Tag: Food
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: Healthy Eating for a Healthy Body by: Cheryl Haining What Goes On Inside? (Your digestive System) Your well-being depends on what you eat, when you eat, how you eat, fluid intake and how well your food is absorbed. We
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: Tips to Achieve Your Optimal Weight Loss and Body Shape by: Cheryl Haining A few simple changes can make all the difference to the long-term health of your body. Here are some tips and suggestions to assist with weight
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: The Most Important Supplement You Can Take For Better Health by: Ryan Cote This article will reveal one easy change you can make that will help better your health... It's absolutely crucial that your body gets the nutrients
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: Fuel Your Body...Don't Feed That Craving! by: Kristina Haisten Go ahead and confess: You’re completely addicted to potato chips. Your determination weakens every time you think about munching into one, hearing
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: Diet and Eczema by: Mel Sinclair Much controversy and argument surrounds the idea that food may play a role in triggering eczema. It has only been in recent years that doctors and health professionals have become aware
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: General Guide to Healthy Ethnic Dining Out by: Dr. John Rumberger The Healthy Way to eat out. The do's and dont's for your next ethnic meal. Covering foods fromm Chinese, French, Mexican, and Greek... Don't leave home
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: Allergy Equals Addiction by: Jane Thurnell-Read Craving particular foods can be a sign of a need for a nutrient that is in the food that is craved. The body is demanding food that contains a particular nutrient. This
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: 24 Good Reasons Why You May Need Vitamin Supplements by: David Exon Many people believe that eating a well balanced diet provides all the vitamins and minerals necessary for good health. In ideal circumstances, this is
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: 7 Excuses For Not Starting Up Your Weight Loss Diet by: Terje Brooks Ellingsen Changing habits is one of the most difficult challanges we human beings are facing. This also applies to changing food habits, and especially
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: Chemicals by: Kristine Peterson Think what it must have been like to live in the days before chemicals, when the earth was clean! The Indians drank pure water and grew pure food and the meat was grass fed and good. Now
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: Healthy Choices For Your Life by: Kristine Peterson How you live your life is truely a self choice. And there are so many choices to make. We are bombarded from every side about what we should do, what we should eat,
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: Are You Controlled By The Urge To Binge? by: Kevin Bauer I gotta confess: I'm completely addicted to crisps. Any kind is fine. Don't mind the flavor - they all taste fine. My resolve weakens every time I think about chomping
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: The Simplest Weight Loss Tips No One Follows by: Will Brink I have a Cheez-It problem. You're not listening, I really have a Cheez-It problem! I have never met a Cheez-It I didn't like.* Some people can't resist chocolate
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: Using Bodybuilding Supplements To Build Muscle Mass! by: Anthony Ellis OK, first let's get something straight here... If you think that buying a shake or taking a few pills will all of a sudden make you huge, then you
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: Weight Loss Plateaus -- 7 Easy Steps to Overcome It by: Tracy Lee Have you ever experienced this scenario before? "I have successfully lost 15 of the 25 pounds that I want to lose, but now I am stuck at the same weight
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: Weight Loss Plateaus -- 7 Easy Steps to Overcome It by: Tracy Lee Have you ever experienced this scenario before? "I have successfully lost 15 of the 25 pounds that I want to lose, but now I am stuck at the same weight
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: Do You Know These Tricks To Help Conquer Food Cravings? by: Tracy Lee Food cravings are crafty -- they appear from nowhere and hit you just when you least expect them, don't they? And the critical thing is that the way
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: The Hidden Connection Between Fast Food And Obesity by: Rajesh Shetty Is there a connection between Fast food and obesity? The answer to the above question is a big yes! Research scientists say that "fast foods increase
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: Glycemic Index, a Magic Weight Loss Solution or a Soap Bubble Ready To Burst? by: Rajesh Shetty Glycemic index ranks different carbohydrate foods depending on their potential to raise blood glucose levels. The ranking
