Tag: Foods
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: Weight Loss in Children by: Cass Hope What is “too young†to begin a weight loss program with children? Is there actually such a thing? There are many different opinions on the topic of child obesity but
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: MALNOURISHED... While Eating A Full Plate Of Food? by: Warren Matthews This is a concept that you may have difficulty in accepting. Nonetheless it is one that I have been ‘preaching’ for years and has now
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: The Code Of Life by: Jason Elkins What if there was a solution to protecting and restoring your health. What if you could turn back the clock and return to when you were healthy. You wonder why we have such horrific health
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: Avoiding High Cholesterol Foods by: Dave Saunders Cholesterol finds its way into our bodies in two main ways. The first is through our liver, which produces differing amounts of cholesterol in different people, and
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: Eat Fiber and Avoid Constipation by: Rudy Silva To have regular bowel movements and escape constipation you need to eat more fiber. Fiber from raw vegetable and fruits is better for you than fiber from grains. Why? Raw
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: Why Should You Take Nutritional Supplements? by: Dan Ho A busy lifestyle leaves little time for planning meals and cooking. It's far too easy to fill up the diet with empty calories in fast and convenience foods. Packaged
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: 14 Steps To Reducing Your Infant's Reflux by: Roni MacLean It's important to realize that not all babies with reflux will require medication or have difficulties with their reflux. Many infants, usually called happy
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: How to Have Great Sex - Nutrition and Foods That Create Passion! by: Nick A. James Is the thrill gone? Has the thrill gone out of your love life and sex. Do you just spend boring evening after boring evening together
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: Mediterranean Diet Information by: Anita Cherry Mediterranean diet is basically the dietary traditions followed by the people of Greece, Spain and southern Italy who live around the Mediterranean Sea. It has been studied
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: Sore Throat - Home Remedy Relief by: M.Leonard Alexander Sore throat is nothing but infection in throat causing discomfort during speech and swallowing. The main causes for a sore throat are Pollution in air or water,
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: Startling New Evidence: You Can Slow the Aging Process, Scientists Say by: David L. Kern Six years ago, government scientists made what may be the most important announcement of your lifetime. Did you get the memo? What
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: Learn the Basics of a Successful Low Cholesterol Diet by: Claire Bowes If you've just found out that you have high cholesterol and need to go on a low cholesterol diet, then here is an outline on what you should and should
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: Pizza, French Fries, Beer and Other Diet Foods... by: Nick Nilsson Now this is the real American Dream! I’m here to let you know that it is totally possible to lose all the fat you want while eating nothing but
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: Healthy Eating Habits by: Dawid Michalczyk Disclaimer: This article represents personal views and should be treated as such. Implementation of any ideas contained herein can only be done at own risk. Original article
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: Splash Your Acne Supplement Expenses with Food by: Naweko San-Joyz Twenty-one year old Lydia Garcia faces an imminent dilemma- poverty or acne. Lydia religiously uses three herbs to keep her skin clear and she’s
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: Fat Burning Compatible Foods by: Gary Gresham Fat burning compatible foods seem to be a popular topic around the gym these days. We also hear a lot about negative calorie foods which are considered a part of fat burning
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: Fight Osteoporosis By Eating Foods With Vitamin K by: Lee Dobbins We don’t hear about Vitamin K too often, but it is vital for good bone density as well as proper clotting of the blood. This is a fat soluble vitamin
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: Natural Cure for Flatulence (Wind) by: Stu Collins Why does it always happen in a crowded elevator? That's what I'd like to know. Or even worse, you are out with a potential new boyfriend or girlfriend, and you really
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: 15 Tips For Better Eating Habits by: Dianne Villano, CPFI Considering the Bulging Waist Lines of 66% of The Population it is obvious that sticking to a healthy eating plan is a challenge for many people . If your are
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: Dietary Guidelines Show Need For Supplements by: Loren Baker The 2005 Dietary Guidelines emphasize getting all of your nutrients from conventional foods, if possible, but also flag the need for some supplemental nutrients."The
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: The Atkins Diet - Separating Fact From Fiction by: Nick Nilsson Have you ever wished for a diet where you ate bacon, eggs, red meat, butter and sausage all day? Surprise! It’s not the Atkins Diet. The Atkins
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: An Introduction to Detox Diets by: Ryan S. Bombard Detoxifying the body has become an apparent key preventetive measure to all kind's of health problems. Since most of us are busy, and unable or unwilling to maintain
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: Does Fat Free Really Mean Free Of Fat? by: Jerry Byler Does fat-free really mean free of fat? Do you know what the words really mean on food labels? In this article, you’ll discover everything you need to know
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: The Big FAT Lie by: Ray Gebauer Over two thirds of Americans are over weight, and half of them are considered obese. Most of the remaining third of Americans are concerned about becoming overweight! While we are obsessed
