Tag: Enough
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: Preparing For Your Success by: Lorraine Pirihi When is the best time to prepare for your success in life? What's that you say? " I have to actually have to prepare for it? Doesn't success just happen?" No. It doesn't.
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: Spring into Spring by: Lorraine Pirihi Hasn’t time flown? Already we’re into the last quarter of the year and isn’t it perfect timing to clear out the cobwebs of winter and prepare yourself for the
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: The Principle of Abundance by: Mandie Crawford One of the first great things I learned when starting my business, is that there are two ways of thinking. You can believe that there is more than enough business to go around
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: 4 Secrets to an Effective E-Newsletter by: Brian "Around 65 percent of marketers say they plan to increase their use of email newsletters." Source: Intermarket Group It's no secret that offering value to your customers
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: Setting Financial Goals, The First Step In Turning Your Dreams Into Reality Part II by: Teresa Kaufman I decided to resurrect this article (with some changes due to events that have happened this year) from my website
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: Can't Afford to Retire Until 7 Years After You're Dead? Think Again! by: Lin Schreiber Five Strategies for Having Enough Money for Your Dream Retirement (While You're Still Breathing) Most people think that's all retirement
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: In Leadership, Good Enough Is Pretty Bad by: Brent Filson The first time I meet a leader to decide if we should work together, I invariably ask one question. The answer to that question gives me an idea of whether we'll
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: Buy and Hold: How to Perpetuate Your Investment Losses by: Ulli G. Niemann A recent cartoon in my daily newspaper showed two guys sitting in a bar. One is saying to the other: “I did learn something from my broker...how
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: Ten Fatal Flaws Frequently Found from the Podium by: Sandra Schrift 1. No clear purpose for the presentation. What is the point and focus of the speech? 2. Not starting and stopping on time. Be flexible and be able
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: Top 10 Mistakes Made in Business Plans by: Jan B. King Lenders and investors may see hundreds of business plans in a single day. Make your business plan stand out against the rest, and avoid these common mistakes. 1.
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: Retirement or Financial Freedom? by: Rick Hoogendoorn & Cheri Crause, CFP In the past most people never retired. They died. The average life expectancy was much less than it is these days, and there were no financial planners
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: Working at Home - The One Thing You MUST Know by: Trent Brownrigg You will spend more time, effort, money, and headaches in the beginning of starting a home business than with practically anything else in your life.
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: When is Enough: Enough? by: Tina Rideout Keeping your Business Website Fresh and Unique: Google PR, SE optimization, Keywords, Content, and More Content. That is the beauty of the information hi-way. It is like taking
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: HP Beats Lowered Forecast by: The Large Format Posters Moderator I have been a fervent witness to the growth of your company. I consider your company as the biggest manufacturer of the latest and the most updated printers
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: Choose The Right Bed Wetting Alarms by: Jan Nicholas Moisture detector alarms are among the most effective tools in helping children overcome bedwetting. Unlike many of the devices and tools intended for children with
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: Gardening - Natural Science NOT Rocket Science.. by: Linda Gray Don't force yourself out of the most profitable hobby in the universe because you think it's too hard to learn ...It isn't! Gardening is fast becoming the
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: A Diamond Christmas 2004! by: Keith Thompson When Archduke Maximillian of Austria bestowed a diamond ring on Mary of Burgundy in 1477, giving a diamond as a symbol of love and commitment was birthed. Prior to this only
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: Wife Smarter Than Husband? by: Jonathan Tan Is it safe for a wife to be smarter than her husband? Of course! Men who cannot afford social ornaments sometimes want inferior wives. Why? Often because they harbor a great
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: One Bird the President Didn’t Pardon by: Paul Rinehart Talking turkey The talk around town in November was mostly politics, but after the election, people started talking turkey. The thought of using a self
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: How to Choose Wheelchairs for Kids by: Maricon Williams The child’s mobility and independence are significant factors to consider so it is important to get the right wheelchair. But how do we choose the right wheelchair? Choosing
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: How Many Calories Can I Have and Still Lose Weight by: Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP How to Estimate How Many Calories You Can Have and Still Lose Weight To figure out how many calories you should have, first start with where
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: Warming Up Yes! It Is Essential by: Leonard Rogalski I know what you’re thinking. Warming up is for sissies, and wimps. You wouldn’t be caught dead on a treadmill or exercise bike. You’re here for
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: Top Ten Ways to Get a Good Night's Sleep by: Linda Dessau Sleep – are you getting enough? For some people, enough is four to six hours. Other people just don't feel right with less than eight hours. People need
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: The Most Under-Rated Aspect of Weightloss by: Kim Beardsmore If I were asked, "what is the most difficult thing many people find to do when they start a weight-loss program?", I would have to say right near the top of
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: Is Man's Next Step Like A Can of Potted Meat? by: Dr. Rita Louise Is it the dawning of the Age of Aquarius? For years, predictions have indicated that humanity is readying itself for a golden age, a so called new age