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: Is the new "High-Protein Low-Saturated Fat" Diet The Answer To Weight Loss? by: John Tiniakos The heated debate, within diet circles, that began a few years ago and continues today is over the effectiveness of the high-protein,
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: Dieting Attitude by: Stuart Simpson There are several factors in winning at weight loss. Sometimes the food isn’t the culprit, it’s your attitude. Here’s a list that will help you with your diet
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: Vitamin Supplements – A Pill Is Not Always The Answer by: Marc Lindsay Vitamins are organic compounds that our bodies use, in very small amounts, for a variety of metabolic processes. Taking vitamins 'just in
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: 12 basic tips for healthy nutrition that will increase your chances of growing taller by: Cher Sern Lim Grow Taller Tip 1 Eat at regular hours. Grow Taller Tip 2 Don’t skip any meal Grow Taller Tip 3 Don’t
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: Food Intolerance And Low Carb Diets by: Benji Paras Food intolerance is a pharmacological reaction to the consumption of certain foods. In many cases, food intolerance may appear to be the side-effect of pharmacological
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: Do Your Emotions Control Your Weight? by: Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, PhD, ND, DACBN There are those who eat because they are hungry. However, there are those who eat because, to them, food is like a pacifier. They eat
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: Acne Program - Step 5: Foods to Stop Eating by: Rudy Silva Even though many dermatologist and doctors don't see the connection between your diet, constipation, a toxic colon, and a toxic liver with the acne that you
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: Check Your Colon Transient Time by: Rudy Silva Your colon transient time is the time it takes the food you eat to travel from your mouth through your rectum. A healthy time is 18 to 25 hours. This time relates to how
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: Changing Your Eating Habits by: Rudy Silva Because all of us have been brought up eating junk food, well most of us, it is not easy to change our eating habits. Your eating habits have developed since childhood based
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: Why Diets Fail And Appetites Rule by: Douglas Cromer To understand why diets fail, and why so many are turning to weight loss surgery, we must take a look at what drives the average person. In other words we need to
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: The Case AGAINST Raw Frozen Pet Foods by: Dr Randy Wysong For some 25 years I have alerted the public to the dangers of exclusively feeding heat processed foods. Companion animal feeding has progressed – actually
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: Are All Meals “UNFRUITFUL� by: Chris Read Seek the brief answer? Well, it’s interestingly, YES. Now, you might be thinking, "I have to stick on a program on having MEALS just to keep control of myself."
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: 1-2-3, Weight Loss & Maintenance Has Become So Easy by: Herbal-Medicine.biz Millions of people spend billions of dollars, hoping to achieve the same thing, effective weight management. For years, many people have struggled
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: A Simple Concept on Proper Nutrition by: Mart Gil Since childhood, we are always being reminded about taking vitamins, eating nutritious foods, avoiding junk and fatty foods, drinking enough glasses of water, plus performing
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: Supplements – How To Take Them by: Martin Smith It’s unfortunate but many people have digestive systems that find it hard to break down food and absorb nutrients – this can be caused by poor levels
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: The New Food Pyramid: Another Attempt At Providing Easy Answers by: Dave Saunders The Food Pyramid, first introduced to the US in 1992, just experienced a major overhaul. Why? Perhaps proper education about nutrition
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: MALNOURISHED... While Eating A Full Plate Of Food? by: Warren Matthews This is a concept that you may have difficulty in accepting. Nonetheless it is one that I have been ‘preaching’ for years and has now
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: Why Protein is Crucial For Fat Loss - Part 1 by: Nick Nilsson Protein Is Crucial For Fat Loss! - Part 1 I Didn’t Realize How Important Protein Was For Fat Loss Until I Discovered Something That Blew My Mind...
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: Increasing overall Health with Nutritional Supplements by: Barry Boswell Do you want an improved quality of life with more energy? Do you want to protect yourself from disease while reducing your chances of heart disease?
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: What One Should Know About Allergies by: Dominic Ferrara Allergies affect approximately 60 million Americans, which means one in every five adults or children suffer from them, and are common in men as well as in women.