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: The Truth About Low Carb Dieting by: Gary Matthews Every day you walk down the street it is becoming more and more apparent that the average person is becoming larger and this trend has escalated over recent years. Why
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: How to Substitute Fat in Your Everyday Diet. by: Gary Matthews Fat is a nutrient that is a contributor to the increasing problem of obesity in the world today. It’s stored in the fat cells of the body. The number
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: Giving Up the Diet is the Way to Go by: Gary Matthews If you're thinking of going on a diet to lose those extra pounds think again. Long-term weight control through dieting is near impossible, for the simple reason is
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: Protein: Common or Missing Link? by: Protica Nutritional Research Most of us equate the word diet with calorie reduction. This is understandable, since most diet marketing is relentlessly focused on offering consumers
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: The Power of Capsulized Foods by: Protica Nutritional Research For most people, the concept of capsulized foodâ„¢ usually conjures up images of space travelers ingesting meals condensed into a compact pill. However,
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: Are Herbal Remedies Safe by: Loring Windblad “Natural†does not necessarily mean “Pureâ€. “Herbal based†does not necessarily mean it is 100 percent herbal in makeup. “Organicâ€
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: Weight Loss Diets with Negative Calorie Foods by: P. Mehta Negative calorie foods are said to use more calories to digest than the calorie content of the foods themselves, resulting in a negative calorie balance. It is
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: Fat Burning Foods by: www.NegativeCalorieFoods.com Are there any foods that burn body fat? If yes, how is it possible? It should be possible to lose weight by simply eating such foods. What are these foods? The fat burning
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: Speed up Metabolism by: www.NegativeCalorieFoods.com Metabolism is essentially the speed at which our body's motor is running. The speed at which our body burns calories is called the metabolic rate. It's how fast your
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: Who Ever Said Low Carb Diets Meant No-Carb? by: S.A. Smith A little information if often a dangerous thing... and many people trying low carb diets failed miserably in the long-run because they took the concept to its
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: How to Stay on Top of Your Nutrition When Visiting the Folks by: Phil Goglia Don’t You Wish You Were Home Alone? How to Stay on Top of Your Nutrition When Visiting the Folks Let’s face it—most of
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: Nutrition for a Healthy Lifestyle by: Dr. Jeff Hand Proper nutrition is an area of confusion for most people. With all of the conflicting information in the media and all of the fad diets out there, it is hard to know
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: Secrets to Healthy Weight Gain by: Beverley Brooke There is so much emphasis on weight loss in todays culture that it is easy for people to forget that many out there are actually people out there trying to gain weight,
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: How to Wean Your Kid from the Junk Food Joneses by: Phil Goglia I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “Keeping up with the Joneses.†It used to mean creating a life-style that had quality, pizzazz,
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: Create Your Own Effective Acne Treatment by: Naweko San-Joyz Since 1982 Accutane has been a reliable, if not controversial, drug for treating severe acne. Now with FDA representative David J. Graham’s statement
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: No Fuss Weight-Loss by: Sheri Graber To lose weight and keep it off you need an easy to follow no fuss plan. You need a plan that is simple and sensible. You need a plan that you can use everyday to get slim and healthy. You
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: Make Food Your Friend by: Jane Kriese The food you choose to eat, can be your answer to a healthy vibrant body or it can be the cause of your sick body. The fact is we need good nutrition for good health. Good nutrition
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: South Beach Diet Overview by: Beverley Brooke Developed by Dr. Arthur Agatston, The South Beach Diet touts itself as teaching dieters to eat the right carbs and the right fats. The diet has three phases. In the first
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: What Exactly Is Good Nutrition? by: Beverley Brooke Secretly we all want just a few things in life, none the least of which is to live a life that is healthy and energetic. One way to accomplish this is to eat a well
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: Pet Food - What’s Wrong with a Commercial Diet? by: Grant Segall Commercial dog food has only been around since the 1930s when cereal companies were trying to find something to do with their rejected grain their
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: Winning at Post-Natal Weight Loss: Six Simple Strategies for New Moms — Part 1 by: Susan Peach A healthy pregnancy almost always involves weight gain. But now that baby’s here, you’re probably wishing
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: Battling Childhood Obesity through Smart Eating by: Protica Nutritional Research Finally, a positive solution regarding America’s difficult and costly campaign to stem childhood obesity is emerging. For the thousands
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: The Glycemic Index and Dieting by: Protica Nutritional Research The field of nutrition is awash with charts, tables, diagrams, models, acronyms, and abbreviations; more than the average person can memorize. As such,
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: Understanding Amino Acids and their Importance in Diet by: Protica Nutritional Research The importance of protein in a healthy diet is well known to nutritional scientists, and widely understood by the general population.
