watch the cash
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: Give Your Web Site a Small Business Marketing Tune Up by: Jeremy Cohen Your web site is like your car. Both are significant investments that require the right features and regular and proper maintenance to ensure maximal
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: 16 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog by: Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff You've got your blog set up and you've started posting pithy, useful information that your niche market would benefit from and enjoy. Days go
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: 10 Classic E-zine Advertising Tips by: Ken Hill 1. Target your advertising. The more targeted the e-zine is for your offer, the greater your response will be for your proven ad. 2. Track your ads. Don't leave your
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: One Way Linking Campaigns by: Vikas Malhotra The importance & the context of building links coming into your web site was detailed in the article "The importance of building backlinks" Now we approach the next step
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: Internal Linking – An Introduction by: Vikas Malhotra The web as they call it is a mesh of links. The wired world is now being counted for what it is. A Network. The more your pages are wired or integrated into
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: How To Get More Visitors To Your Web Site by: Charlie Cook When you were five or ten years old you may have played the game of hide and seek where the object was to avoid being found. The longer you could stay hidden
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: Why Google Needs You Right Now by: Ted Kushner Let me ask you a simple question… what do you think is the number one driving force behind the enormous success of Google? While you're pondering this for awhile…
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: How to Market Your Web Site Without Marketing Costs by: Neil Armand The Internet currently reaches more than 800 million users around the world. This makes your potential for exposure much higher than with traditional
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: Top 5 Ways to Generate Qualified Leads for Your Small Business by: Jeremy Cohen Do you ever wonder if you could be doing a better job marketing your small business or professional service firm? Successfully marketing
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: The Press Pack Is Chasing You - Give Them Room by: George Hopkin There’s good news for public relations execs, marketing professionals and even one-man-band entrepreneurs: journalists are surfing your sites looking
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: Marketing In A Virtual World by: Steven Van Yoder Before the Internet, small business owners like yourself were usually limited to a local market -resorting to expensive advertising and brochures, direct mail, cold-calling,
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: Secrets to Writing Powerful Press Releases by: Ted Kushner Using press releases for marketing purposes has become increasingly popular lately. There has been an increase of firms springing up online offering optimized
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: Winning at Business With Your Marketing Game Plan by: Charlie Cook Stuart from Colorado had talked to a number of marketing firms and gotten estimates for designing and printing his marketing materials and building a
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: Sell Advertising on Your Web Site by: Hollis Thomases The number of sites on the Web today is almost infinite, with new ones popping up every day. There are multiple types of sites: portals, "brochureware," content sites,
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: 20 Sure-Fire Ways To Get People to Link to Your Web Site by: Jonathan Bois 1. Offer other web sites free content to post on their web site. Include your link on all of your content. The content should related to your
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: Your Book and a Great Website by: Dr. Jamie Fettig One of the most overlooked and easiest ways to get your book into the hands of the people you wrote it for, is having a great website. Build a great Website. I can't
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: Virtual Interactivity vs. Actual Interactivity on the Web by: Daniel Borel Interactivity on the web generally works as sexuality on the web: virtually. In both cases, it is a bit frustrating. Click the mouse, ask questions,
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: Profiting From Mistakes by: Sean Burns For many years now, getting traffic from search engines when people misspell a word has been a popular technique. I've often read that you should include spelling errors in the meta
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: Finding "Riches in Niches" by Streamlining Your Web Content by: Jennifer Ryan When marketing online it’s crucial to remember the old business adage, “There are riches in niches.†Niche marketing is
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: How To Increase Your Affiliate Commissions by: Lawrence Deon There are literally countless ways to advertise your affiliate links. The real trick to affilliate marketing though is winning the clicks to conversions number
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: Niche And Grow Rich by: André Anthony Unless you've been living under an Internet rock, you've probably heard the buzz about Niche Marketing. Right now it's the hottest marketing topic online. Is it a new concept?