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: Avoiding High Cholesterol Foods by: Dave Saunders Cholesterol finds its way into our bodies in two main ways. The first is through our liver, which produces differing amounts of cholesterol in different people, and
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: The Word 'Diet'...Confused Yet! by: Gregory Boileau Why is it that you are continually hearing a backlash against diets. It seems every time you turn around there is another person telling you that the diet industry is
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: Healthy Eating Summed Up by: Dr. Jamie Fettig _ Eat food that is: Fresh Pure. _ The benefits of junk food are not worth the hidden price you have to pay. _ Remind yourself "why" you are eating healthy daily _ These
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: It's Not That Bad. The Biggest Lie We Tell Ourselves. by: Dr. Jamie Fettig Some people say to themselves, junk food is not that bad. If you want to believe this than good luck. Remember how important your beliefs are
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: Junk Food Is Not Easier To Eat by: Dr. Jamie Fettig There is something to be said about fast food being more convenient then healthy food that helps you be thin. I will give you that. But wait, how about this. Convenient
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: Diet Food Stinks! by: Dr. Jamie Fettig One big thing that can keep you from eating healthy is the idea of the food. People often think it sucks and doesn’t taste good. That is the best thing of not dieting, the
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: The Real Truth About Supplements by: Dr. Jamie Fettig Not All Supplements are Created Equal. There are more supplements available than I would care to count and keep track of. So what is the biggest difference between
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: Why Should You Take Nutritional Supplements? by: Dan Ho A busy lifestyle leaves little time for planning meals and cooking. It's far too easy to fill up the diet with empty calories in fast and convenience foods. Packaged
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: Healthy Eating Made Simple by: Dr. Jamie Fettig The confusion about eating healthy and dieting will now be cleared up, all in one easy sentence. Are you ready? Everyone is different. What is healthy for one person is
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: 14 Steps To Reducing Your Infant's Reflux by: Roni MacLean It's important to realize that not all babies with reflux will require medication or have difficulties with their reflux. Many infants, usually called happy
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: Chew Your Food by: Dave Saunders I am going to share with you possibly the most important piece of advice you will ever receive about nutrition. This piece of advice is not about supplementation. It is not about what
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: How Many Calories Can I Have and Still Lose Weight by: Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP How to Estimate How Many Calories You Can Have and Still Lose Weight To figure out how many calories you should have, first start with where
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: Pizza, French Fries, Beer and Other Diet Foods... by: Nick Nilsson Now this is the real American Dream! I’m here to let you know that it is totally possible to lose all the fat you want while eating nothing but
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: Healthy Eating Habits by: Dawid Michalczyk Disclaimer: This article represents personal views and should be treated as such. Implementation of any ideas contained herein can only be done at own risk. Original article
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: 15 Tips For Better Eating Habits by: Dianne Villano, CPFI Considering the Bulging Waist Lines of 66% of The Population it is obvious that sticking to a healthy eating plan is a challenge for many people . If your are
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: Navigating Food Labels by: Dianne Villano, CPFI Here are a few tips to help you dissect the food label before your next visit to the supermarket: SERVING SIZE MATTERS Just because the food label lists a certain number
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: Upside-Down World by: Vernon Stent Why are so many more people frightened of aeroplane journeys rather than car journeys? The risk of being injured in a car is far greater than being injured in an aeroplane. I can offer
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: Looking through Terri Schiavo’s Eyes by: RobinRenee Bridges I’m a chaplain, and I thought some of you might be interested in a very different point of view about this. I’m not suggesting that you
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: Does Fat Free Really Mean Free Of Fat? by: Jerry Byler Does fat-free really mean free of fat? Do you know what the words really mean on food labels? In this article, you’ll discover everything you need to know
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: Vitamins for the Recovering Alcoholic by: David Westbrook I have frequently heard alcoholics who are in early recovery remark that, “If this is what recovery is like, I’d rather go back to drinking.â€
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: The Big FAT Lie by: Ray Gebauer Over two thirds of Americans are over weight, and half of them are considered obese. Most of the remaining third of Americans are concerned about becoming overweight! While we are obsessed