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: Redeeming Unsaturated Fat by: Protica Nutritional Research The most dreaded word in many dieter’s vocabulary is ‘fat’. It is not uncommon to hear a dieter discuss their avoidance of eating fat as
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: Intelligent Weight Loss is as Simple as 1, 2, 3 by: HSF Vitamins "Forget the complex diets, weight loss is about intelligent and committed effort." Focus your meals around lean sources of protein such as: white chicken
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: 5 Great Ways to Burn More Fat Today! by: HSF Vitamins "If you're trying to lose weight, give these 5 techniques a try. You'll melt off the pounds and feel great to boot." Do not eat poor quality carbohydrates before
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: The Five Keys to Healthy Eating by: Jeremy Likness Healthy eating is about more than calories or following the latest dietary fad. Trends come and go. Healthy bodies have been around for thousands of years, before there
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: The Health effects of being Over Weight by: Paul Marsland Both men and women around the world are becoming fatter and it's partly because of our modern lifestyle, too much fatty food and too little exercise. Some people
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: Juice Sensibility by: Gabriel Foster Apart from eating many of the wonderful vegetables and fruits that inhabit our planet, drinking them is equally nourishing and satisfying. Juicing vegetables and fruits can also create
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: Menopause Relief by: Cathy Taylor Menopause relief is possible through self care. Western doctors treat women in menopause like they have a disease. In truth, menopause is a transitional imbalance, a change that can be
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: Turning an Addictive Snack into a Complete Meal by: Protica Nutritional Research The proliferation of fast food restaurants, convenience stores, and vending machines in virtually every corner of residential America has
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: Capsulized Food: The Next Step in Food Evolution by: Protica Nutritional Research Anyone who has spent a day fasting from food, or who has even skipped a meal, knows just how much time we save when we are not provisioning
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: You Are What You Eat - Genetically Modified Food by: Patty Apostolides Whenever we sit down to eat, we assume that the foods we consume are good for us, like milk, vegetables, fruits, and grains. Well, think again. In the
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: Another Dangerous Drug – when will it end? by: Lee Cummings “Risks found with another pain killer†– This is the headline of an article from the New York Times. Surprise! Once again another
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: Good Food/Bad Food What's Left to Eat? by: Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP What's Good Today is Bad Tomorrow: What Can I Eat? We've entered the Twilight Zone when it comes to the multitude of diets being promoted today. Starting
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: Supplements and Glyconutritionals? by: Theryssa Gossman Why Do We Need Food Supplements and Glyconutritionals? Food is one of our most basic needs. However, in our modern society fresh food is a thing of the past. The
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: The Effects of Diet on Infertiltiy by: Dr. Mike Berkley Overwhelmed by studies, research and the constantly changing diet, nutrition and food recommendations? With so many conflicting opinions and studies it's a full
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: Don't Let Foodborne Illness Spoil Your Summer Fun by: News Canada (NC)-With the warm days of summer upon us, most of us are eager to spend time outside barbequing and picnicking with family and friends. Although outdoor
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: Gift of Health by: Jeanne Perciaccanto People want to get the very best they can when purchasing anything. They research all of the alternatives and select what they feel is the best suited for their needs whether a
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: Proven Strategies to Effectively Burn Fat Out Of Your Body! Part 1 by: Trevor ADHEEN It is much safer to your long term health to reduce weight by natural means rather than taking medication that poses a series of health
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: Celebrating Diwali Stir Fry Sauces For Fast And Festive Foods by: News Canada (NC)—Diwali, the five-day fall 'Festival of Lights', begins on October 25 and Canada's Hindu communities will celebrate in the traditional
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: Come Home To Comfort Food by: News Canada (NC)—As the weather begins to get cooler, familiar and inviting comfort foods can lift our spirits and bring warmth to our beings. Soothing, soul-satisfying comfort foods
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: Aphrodisiac Dinner Date by: Advice Diva Dinner dates with new companions can make or break a budding romance. First dates can be nerve racking. Planning the date can be particularly difficult. Where should you go,
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: Eat Well On a Budget by: Barb Keck Shopping on a Shoestring Eating properly for health on a limited budget is always a challenge. One of the biggest money gobbling culprits is ready made processed and packaged foods
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: The GI Diet Explained by: Mavis Barton The latest 'hot' diet to hit the market is the 'GI Diet' or 'Glycaemic Index' diet. Used by stars such as Kylie Minogue and Helen Porter, the GI Diet was invented in 1981 by Dr David
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: The Dr. Phil Diet Explained by: Helen Laxton Dr. Phil McGraw once published a book entitled "The Ultimate Weight Solution: Seven Keys to Weight Loss Freedom" in which he introduced the world to his new diet, the "Shape