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: The Most Under Rated Aspect of Weight Loss by: Kim Beardsmore If I were asked, "what is the most difficult thing many people find to do when they start a weight-loss program?", I would have to say right near the top of
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: Basic Marketing Dope by: Joy Gendusa Sometimes the simplest data is the best. Marketing is not complex if you know the basics – that’s true with anything by the way. Here are some tools that are brilliantly
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: Top Ten Ways of Why and How to Write your Book's Sales Letter - Part 1 by: Judy Cullins Authors/publishers are great at getting their books written. But after the initial one-year honeymoon, sales slow down. To counter
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: How Nearly Going Broke Taught Me The Value Of Niche Marketing by: André Anthony If you want to learn how effective Niche Marketing can be, I suggest you "don't" take the route I did. Back in 1983 I started a company
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: Lack Of Business Isn't Always The Problem by: C.J. Hayden When you're just starting out in business, it's a safe bet that you need more clients. But what if you have been up and running for a while, and you're still
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: Are Your Clients Buying What You're Selling by: Kimberly Stevens Linda felt like she had reached a plateau in her cleaning business. For the past 3 years, she'd run the same ads in the same publications with the same
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: A Different Perspective On The No-Call List by: Sandi Moses The other day I received an e-mail from an internet marketer who was bemoaning the fact that calling people on the no-call list is now illegal and that puts
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: Gullible's Travels by: Jim Murdoch A journey by a web-footed gull through a sea of sharks. Definitions: Gull - a dupe, a fool; vulnerable to deceive; to trick; to defraud. Shark - voracious marine fish; swindler; rapacious
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: Ten Sure Fire Ways To Lose Bidders by: Steven Woodward When you realize the cost of placing an auction includes everything from auction site fees, cost of electricity, internet access, your time, and other auction management
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: Fear Factor by: Olabisi(DJ) Is it possible for an individual to pass a course of instruction with high marks and remain ineffective? Is it possible that this person never actually learned anything, but merely gathered
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: A Person Of Value by: Sidney Zegna One of the "secrets" in Internet Marketing is knowing that you need to be patient enough to develop the kind of business building savvy that people want. It takes time. Many newcomers
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: Wiki Reek-y Havoc by: Val Halla The Vandals are coming! And this time they're after your wallets. It's a new form of insidious spam and like its inbred email cousin, it's staggeringly stupid. People are vandalizing
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: In The Crook Of My Arms by: Marsha Maung His head is tilted back, mouth slightly open. His breath is slow and steady and his eyes almost all-closed but slightly open. His neck nestles over the crook of my arm and I stare
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: Bullfight Blues by: Kacy Carrr Spain's notorious Bullfight is one of the most famous customs upheld by the Spanish. It draws attention worldwide from people who just love the sport, and also from many others who are agains't
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: Pythons Are Becoming Common Pets by: Lazarus Prabhu The days when people had only dogs or cats as pets are gone. Today, the number of people who have pets that were once considered unorthodox is on the rise. Python is
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: 3-Pointer by Gary Whittaker (Feb 15) by: Gary Whittaker Point 1: Basketball's Mr. 3000 Lakers celebrate Bryant's return with a loss against the next great one. Hopefully Kobe, who was watching King James on the court
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: Putting and My Aching Back! by: Sean Cochran I am guessing that all of us can relate to the title of this article. I am sure you have bent over for that 4 footer (can’t give you that 4 footer, sorry), and felt
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: Who Is The Inner Critic? by: Skye Thomas The inner critic is that voice inside your head that tells you that you aren't good enough, smart enough, talented enough, pretty enough, or strong enough. It nags and natters
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: Be Grateful for Gratitude by: Angie Dixon In Twelve Step meetings, it’s traditional to groan when someone says, “Let’s have a gratitude meeting.†People don’t like to talk or think about
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: How to Get Rid of the "Overwhelm" Monster by: Ana Tampanna If you wear many hats, manage a family and/or a business, it is easy to feel overwhelmed on a regular basis. Too much to do, not enough time, money, or help
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: Prime That Pump! Part 3 by: Rosella Aranda How healthy is your vision of yourself? How does your mental image of yourself stack up against that of, say, some hero of yours? Let’s find out. Take a few seconds
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: Perfectionism – The Dangerous Trap by: Allie Ochs Just when I have something figured out, along comes another how-to-article telling me how to be or do something better or even change my entire life. No matter
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: Adversity Prescription...Inhale Faith Regularly by: Charlene M. Proctor, Ph.D. Being a social scientist, I have been trained to find comfort in numbers, although I am equally dependent upon faith. In research, if we set
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: The Keys to Martial Arts Life Mastery, Key#1: The Power of the Leader Within by: Jeffrey M.Miller "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Remember that question from your younger days? Adults seem almost programmed
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: Why Traditional Goal Setting Doesn't Work by: Arina Nikitina If you have a 0.000.000 in the bank, drive new Lexus, look like a movie star and have a perfect health save yourself some time and do not read this article.