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: Weight Loss Diet: Move Past The Four Letter Word by: Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, Ph.D, ND, DACBN D-I-E-T…most people could not think of a more vulgar four-letter word. Diet immediately brings to mind images of
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: Canine Bloat by: Ron Swerdfiger What is Canine Bloat? Bloat refers to the bloating of the stomach. Essentially it is a build up of gas in the stomach which is unable to be released. Bloat with Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus
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: How Music Can Help You Burn More Fat by: Arina Nikitina Browsing one of the Russian websites I have recently found a little article claiming that music can affect our health both improving and worsening it. That sounded
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: The Truth About Low Carb Dieting by: Gary Matthews Every day you walk down the street it is becoming more and more apparent that the average person is becoming larger and this trend has escalated over recent years. Why
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: Giving Up the Diet is the Way to Go by: Gary Matthews If you're thinking of going on a diet to lose those extra pounds think again. Long-term weight control through dieting is near impossible, for the simple reason is
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: Health Alert: You Must React Immediately To Potentially Life-Threatening Allergies by: News Canada (NC)-Does this sound familiar? Your doctor has shown you how to use an auto-injector for adrenaline in the event of
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: Fight Bad Breath : Halitosis by: Jasdeep Singh Ever being kept at an arm's length by your friend? If yes, then there is high possibility that you are suffering from chronic Halitosis. Millions of us suffer from the same.
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: Dietary Recommendations After Gastric Bypass Surgery by: Protica Nutritional Research When obesity gets out of hand, unresponsive to dietary, lifestyle and medical interventions, drastic measures are needed to cut down
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: The Power of Capsulized Foods by: Protica Nutritional Research For most people, the concept of capsulized foodâ„¢ usually conjures up images of space travelers ingesting meals condensed into a compact pill. However,
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: The Versatility of Actinase Protein Complex by: Protica Nutritional Research The ingredients list found on the back or side panel of every commercially available food product - with few exceptions - serves as the consumer’s
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: Fattening Foods: Not So Fattening After All? by: Nathan Latvaitis Have you seen those “fat free†foods in supermarkets? Have you possibly delighted in them guiltlessly thinking that they are healthy for you?
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: Nutrition Tips to Improve Fat Loss by: Rick DeToma Incorporating these fat loss tips will improve your nutrition program. Start off slowly and add one a week, you don't have to adopt all of them at once. Before long,
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: Health Quick Tip: Help Your Child Cope With Food Allergies by: News Canada (NC)-Some children have problems with certain foods, ranging from mild intolerances to life-threatening ana-phylactic shock. Indeed, any food
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: Why Are We Overweight? by: Anna “Overweight? NO MORE!†Why are we overweight? This question has been asked many times and we all have different answers. The most common is because we eat too much, especially
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: Soothing The Itch - Natural Remedies For Itchy Skin by: Ololade Franklin Has your scalp or skin ever been uncomfortably itchy? Do you know someone who has an itchy scalp or itchy skin? Itching can cause extreme misery
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: You Asked: Food Allergies Explained by: News Canada (NC)-Life-threatening allergies (anaphylaxis) may affect more than 600,000 Canadians, a number that has increased dramatically in just one decade. Foods account for
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: Atkins Diet Yes or No by: Loring Windblad As of now, January 2005, more than half of all north Americans are struggling with obesity. The “quick fix†for “fat†for the last 40+ years, becoming
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: Prevention Is Better Than Cure by: Shahana Yasmin How many of us have heard that statement yet do nothing to make it real. We wait to be told that we have some kind of illness or disease before we start looking after
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: Flying Killers by: Kendall Fortune They are not just a nuisance – they can spread serious diseases. They visit the most disgusting places. In the countryside they will seek out animal excrement. In urban areas
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: Microwave Ovens & Healthfulness Of Microwaved Food by: Debra Lynn Dadd Microwave ovens do have benefits. They are certainly convenient. They are more energy-efficient than other cooking methods. But are they safe? And