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: The Correct Approach To Online Marketing by: David Bell At the risk of sounding sensational, if you understand the concepts introduced in this article it could literally mean the difference between miserable failure and
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: How Can People Find Your Site If They Don’t Know What To Search? by: Wayne Liu We all know it is difficult to promote commercial products, especially those commodity items. People selling commodity items are generally
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: Why Would You Use Blogs Instead of a Web Site For Your Online Business? by: Brandon Hong Why would you use Blogs instead of a web site for your online business? What's wrong with using a web site for an online business?
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: Make Your Website Sell by: Chris Mole Hundreds of new business websites are springing up every week. The owners of these sites are full of optimism that their venture into e-commerce will transform their business by bringing
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: Why Search Engine Optimisation Is Doomed … And Quality Content Is The Best Strategy For Your Website by: Chris Mole If you have a website, sooner or later you’ll get interested in search engine optimisation.
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: Increase Your Profit Through Effective Entry and Exit Strategies by: David Bell It is amazing that so much time goes into building great looking websites, promoting them, yet most webmasters pay little attention to how
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: Quantify Your Sales Online by: Maricon Williams The goal of a business is to profit from every endeavor. They do all sorts of advertising and marketing strategies in order to achieve the same. They live by the maxim the
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: Ten Ways To Make Your Affiliate Site More Profitable by: Jude Wright Is your affiliate website ready for business? You may have your content written and your affiliate products in place, but there are more things you
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: Fishing For Ezine Subscribers by: David Leonhardt The Bible tells the tale of the fishermen who were just not catching a thing. Jesus came along and told them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat, which they
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: How To Get a Better Web Site ROI by: Tom O'Brien How to increase your business profitability by hundreds of percent Websites are ubiquitous these days and everybody is trying to get a better web site ROI. With millions
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: 23 Ways To Use An Ad Tracker by: Harvey Segal The ad tracker was originally developed to provide a record of all hits to a site resulting from ad placements. This article shows a host of different ways to utilise an ad
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: How To Increase The Link Popularity Of Your Web Site. by: John Taylor Link Popularity is the term used to describe how popular your web site is by examining how many other web sites link to it. For example, if you only
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: A Proven Link Building Strategy To Boost Your Site's Popularity by: John Taylor Step One: Create a content rich niche web site, narrow in scope with less than ten high potential keywords and with around twenty to thirty
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: Blog And Ping To Build Links by: John Taylor Just What Is Blogging and Pinging? There is a new partnership in cyber-town called Blogging and Pinging. It is not a new comedy team or even a singing group, but a new way
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: Get A Head Start With Promotional Items by: Jinky C. Mesias The business world both online and offline is becoming congested. And so more and more businesses are trying to come up with fresh and innovative ideas on how
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: I WANT To Be An Online Marketer! by: Anna-Marie Stewart Venton Where do I start if I want to be an online marketer? Tough question, huh? There are lots of ways to begin your way on the bumpy journey. Just make sure
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: Web Site Traffic Strategy To Get Targeted Visitors And Convert Them Into Loyal Customers by: Nickolay Bokhonok Targeted web site traffic is crucial for every web site. But there are many web sites, and all they are different.
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: Limited Time Only (Shh! It's A Secret) by: Karon Thackston Under normal circumstances, you'd shout it from the rooftops. After all, when you have something urgent to say, you want others to know about it, right? But
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: Effective or Irritating: The Use of Pop Windows in Internet Marketing by: Bibi Liew A few years ago, pop-up windows were all the rage in Internet marketing. It seemed that every time one opened a web page they would be
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: The Nuts And Bolts Of Traffic Exchanges by: Anna-Marie Stewart Venton Traffic Exchanges. What are they? How do they work? What do they do? First of all, a "Traffic Exchange" is exactly that, a way to exchange traffic,
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: Viral Marketing Tips: Greeting Cards by: Richard Lowe, Jr. When we speak about viral marketing, we are not talking about the newest disease. We are not talking about a Mad Cow Disease variant or something that you need
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: Share Your Knowledge! Write It And They Will Come! by: Martin Lemieux Are you looking for more visitors to your site? Of course you are!!! There are so many ways to promote your business. These days it's hard to decide
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: Generating Website Traffic with Sub-domains by: Sarah Coles Sub-domains are websites that are located within a directory of your main site and have their own domain name. Because they use the same resources as the main
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: Make Your Web Site Work More So You Can Work Less by: C.J. Hayden Do you know how your web site fits into the overall marketing strategy for your business? Do you have a strategy for your web site as a marketing tool?