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: Why? The Secret Gateway to Your Life by: Dr. Jamie Fettig There are 2 main reasons why you don't get something in life. You don't know what you want. You don't know why you want it. Most people know what they
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: A New Perspective on Self Esteem by: Eddie Beverage Fortunes have been made by so-called self help gurus on the topic of self esteem. Hundreds of books have been written and countless others touch on the subject in way
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: Are You Making This Marketing Mistake In Your Holistic Business? by: Melissa Quiter As an holistic professional, every day you face the ongoing challenge of adding new clients to your practice. This is your livelihood
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: Does size matter? by: David Leonhardt Bigger is better. Isn't that the American dream? Why buy a road-hogging, critter-squishing, bumper-defying, wall-of-metal SUV when you have the delicious option of buying a BIGGER
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: MORAL ARMOR'S Irrational Parenting, Part IV by: Ronald E Springer Imposing Their Future. In contradiction to parents who try to force children down a certain path, individual purpose must be a product of cognition,
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: The Right Approach by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 9, 2003 I grew up in a happy, loving, stable home. My fiance was not as lucky. He was beaten by his parents and shuttled from relative
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: Hearing and Seeing Your Destiny by: Julie Jordan Scott As a child, I read an autobiography of Annie Sullivan. She was the woman who brought Helen Keller out of her dark and silent world and into a place of understanding
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: Self Care by: Dona Kerr and Dawn Wood What does it mean to practice self care? It’s creating a space and a healthy mind and body to support you in being the best you can be. If your space is filled with chaos,
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: Avoid a Life of Regrets With Your Yes List by: Sopan Greene, M.A. How many times have you told yourself "yes!" today? Not enough I bet. Yes is the most powerful word in the English language. Unfortunately, too many
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: How To Be a Champion in Your Life by: Sopan Greene, M.A. Are you left with inspiration but no action after hearing, reading, and watching stories about other people who are successful? If so, you're not alone. I've got
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: Habits-What I Want for You! by: Miami Phillips Think for a moment about your Self. Is there something that you would like to have, somewhere you would like to go, or something you would like to do? What is holding you
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: The 5 Words That Are Ruining Your Life by: Sopan Greene, M.A. How would you like to stop feeling like your life isn't good enough? (I realize advertisers would go broke if this happened, but it's better for you!) Imagine
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: Habits What I Want For You by: Miami Phillips Think for a moment about your Self. Is there something that you would like to have, somewhere you would like to go, or something you would like to do? What is holding you
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: 4 Powerful Ways To Fire Up Your Motivation by: Michael Lee It's so difficult to go on when everything seems to fail, isn't it? Are there times in your life when you really want to call it "quits" because you just can't
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: Where is the Time and Money? by: Miami Phillips An informal survey (by me) over the last two weeks has revealed an interesting statistic. I asked almost everybody I spoke to (even strangers) if they had enough time. If
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: Them’s The Breaks… Surfing Australia's NSW Central Coast by: Glenn Murray Surfing on the Central Coast is more a lifestyle than a pastime. And with 31 official beaches, it’s no surprise! Buggeries,
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: Create Huge Income From Your Web Site - 10 Easy Ways by: Dennis Becker The cost of setting up a web site is dirt cheap nowadays. You can register a domain for less than .00 as I write this (for .info domains). Hosting
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: Watch Out For Women With Purses! by: Laurie Ayers Many of us have seen the emails that warn women not to park near a van; that your elbow is the strongest part of your body; be aware of your surroundings, etc. These
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: You're Published! Now How Do You Tell The Readers? by: Michael LaRocca The first thing you must do is quit thinking like a writer and start thinking like a reader. That shouldn't be a problem, because you are one. If you
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: Quick Proof Reading Can Lead to a Costly Mistake by: Laura Hickey If you know of anyone writing that likes to hear others experiences from authors, please share this and include the byline. One Isn't Enough When it Comes
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: Yoga Helps Fight Mid-Life Bulge by: Rita Jenkins Yoga practice helps middle-aged people lose weight and keep it off, suggest new studies published in the online journal Alternative Therapies In Health and Medicine. Researchers
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: Menopause and Insomnia by: Cathy Taylor Insomnia is a very common symptom reported by numerous women at the onset of menopause. It is characterized by sleepless nights and often uncomfortable sleep such as tossing and
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: Plant Floribunda Roses For All-Season Blooms by: Ron King This Latin name translates as "many flowered" or "abundance of flowers" and the Floribunda rose surely lives up to its name. These roses are among the most colorful
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: The Magic Three Ingredients for Web Marketing by: Judy Cullins Who doesn't want more web traffic (targeted traffic) to come to your site to eventually buy your product or service? Maybe you are a newbie or non-techie
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: Intelligent Optimism Wins In Today's World by: Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE The reality of today's world seems to leave little room for optimism. Almost every news story can lead because it does bleed. We hear of critical
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: How A "Psychovirus" May Be Destroying Your Life by: Saleem Rana A pervasive sense of low self-esteem, a feeling of unworthiness, is perhaps the most debilitating belief system that you can entertain. If you feel unworthy,
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