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: To Be Or Not To Be… Healthy? The Choice Is Yours by: News Canada (NC)-Your doctor utters those dreaded words; you must lower your cholesterol or face the possibility of heart disease. You think you will have to
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: Gourmet Foods For Every Occasion by: Duane Smith Enjoying fine food is definitely one of the pleasures of life. There is so much fast food and bland tasting dishes today because of the lack of time to really prepare food
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: George Foreman Grill Producer vs. George Foreman Foods Inc. by: Laura Ciocan Salton, Inc., the producer of George Foreman Grill filed a complaint against George Foreman Foods Inc. regarding the use of the domain name
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: How to Change Your Conditioned Responses to Certain Foods by: Caryl Ehrlich When trying to lose weight, there are certain foods that each person is more attracted to than other foods. Some find the morning cup of coffee
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: Chosing Organic for Health by: Marjorie Geiser, RD We come from a society where growing organic and just growing produce and livestock for food was once one and the same. Small, family farms still grow their own food
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: The Harmony between Wine and Food by: Dan Philipe Wine is a social drink which should be enjoyed in the company of friends and .. food. The right combination between food and wine is a source of ultimate bliss for every
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: A Note To Food Manufacturers... by: D. S. Epperson Food manufacturing in the US has always been about convenience, product availability, taste and price. The more society ventured away from the family garden and kitchen,
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: Hybrid Sweeteners in Todays Health Market by: D.S. Epperson What is the advantage of these new half sugar and half synthetic baking sugars that are on the market? These drink products made with ½ the sugar carbs and
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: Functional Foods Are Becoming More Popular by: D. S. Epperson Established in 1989 by Stephen DeFelice, "Foundation for Innovation in Medicine" defined "Nutraceutical", as a food, dietary suppplement, or medical food that
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: Functional Foods: What They Are And How They Work by: D. S. Epperson In the brain, a typical protein can live for approximately ten days. The thoughts, feelings and memories of a human being are made up of what was in
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: Eat More Leafy Greens To Reduce Pms Symptoms by: News Canada (NC)-Eating foods that are high in sugar and saturated fats, along with too much caffeine and alcohol can trigger premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in many women.
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: Perfect Picnics - Frugal Food Safety Tips by: Cyndi Roberts Summer is finally here and for a lot of us that means heading out to the lake or to the park for a picnic with friends or family. Unfortunately, if we're not
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: Bacteria and Food-borne Diseases by: Richard Massey Types of Bacteria Bacteria are all around us, in the air, water, ground, on our skin and in our bodies. They are classified in a variety of ways, but for our purpose
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: 10 Simple Ways To Safely Store Food by: Terry Nicholls Storing foods can present its own set of problems. And different types of foods have different storage requirements to prevent bacteria from setting in. Here's some
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: 10 Wide Open Tips For Food Safety In The Great Outdoors by: Terry Nicholls Hiking, camping, and boating are good activities for active people and families. However, if the food isn't handled correctly, food-borne illness
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: 10 Deadly Bacteria That Can Get In Your Food (And How To Stop Them From Getting There) by: Terry Nicholls Thousands of types of bacteria are naturally present in our environment. Not all bacteria cause disease in humans
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: 10 Easy Ways To Protect Your Family From Food Poisoning by: Terry Nicholls Do you realize the many ways that bacteria can contaminate the food YOUR FAMILY eats? Do you know how to tell if your food is THOROUGHLY cooked
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: Pleasures of Soup by: Merrie Schonbach Often our diets change during the cold weather. More hot foods then cold sandwiches grace the dinner table. Our schedules do not slow down so we seek out hardy, quick to prepare
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: A PEARfectly Fun Snack For Kids by: News Canada (NC)—Looking for ways to incorporate healthy foods into your kid's snacks that they will actually want to eat? Sweet and juicy fresh pears are a versatile and yummy
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: Convenient Foods Are Changing The Way We Cook by: News Canada (NC)—Convenient foods, a rapidly-growing grocery store segment, take the rush out of meal time preparation and make it easy for family members to help
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: Food is Our Oldest Conversation: by: Phil Goglia Food is our oldest conversation and our most emotional one. Being nourished at our mother’s breast is our first activity after birth. As our lives unfold, we come
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: Do You Know What's Really In Your Pets Food? by: Dawn Jenness The pet food industry, a billion-dollar, unregulated operation, feeds on the garbage that otherwise would wind up in landfills or be transformed into fertilizer.
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: How to Make Your Own Baby Food and Save a Fortune! by: Meredith Edwards-Cornwall Baby in a highchair, mom in front with a small spoon and a jar of baby food. It looks like something right out of a parenting magazine, and
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