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: Effective & In-effective Ways To Add Banners: by: Martin Lemieux Do you have your own site? Do you have any banners on your site? Banners are everywhere, the internet is full of them all over the place. So the question
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: Web Site Marketing Techniques Rated by: Sky Maya There are many ways to market your web site, both online and offline. Which ones are worth it? This article will rate several popular methods on a scale of 1-10, with 10
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: 10 Steps to Better Sales Copy by: Brandie King You've worked so hard getting that much elusive traffic to your site. You've taken out a few ezine ads that have returned a good number of clickthroughs, you're getting some
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: You Won't Make Dollars If You Don't use 'Ad'Sense by: Adam Buhler As the dust settles and the excitement caused by Google's AdSense gives way to the normal, everyday routines of old, it's time to put some serious thought
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: Don't Become Another .com Road Kill by: Lee Traupel Remember those Super Bowl and World Cup commercials where you saw talking hand puppets, scantily dressed women, cowboys herding cats and crude lettering on cardboard?
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: Is Your Marketing Full of Holes? by: Charlie Cook You wouldn't try to collect water in a bucket that leaked or catch fish with a torn net, but that is what many service professionals and small businesses do. They work
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: Why Some Web Sites Sell and Others Don't by: Charlie Cook Why is it that some web sites help sell products and services while most languish in obscurity and only serve as a drain on finances? Web sites are relatively
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: Driving Qualified Traffic Using Directories by: Lee Traupel Some education is essential to enlighten you about this form of interactive marketing. Directories aren't Search Engines; they are web sites or information portals
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: Let Your Mistakes Improve Your Marketing And Your Profits by: Charlie Cook Have you ever sent out a sales letter and received little or no response, or put up a web site and found hardly anyone visiting it. Have you worked
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: Telemarketers Don't Like Them? Here's An Idea For Ya! by: Martin Lemieux Telemarketers... ooohhh... I'll bet we've all got a nice story to tell about these guys & gals don't we? Well here's a story i'll never forget
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: Four Ways To Increase Your Sales... Fast... In 2-4 Weeks? by: Radhika Venkata You built a very good web site... You have a great product... You know that people are in NEED of Your service... AND ALSO You want to Increase
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: 5 Reasons Why Headlines Are Crucial To Your Website’s Success by: Robert Boduch Without a powerful headline, your message stands little chance of being noticed in an increasingly competitive marketplace. If your headline
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: Google is Quickly Changing... by: Martin Lemieux Google is quickly changing... With the big buzz of Novembers fall within Google comes a newly indexed data-base... Did Google do something bad to our great placements?
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: Affiliates, 3 Things You Should Own Though You Don't Own A Product. by: Radhika Venkata 1. Your Own web site: Most affiliates put a redirect link directly to their affiliate product. It is not such a good practice. Register
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: Using Your Web Site to Grow Your Business by: Charlie Cook A snowplow operator in a New Jersey suburb was hailed by a woman asking him to plow her driveway so she could get out. Wading through less than a foot of fluffy
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: Maximizing ROI via Web Site Traffic Analysis by: Lee Traupel We are clearly well past the innocent “golden age” of the Internet – Darwinian economics have become the order of the day today. Any company worth their
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: Balancing Your Promotions by: Larry Johnson Promotion of your online business may take a variety of directions. Some will bring more success than others. Every one is important to consider when you are trying to
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