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: What A 6-Month Old Can Teach Us About Our Eating Habits by: Melanie R. Jordan Recently, I had the pleasure of seeing my 6-month old niece Rianna in Las Vegas. She has just started eating "real" baby food beyond the formula
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: Who Ever Said Low Carb Diets Meant No-Carb? by: S.A. Smith A little information if often a dangerous thing... and many people trying low carb diets failed miserably in the long-run because they took the concept to its
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: Creating Metabolic Efficiency: The Three Internal Metabolic Thermostats by: Phil Goglia Metabolic efficiency is governed by three internal thermostats: (1) the metabolic thermostat, which uses calories as heat energy
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: How to Stay on Top of Your Nutrition When Visiting the Folks by: Phil Goglia Don’t You Wish You Were Home Alone? How to Stay on Top of Your Nutrition When Visiting the Folks Let’s face it—most of
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: Fitness Tips On How To Avoid Gaining Weight During The Holiday Season by: Lynn Bode This holiday season don’t be trendy – avoid the Seasonal Seven (the average weight most Americans gain between Thanksgiving
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: Food, Anxiety and Depression by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. In our current society, there are many factors that can cause or contribute to anxiety and depression. Certainly money and work problems, relationship and family issues,
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: Revealed! The Secrets of Mangosteen by: Barry Dench Do you spend at least some time in your day thinking about your health or that of a loved one? Do you also find the subject is frustrating, mainly because there is a
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: How to Wean Your Kid from the Junk Food Joneses by: Phil Goglia I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “Keeping up with the Joneses.†It used to mean creating a life-style that had quality, pizzazz,
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: You Can Avoid Sinusitis! by: Carla Ballatan Imagine yourself not being able to appreciate the beauty of a new day…and being cranky enough not to get on well with your workmates’ good-natured conversations…or
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: No Fuss Weight-Loss by: Sheri Graber To lose weight and keep it off you need an easy to follow no fuss plan. You need a plan that is simple and sensible. You need a plan that you can use everyday to get slim and healthy. You
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: How Do I Gain Weight? by: JP Clifford Try asking people how to gain weight and you'll likely see some bewildered faces staring back at you. For the majority of people, hearing that question is akin to hearing the questions,
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: The South Beach Diet by: Helen Laxton Created by respected cardiologist Dr Arthur Agatston, the South Beach Diet is generally regarded as both effective and safe. Unlike most 'fad' diets, the South Beach Diet aims to
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: Mistaking Hunger by: Caryl Ehrlich You are not hungry most of the time. You are not always hungry when something smells good, looks good, or tastes good, whether or not you think you are. All food is prepared to tempt
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: Weight Loss Hypnosis by: Paul Gustafson RN BSN CH Obesity is a national epidemic. 58 million Americans are overweight and 80% are more than 25 lbs overweight. 70% of heart disease and 80% of all type II diabetes is directly
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: Make Food Your Friend by: Jane Kriese The food you choose to eat, can be your answer to a healthy vibrant body or it can be the cause of your sick body. The fact is we need good nutrition for good health. Good nutrition
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: The Best Diet for your Body Type in 5 easy steps by: Helen Laxton Common sense (not to mention professional medical opinon!) suggests that a 'balanced' diet is best for almost everyone. By 'balanced', we mean that you
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: Are You Cheating Yourself When You Eat? by: Jennifer Clare How many times have you eaten something while on the run and barely remembered it afterwards? Have you ever wolfed something down quickly in your car? Or nibbled
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: Top Five Ways To Lose Weight Fast by: Jed Turner Losing weight is not about achieving the hour glass figure or the perfectly sculpted and toned body. It is more about staying fit and remaining healthy to ensure a long,
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: Pet Food - What’s Wrong with a Commercial Diet? by: Grant Segall Commercial dog food has only been around since the 1930s when cereal companies were trying to find something to do with their rejected grain their
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: An Introduction to Irritable Bowel Syndrome by: Sophie Lee Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a very common condition, but in some ways it is still a mystery. There are many different theories about what causes the syndrome,
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